Too old, too poor, too dangerous

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'Remus!' said tonks, relieved, 'how are you feeling?'
'I'm fine...,' said Remus, 'you should have left shouldn't have helped...'
'Don't be silly!' Said Tonks, 'I wouldn't just leave you to drown.'
Remus smiled softly.
'Did you get Harry here safely?'
'Yes,' she nodded, 'dinner will be very soon. Do you feel well enough to go downstairs or do you want me to bring you your supper?'
'I can come downstairs...' he smiled.
'Great. Well we should go then...' said tonks.

Remus P.O.V.

Remus smiled and got up, stretching and followed Tonks downstairs. Everyone else was already sitting at the dinner table. He saw Harry smile, relieved, at him and he smiled and sat down with Tonks sitting down next to him.

After supper Remus got up and went outside and sat on a bench in the park. There had been a conversation during dinner in which Harry had wanted to find out what had been going on. Sirius had wanted to tell him about the weapon that Voldemort was after but Molly had stopped him because Harry was just a boy. Remus sighed. He felt sorry for Harry. He had been kept in the dark all summer when he was the one who had told everyone about Voldemort's return in the first place. And to make matters worse, most of the wizarding world didn't seem to believe him and thought him a liar.

His thoughts were interrupted when Tonks came outside and sat next to him. Remus noticed that she seemed slightly nervous.
'Can I talk to you for a moment please Remus?'
He nodded.
'What do you want to talk about?' He asked, curiously.
She took a deep breath and spoke.
'I've been thinking, Remus...and I like you...more than a friend...I understand if you don't feel the same way...I just wanted to get it off my chest...'
Remus stared at her in shock. How could someone like her like him?
'I understand...' She said and looked down.
Without thinking, Remus pulled her towards him and kissed her softly. Tonks kissed back. It felt amazing to be kissing the girl he loved but then he realised something. He had done something wrong. He didn't deserve someone like her. He was dangerous. He could hurt her. He broke the kiss and looked away sadly.
'What...What's wrong Remus...?' Asked Tonks, 'Did I do something wrong?'
Remus took her hand.
'You did nothing wrong Tonks...but you deserve someone better than me...'
Tonks stared at him, surprised.
'What do you mean...?'
'I'm too dangerous...too poor, too old...' Remus murmured, getting up from the bench.
'I don't care!' Said Tonks, grabbing his arm. 'I don't care about any of that! I love you!'
'Well I do...' He said, his voice breaking, 'like I deserve better.'
Remus slowly started walking away from the bench.
'I'm sorry Tonks...I love you...' And with that, he walked away and disapparated, leaving Tonks alone on the park bench.

Tonks's P.O.V.

It had started raining. Tonks stared at the place Remus had been moments before, her eyes filling with tears. She didn't care about any of those things that Remus had said about himself. He was just as deserving of love as anyone else. Shakily, she got up and went back inside 12 Grimmauld place. She went to her room and sat on the bed, shaking. She looked in the mirror and saw that her hair had turned to a mousy brown colour. She looked away from her reflection, her eyes filling with even more tears. She didn't notice Sirius come in and sit next to her until she felt his hand on her shoulder.
'What's wrong tonks?' He asked, his voice full of concern.
'It's Remus...He left...'
'He...left? Why? Where did he go?' said Sirius, his eyes widening.
Tonks told him everything that had happened. Strangely enough, Sirius didn't seem surprised.
'I thought that you two liked each other...' he said, 'that's just like Remus...He wouldn't want to get too close to anyone in case he hurt them...That's what he was like at school as well...'
'Do you think he'll come back...? Asked Tonks, worried.'
'I'm sure he will. He's still in the order isn't he. When he does I'll talk some sense into him. I promise.'
He stood up, smiling sadly at Tonks and then left the room.

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