The battle of the seven potters

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A month had passed and Remus and Tonks had now bought a house together. They were sitting in their living room together, tonks's head resting on his shoulder, when a patronus they recognised as Mr Weasley's arrived and said that they were wanted at the burrow, quickly. They looked at each other and shrugged. Remus got up and pulled Tonks up as well. Then, they disapparated to outside the protective shield around the burrow and walked in. When they entered the burrow, Molly, arthur, moody, kingsley, Hagrid, Bill, Fleur, mundungus, hermione, ron, fred and george were all sitting around the table. Remus and Tonks went and sat next to each other at the table.
'Right,' barked Moody. 'Now everyone is here, I can explain what we're here for. We are going to rescue Harry from privet drive this evening. The plan for how we're going to do this is as follows. We are going to use polyjuice potion and six of us are going to transform into Harry. Those people will be Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Fleur and Mundungus. each Potter will have a protector. Remus will be with George, Nymphadora with Ron, Kingsley with Hermione, Arthur with Fred, Bill with Fleur and I will be with you mundungus, to keep an eye on you,' he said, glaring at him. 'We will be using means of transport the ministry can't detect. Brooms, thestrals and Sirius's Motorbike. The real Harry will be riding with Hagrid on the motorbike. Is that all clear.'
Everyone nodded. 
'This will be a dangerous mission,' growled Moody. 'It is possible that they will know our plan. It is unlikely but we must still be prepared for a battle.'
Remus squeezed Tonks's hand under the table and she smiled softly at him.  

Later that evening, they had all just arrived at number 4 privet drive and Moody was telling Harry the plan. Remus had his arm around Tonks. He hoped she wouldn't get hurt. She must have seen him looking worried because she smiled at him and held his hand tightly. Moody finished telling Harry the plan and once all the seven Harrys were ready they all left the house. Remus stayed behind with Tonks for a moment. When they were alone he turned to face her.
'Stay safe...' he whispered.
She smiled and nodded, 'you too Remus...'
He nodded and kissed her softly. She kissed back and he stroked her back. They broke apart and smiled at each other before going outside to the others. Remus left Tonks and went onto a broomstick with George, while Tonks went on one with Ron. Remus saw Ron look guiltily at him when he held his arms around Tonks's middle to stay on the broom. Remus smiled at him. Moody let off the signal and they all flew into the air. They flew into some clouds and then, suddenly, they were ambushed by death eaters. Remus looked around for Tonks and saw her dodge a killing curse. 
'Dora!' He shouted and shot a curse at the death eater who had tried to kill her, knocking him out. The death eater fell off his broom. He saw Tonks look gratefully at him and smiled. Then he heard George yell in pain. He spun round and saw him clutching at where his ear had been. It had been cursed off! He put his arm around George to keep him on the broom. Soon they had several death eaters following them. Remus suddenly got hit by a curse and shouted in pain. A gash appeared on the side of his chest and he saw blood escaping the wound. He also felt a cut appear on his face. He started to lose consciousness. he felt himself fall off the broom and everything went black.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks heard Remus yell and spun around. She saw him covered in blood and saw him falling. She screamed in fear for him. She saw George go into a dive but didn't see if he managed to catch him. Soon she lost sight of them and she then saw Bellatrix flying behind them. She shot a curse at her but missed by a bit. Bellatrix cackled. 
'How's the werewolf?' She asked, laughing.
'Shut up!' Shouted Tonks, tears in her eyes.
Bellatrix shot the killing curse at Tonks and it narrowly missed her ear. She heard Ron shout something and heard Bellatrix scream in pain and she saw her stop in mid air for a moment. This gave them time to get away from her. They couldn't make it to muriel's so they decided to take a risk and go straight to the Burrow. After a while, they saw the burrow and flew down and landed on the ground. She hoped George had managed to save him.
'Is Remus ok...?' She asked Molly, who was running towards them. She dreaded the answer. She saw Molly look sadly at her and then at the house. She ran inside the burrow and saw him lying motionless on the sofa. Blood was trickling down the side of his face and he had a painful cut across his face. Blood was also coming from a gash on the side of his chest.
'Remus...' she whispered and kneeled down next to him. 
She saw George lying on the other sofa, his ear cursed off. She gasped.
'What happened...?' she asked, shakily.
'I got hit with sectumsempra...' said George, quietly. 'Lupin got hit with a cutting charm and fell off the broom but I managed to catch him.'
Tonks looked at Remus with tears in her eyes. She brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. 
'Thank you for saving him...' she said.
'Don't mention it...' said George.
Then Fred came running in with Arthur and kneeled down by George.
'How are you feeling Georgie?' He asked.
'Saint like...' whispered George. 'I'm holy Fred...Geddit...' He pointed at a hole in his ear.
'A whole world of ear related humour and you go for I'm holy?' Fred said, laughing quietly. 'That's pathetic.'
'Reckon I'm still better looking than you...' said George, grinning.
Tonks chuckled but stopped when she looked at Remus again. She felt tears fall down her cheeks and she put her hand on the gash on his chest. Bill and Fleur entered the room looking sad.
'Mad eye's dead...' muttered Bill.
Tonks stared. No...He couldn't be...She felt more tears come down her cheeks and looked down. He had been her mentor...He just couldn't be dead...But she knew they were telling the truth...First Remus...and now Mad eye was dead. This was not going well...
'Bring Remus up to the spare room Tonks,' said Molly. 'Then he can be in bed.' 
Tonks nodded and picked him up and carried him upstairs. She put him on the bed and got in next to him. She snuggled up to him and wrapped her arms around him. She fell asleep almost immediately. She woke up the following morning and saw he was still not moving. She shook him gently. He didn't move. She put her head on his chest and sobbed. She didn't see Molly come in and look sadly at them before leaving the room again. She was too focused on Remus. She only moved an hour later when she felt his hand on her cheek. She felt him tuck her hair behind her ears. She felt his lips brush against hers. She looked up.
'Remus...' she whispered, relieved.
She kissed back and felt him wrap his arms around her. 
'Are you...Are you ok?' She asked shakily, breaking the kiss.
'I'm fine...' he said in a hoarse voice. 
She didn't believe him but decided not to push it. She pulled his head on her lap and combed her hands through his hair. 
'I'm glad you're ok...' murmured Remus.
'I'm happy you're alive...' said Tonks, smiling softly. 
'Did you get hurt during the battle?' 
'No,' said Tonks. 'Bellatrix turned up and just missed me with the killing curse but then Ron hit her with a spell that stopped her in mid air and it gave us time to escape...'
He hugged her. 'Thank merlin for that...' he whispered. 'I lost sight of you during the battle and I was really worried...'
He stroked her back and she buried her head in his neck. 
'I love you...' whispered Tonks.
'I love you too...' said Remus with a small smile. 
Tonks put her hand on Remus's cut on his cheek. He winced in pain and she stopped quickly.
'Sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you.' She said.
He put his finger on her lips. 'Don't worry about it...' He said. 'It's not your fault.'
She put her head on his shoulder and sighed. 
'Please get better Remus...' She whispered.
'I will...' murmured Remus, combing his hands through her hair.

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