Infect him

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Slowly, all the death eaters left and no one other than Remus seemed to be hurt. Molly and Arthur ran over to them and kneeled down next to Remus. Arthur felt for a pulse.
'He has a weak pulse...' he said. 'come on, I'll help bring him inside.'
Together, they picked up Remus's limp body and carried him to the burrow. They laid him on the bed in the spare room and Molly came in.
'I can deal with his leg,' she said. 'Please step aside for a moment.'
Shakily, Tonks got up and made room for Molly, who quickly healed his leg. She got a cloth and wiped away the blood.
'Now we just have to wait for him to wake up...' said Molly. 
'He'll be ok Tonks,' said Arthur. 'Trust me...'
She nodded. 'Thanks for the help Molly...' she said, sitting down next to Remus again.
'Don't mention it,' said Molly smiling, and she took Arthur's hand and pulled him out of the room to give them some privacy. 

An hour later, Remus twitched slightly. Tonks kissed him softly on the lips.
'Remus...?' She whispered.
'Hey Dora...' He said.
His eyes flickered open and he smiled up at her. She hugged him. 
'How are you feeling?' She said.
'It just hurts a bit...' he whispered. 'I suppose that's what happened when you get hit with the cruciatus curse...' He said, putting his hand on her cheek. 
She looked sadly at him. 'I hope it gets better Remus...' she said.
'It will...Don't worry...' He said.

Remus's P.O.V.

It had now been two weeks since the battle at the wedding and Remus and Tonks were sleeping in each other's arms. Remus was having a nightmare. 

In the nightmare:

Their child had just been born and the healer was doing a test to see if he was a werewolf. She finished the test and turned to face Remus and Tonks. 
'Well...?' asked Remus.
'I'm sorry...' said the healer. 'I'm afraid your child is a werewolf.'
Remus stared in shock. Tonks's parents came in and heard what the healer said. 
'It's all your fault!'  they shouted, 'It's all your fault that our daughter's son is a werewolf! She doesn't deserve you! She deserves way better. Leave!'
Remus wiped tears from his eyes.
'Wait...' he said. 'Please...'
'No,' shouted Ted. 'It was a mistake to let you two be together. Leave now before I make you!'
Remus looked down and left the room, shaking while he sobbed.

Out of the nightmare:

Remus woke up to Tonks shaking him awake.
'Dora...' he whispered.
She hugged him. 'Are you alright?' She asked.
'It was just a nightmare...I'm fine...' he murmured.
He got up and sat on the edge of the bed, breathing heavily. Tonks went and sat next to him and put her arm around him.
'What was it about?' She asked.
'Well...In the nightmare...we found out that our child was a werewolf...your parents heard and they told me it was all my fault and that I should leave...That you deserved better...'
'Oh Remus...' She said and held him close. 
'They were right though...your parents in the dream...First I ruined your life...I made you lose your job...and now I've probably passed my lycanthropy on an innocent child...'
Tonks pulled him around to face her. 'Listen to me Remus,' She said. 'Our child won't be a werewolf! And if he is it won't be your fault. It's Greyback's fault. He's the one who bit you! You deserve a normal life. With a family...'
He looked away. 'I'm sorry Dora...' he said, getting up. 'But like they said in the dream, you deserve better.' 
He kissed her one more time on the lips before leaving the room and disapparating. 

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks stared at him for a moment, shocked. Then she fell to her knees, sobbing. 
'REMUS!' She shouted. 'When will you learn...?' 
She got up. She didn't want to stay in this house without Remus...It would just remind her too much of him...She packed her stuff up and disapparated to her parents' house and knocked on the door. Her dad opened the door and her mum was standing just behind him. 
'Dora?' Ted asked. 'What's the matter? Why are you crying?'
'Remus...' she whispered. 'He left...'
'HE WHAT?!' Shouted Ted, angrily.
He put his arm around Tonks and guided her towards the sofa and sat down with her. Andromeda followed them.
'Why did he leave?' Asked Andromeda, quietly.
'I'm...I'm pregnant a...and he thought our child would be a werewolf b...because of him...And then he left...'
Ted was looking very angry. 'The next time I see him I will kill him...' he muttered but Tonks and Andromeda didn't hear him.
'You're pregnant...?' Asked Andromeda quietly.
Tonks nodded and looked down.
'Do you mean to tell me...He made you pregnant...and then left?!' She asked her, getting angry.
Tonks nodded. 'But at first he didn't...only when he had a nightmare about it, he decided that I deserved better and left...'
Andromeda sighed and hugged her tight, stroking her hand through her hair. Tonks leaned her head on her shoulder and sobbed.  

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