Fenrir Greyback

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It was the christmas holidays and it was a few days after the attack on poor Arthur Weasley. Remus was sitting in the living room with Tonks when he realised something.
'Dora...It was nearly you who was attacked by that snake...Remember Arthur offered to do your post instead of you...' He said in a scared voice.
'It should have been me...' said Tonks sadly.
'No it shouldn't!' He said, wrapping his arms around her. 'I'm not saying i'm glad Arthur weasley was attacked but i'm happy it wasn't you...'
Tonks snuggled up to him on the sofa
'Thank you Remus...' She whispered.
Suddenly, Moody came into the room.
'Order meeting you two,' he growled, 'quick, this is important.'
Remus and Tonks shrugged at each other and got up and followed Moody into the dining room and sat down next to each other.
Moody looked at them.
'Remus and Nymphadora, I've got a job for you two.'
Tonks shuddered at the use of her first name. Remus looked curiously at him.
'What's the job?'
'You will be hunting down Fenrir Greyback,' he said.
Remus's grip on his chair tightened. He was going to be hunting down the person who had given his curse. As much as he wanted to get revenge on Greyback, he couldn't help feeling a little scared. He knew Greyback was dangerous and powerful. He was not much of a match against him. Ignoring these feelings however, he nodded. He saw Tonks look worried at him out of the corner of his eye and squeezed her hand.

Tonks's P.O.V.

When the order meeting was finished, she and Remus went up to their room to prepare for the mission that evening. She was worried. She knew that they weren't any match for Greyback and knew that Greyback hated Remus because of his father. She was worried that Remus would get badly hurt...Or worse, killed...
'Are you ok Remus...?' She asked.
Remus had been very quiet throughout the rest of the order meeting, and for good reason. He must be nervous for the mission that evening. Remus looked at her and smiled.
'I'm fine,' he said softly. 'Are you?'
'I'm ok,' she said back. 'Just slightly worried about the mission...I know Greyback is really powerful...'
Remus walked over to her and pulled her close to him. She could feel his breath on her cheeks and she smiled softly.
'It'll be ok.' Said Remus quietly and kissed her. She kissed back and they broke apart after 5 minutes and stared into each other's eyes.
'We should be going now then...It's time for the mission,' said Remus.
They held hands and walked outside and went to the forest that they had been thinking of searching.
'Lumos' whispered Tonks and her wand tip lit up, illuminating the path ahead of them.
Remus did the same.
'He should be somewhere around here...' muttered Remus.
They searched for twenty minutes and just when they were about to go to search a different place, a voice spoke from the shadows.
'Well, well, well. Look what we have here.'
Remus spun around.
'Show yourself!' He said, trying to hide his nerves.
'Very well,' said the voice and Fenrir Greyback stepped out from the shadows.
'There you are!' Growled Remus.
Greyback looked hungrily at Tonks.
'Oh look, fresh meat.' He said, sneering.
Remus pulled Tonks behind her.
'Don't touch her!' He shouted.
'How touching,' Fenrir Greyback laughed. 'Very well then. I'll start with you!'
He walked slowly towards Remus and Remus pulled out his wand and shot several spells at Greyback, who blocked them easily and laughed.
'Is that all you got Lupin?' he smirked.
Behind Remus, Tonks raised her wand. Greyback ran forwards and grabbed Remus and threw him against a tree. Remus fell to the floor with a thud and groaned in pain and was dazed for a moment.
'Remus!' Shouted Tonks and ran towards him and kneeled down beside him, 'are you ok?'
Remus looked up at her and said, in a weak voice,
'I'm fine.'
He looked up at the sky and went pale. Tonks looked at where he was looking and gasped. The full moon was just emerging from behind some clouds.
'Dora...Get out of here!' Shouted Remus, 'It's dangerous. Just go!'
'I'm not leaving you with this monster, ' she said.
'Please Dora...just go...I don't want you to get hurt...'
'It's too late for that,' said Greyback smirking and he ran towards Tonks.
He raised his claws to attack her but Remus pushed her away, standing up and leaning against the tree.
'Leave her out of this!' He snarled, glaring at Greyback.
Greyback laughed evilly and scratched Remus in the side, drawing blood. Remus gasped in pain but kept standing. Greyback proceeded to bite Remus in the shoulder. This time, Remus fell to the ground, blood pouring out of his shoulder.
'No!' Screamed Tonks.
She ran forward but Greyback threw her against a tree, knocking all of the breath out of her and kept biting and scratching Remus. Remus was now lying in a pool of his own blood, barely conscious. He looked at Tonks and motioned for her to get out of there but she wouldn't move. She wasn't going to leave him to die. She got up, with tears in her eyes and began to run towards him. Then Remus began to transform. He was now in his werewolf form, making him stronger. Now, without any control over what he could do, he got up and moved towards Tonks, raising his hand to scratch her. Tonks stumbled backwards and went to hide behind a tree. She didn't want to leave him but was no use to him dead. She saw Remus lose sight of her and go to another place in the forest. She sat down by the tree and cried. She wasn't sure if he would make it this night. She wanted to help him but she knew she couldn't. She put her head in her lap and knew she would just have to wait until morning. After a while, sleep overcame her and she drifted off into darkness.

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus limped through the woods in his werewolf form. Fenrir Greyback, who could control his actions, ran up to him and kept biting and scratching him in every part of his body. Remus was too weak to fight back and he fell to the floor with a thud. He howled in pain and then fell silent. His eyes began to close and then everything went black...

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