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Remus's P.O.V.

Remus and Tonks woke again at midday. They got out of bed and got dressed and walked downstairs. After breakfast, Remus took Tonks's hand.
'Would you like to go for a walk in the forest, Dora?' He asked.
She smiled, 'I'd love that.'
They walked outside and to the forest nearby. After about an hour of walking, they sat down by a tree, Tonks rested her head on Remus's shoulder. He smiled at her and put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. He was happy she had forgiven him for shouting at her. He had felt terrible about it ever since. He pushed that memory out of his mind, determined to be cheerful. He listened to the birdsong in the trees around them and inhaled the smell of nature. He loved being here in nature, with Tonks in his arms. Unfortunately, that happiness did not last long. He felt himself suddenly lifted up into the air by a spell and landed on the ground with a thud.
'Remus!' Shouted Tonks.
He moaned in pain. He looked around to see who had attacked them and saw Bellatrix.
'You!' He shouted and tried to get up but couldn't.
Bellatrix laughed and shot another spell at him. He dodged and this time he managed to get up. He pointed his wand at Bellatrix and they started duelling. Tonks got up and helped fight Bellatrix. To his horror, he saw Bellatrix apparate behind her and grab her neck and start choking her. He ran towards Bellatrix and grabbed her arms and pulled her off Tonks. Bellatrix snarled and sent a series of curses at Remus. One got through his defence and he flew backwards into a tree and slumped on the ground and groaned. He felt himself begin to pass out.
'Leave him alone!' Shouted Tonks, with angry tears in her eyes and tried to go towards Remus but Bellatrix grabbed her again. Remus tried to get up and help her but couldn't. After a while, his efforts to get up exhausted him too much and he fell limp. He saw Tonks fighting against Bellatrix's grip to get to him and then his eyes closed. He heard her scream his name in despair and he passed out.

Tonks's P.O.V.

'No!' Tonks screamed when she saw Remus go limp.
She fought against Bellatrix's grip but couldn't get free. Bellatrix cackled and disapparated with her to a dungeon and chained her up. Tonks glared at her. Remus was hurt...and now she was locked in this filthy dungeon, unable to help him.
'Right,' said Bellatrix, sneering. 'Time for some fun.'
She pointed her wand at Tonks.
Tonks writhed in agony and sank down lower against the wall. She started to pass out.
'Remus...' She whispered and everything went black...

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