Killed by snatchers

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Remus's P.O.V.

The following morning, Remus woke up on the sofa to Tonks's tear stained face. His head was resting on her lap. He put his hand on her cheek and wiped away her tears.
'Dora...' he whispered.
He felt really cold and his neck hurt from where the dementor had choked him. 
'Remus...' she said, relieved.
She wrapped her arms around him. He hugged back and buried his face in her neck. He couldn't believe he was safe. He thought for sure he was done for when the dementor clamped its horrible mouth around his.
'How...?' He croaked. 'How did we get away?'
'I...I managed to get free from that death eater's grip just after you passed out and I produced a patronus and it charged away the dementors...I was so angry at the death eaters that it helped me defeat them. Then I ran to you and tried to wake you up but you wouldn't so disapparated here...' 
He held her close. 'Thank you for saving me...' He whispered. 'I thought I was done for...' 
'I couldn't just let you get kissed, could I?' she said, smiling slightly.
Remus chuckled, weakly and rubbed his neck in pain.
'How...How are you feeling?' Asked Tonks, worried. 
'I feel really c...cold...and my neck hurts really badly from when the dementor choked me...' He croaked.
Tonks put her hand on his cheek and he leaned into her touch. 
' are really cold...and you have marks on your neck...'
He held her hand and squeezed it weakly. He closed his eyes again. It was too painful to keep them open. He moaned in pain. He felt himself begin to pass out again. The last thing he heard was Tonks whispering his name before he drifted off into darkness.

Tonks's P.O.V.

'Remus...' she whispered as his eyes closed.
She felt his hand go limp again and his head lolled to the side. She looked sadly at him. She picked him up and decided to carry him up to their room. She put him on the bed and got in next to him. She lay down and wrapped her arms around his weak body, trying to warm him up. She put her hands on the red marks on his neck and gently massaged them. That evening, she saw his eyes flicker open again and smiled softly.
'Feeling better, Remus?' She asked, gently.
'A bit...' he whispered. 'Thank you...'
'Do you want some chocolate? I know it helps.'
'Yes please...' he said, smiling slightly.
She got up and went and fetched some chocolate from downstairs and ran back up with it. She gave it to him and he took it with slightly shaking hands and ate it. The colour began to return to his face.
'Did that help?' She asked.
'A lot.' he said, smiling and he pulled her towards him and kissed her.
She kissed back and he wrapped his arms around her. She broke the kiss and buried her face in his neck. Remus combed his fingers through her hair. Tonks was so relieved he was ok. She had been so scared when the dementor had clamped it's mouth on his. She shivered.
'Are you ok?' Asked Remus.
'I'm fine...I'm just thinking about what happened yesterday...I saw your weak body slump to the ground when my patronus charged the dementors away and I...I just couldn't...'
'Hey...' whispered Remus, hugging her tight. 'I'm ok now...And it's all thanks to you...'
She smiled softly. 'Thanks for the comfort Remus...'
'Any time...' he whispered.
She yawned.
'Tired?' He said, grinning.
'Yeah...' she said and rested her head on his chest. 
He ran his hand through her hair. 'Get some rest Dora...' He whispered.
She smiled and closed her eyes. 'Goodnight Remus...' 
'Goodnight Dora...'
After listening to Remus's steady heartbeat for a few minutes, she fell asleep.

Several months had passed. Ted had gone on the run two months ago and Tonks was 8 months into her pregnancy. Remus and Tonks were sitting in the living room in the evening, listening to potterwatch. They got to the bit where deaths were revealed. They listened carefully, hoping desperately that no one they knew was dead. 
'Today, we mourn the loss of Ted Tonks, who was killed by snatchers yesterday evening...'
Tonks turned off the radio and went pale. No...He couldn't be dead...Not her dad...Not the person who had raised her for her whole life...Tears fell down her cheeks. She felt Remus's arms wrap around her and she buried her face in his chest, shaking as she sobbed.
'Look at Me Dora...' Remus whispered.
She looked up and faced him, tears streaming down her face. He put his hands on her cheeks and wiped away her tears. 
'I'll help you through this...I know what it's like to lose family and...I would never wish for you to have to go through that...especially not on your own...Ted was a great man and a great father and he will be missed dearly...'
Tonks buried her head in his chest again. 'Thank you...' she whispered.

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus combed his hands through her hair and stroked her back gently. He kissed the top of her head and pulled her onto his lap. He held her while she sobbed into his chest and when she stopped crying he rested his head on hers and whispered words of comfort, telling her that everything would be ok and they would get through this together. An hour later, they crawled into bed and Tonks laid her head on Remus's chest. She stayed silent and Remus wrapped his body around hers. He kissed her forehead and went down and kissed her stomach were he knew their child was growing. She smiled softly at him and he smiled up at her and kissed her on the lips. She returned the kiss and he held her close, protectively, lovingly. He moved down to her neck and gently kissed it. 
'Thank you Remus...' she whispered, as he kissed her neck. 'You're making me feel loads better...'
'I'm happy to help...' he whispered and went back to kissing her on the lips. She put her hands on his shirt and started undoing the buttons. She pulled off his shirt and put her hands on his chest and traced his scars with her fingers. He pulled off her vest and trailed kisses along her upper body. She kissed his chest and started to pull off his trousers. He pulled off her trousers and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He massaged her back and kissed her on the lips. She returned the kiss and he smiled. Soon they were completely naked and they stopped kissing. Remus wrapped his arms around her and held her. After a while, they fell asleep. Tonks resting her head on his chest and Remus had his arms around her, protecting her from the horrors taking place in the world around them. His lips were resting on the top of her head as they slept and you could tell that they were both deeply in love. 

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