Dementor's kiss

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It had been a week since Remus and Tonks returned to their house and they were eating breakfast when Sirius's patronus appeared in the dining room, requesting their presence in Grimmauld place for a meeting. Remus and Tonks got up quickly and apparated to 12 Grimmauld place. They went to the dining room and saw that everyone was already sitting there. They sat down next to each other and turned to face Kingsley (They had made him the new leader). Kingsley looked round at them all and began to speak.
'I have a mission for you all. Remus and Tonks, I would like you two to go to hogsmeade. It will be dangerous because that place is swarming with Death eaters. But I would like you two to go there and try to thin out the number of death eaters.'
Remus and Tonks nodded. Kingsley gave out the rest of the missions and then Remus and Tonks held each other's hands and disapparated to hogsmeade. They ran into a side alley to figure out how many death eaters there were. They saw death eaters patrolling everywhere. 
'This is going to be difficult...' whispered Remus to Tonks. 
'I agree...' said Tonks, worried. 
They decided to try to knock out all the death eaters while remaining undercover so that they wouldn't have to fight them all at once. Remus and Tonks pointed their wands at two death eaters who were nearby and stunned them. Another pair of Death eaters heard the noise and came running. They stunned them as well and ran to the four death eaters and dragged them to the alley and tied them to the wall. They ran closer to more patrols and ran into another alley only to realise that there were more death eaters patrolling that particular alley. They tried to hide but it was too late. The death eaters spotted them and a battle began. After ten minutes of fighting, a death eater shot a curse at Remus who dropped his wand and flew back against the wall and fell to the ground with a thud, dazed.
'Remus!' Shouted Tonks and tried to stun the death eater who had cursed Remus but she was grabbed around the waist from behind and forced to drop her wand. She fought against their grip but it was no use. 
'Let's have some fun, shall we?' sneered the death eater who had cursed Remus. 'Dementors could be nice to use on that one.' he said, pointing at Remus.
His eyes widened in fear and he tried to get up and run for his wand but he couldn't. He lay back against the wall, defeated.
'Don't you dare!' snarled Tonks. 
The death eaters grinned and called some dementors towards them. Remus could feel the air going cold and he shivered. The floor turned to ice around him. Then he saw them. They were gliding through the air towards him. He tried desperately to get to his wand but to no avail. He saw Tonks fighting harder against the death eater's grip to get to him and he looked sadly at her. He was going to get the kiss...It was over...He could feel their rattling breath and one of them grabbed him and held him against the wall by his neck. He choked and tried to prise the dementor's hands away from around his neck but it was no use. 
'I love you Dora...' he choked. 

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks saw the dementor clamp its mouth around Remus's and begin to suck out his soul. She saw his eyes close and he went limp.
'NO!' She screamed. 'REMUS!' 
She fought even harder against the death eater and finally managed to get free. She grabbed her wand and thought of her and Remus's wedding and her patronus burst from her wand and charged towards the dementors. The dementor that had been sucking on Remus dropped him and was charged away along with the other one. Remus fell to the ground and lay slumped against the wall. Tonks was filled with anger and she managed to defeat the death eaters. She ran up to Remus and kneeled down beside him. She shook him gently. 
'Remus...' she whispered. 'Wake up...'
He didn't move. his head lolled onto his shoulder and he slid further down the wall.
'Please...' she sobbed. 
He still didn't move. His eyes remained closed. She picked him up and apparated to their house. She put him on the sofa and sat down next to him and put her hand on his cheek. He was as cold as ice. She went and fetched a blanket and put it over him. She brushed his hair out of his face. He was really pale and shaking slightly. She sat down and pulled his head on her lap. She put her hands on his chest. She stroked his back gently until he stopped shaking. She hugged him tightly and kissed him. She traced her fingers over his scars and sighed. 
'Please wake up Remus...' she whispered and closed her eyes and fell asleep with Remus's head resting on her lap. 

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