The Advance Guard

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Remus woke up the next day to Tonks shaking him awake.
'What's the matter...?' He said yawning.
'Sorry to wake you Remus,' she said sympathetically, 'but Moody says we have to go to Privet drive to rescue Harry and bring him here. Did you hear what happened?'
'No, I didn't,' he said, sitting up, 'What happened?'
'Some dementors went and tried to kiss Harry and his cousin Dudley.'
'Is he ok?' Asked Remus concerned.
'He's ok,' she said smiling, 'apparently he produced a corporeal patronus.'
Remus felt proud of Harry. He was glad Harry could still produce the patronus that he had taught him in Harry's third year.
'Ok, I'll be right down. Could you please leave while I get dressed?' he asked, going slightly red.
Tonks blushed.
'of course,' she said and she left the room.
Remus hurriedly got dressed and then he ran downstairs. He was still in a bit of pain from the transformation but he would have to ignore it. In the living room he saw a large number of people. Tonks, Moody, Kingsley, Sturgis Podmore, Emmeline Vance, Dedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge and Hestia Jones all stood up when Remus entered the room.
'Ready to go then?' Said Moody. 'Good.'
They left 12 Grimmauld place and apparated to number 4 Privet drive. They walked up to the house and Moody opened the door. They walked through the entrance way when suddenly, just in front of him, Tonks knocked over a pile of plates.
'Sorry,' she said quickly, going red.
Moody glared at her but didn't say anything. Remus chuckled. They walked upstairs and saw Harry, who must have heard the noise, peering out from his bedroom, with the tip of his wand lit.
'Lower your wand boy, before you take someone's eye out,' growled Moody.
Harry lowered his wand.
'Professor Moody?' He asked curiously.
'I don't know much about "professor",' said Moody. 'Didn't get round to teaching much did I? Get down here. We want to see you properly.'
Harry was slightly hesitant.
'It's all right, Harry. We've come to take you away.'
'P...Professor Lupin?' Said Harry disbelievingly. 'Is that you?'
'Why are we all standing in the dark?' came Tonks's voice. 'Lumos.'
Her wand tip flared, illuminating the hall with light. Remus smiled broadly at Harry. It was great to see him again. Remus introduced everyone and then he got to introducing Tonks.
'And this is Nymphadora -'
'Don't call me Nymphadora!' She said with a shudder. 'It's Tonks.'
'Nymphadora Tonks, who prefers to be known by her surname only,' finished Remus.
'So would you if your fool of a mother named you Nymphadora,' muttered Tonks.
Remus grinned and introduced the rest of the group. Tonks went upstairs to help Harry pack. When they came downstairs again they went outside and Moody summoned their brooms. At the signal, they mounted their brooms and took off. Remus was flying underneath Tonks and he smiled up at her. She was a good flier.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks suddenly heard Remus yell in pain.
'Are you alright?' she asked, worried
'I'm fine...' gasped Remus, trying to cover a wound in his side which blood was now coming out of.
Tonks's eyes widened.
'Moody, Remus is hurt!'
'You can't break ranks,' growled Moody.
Tonks looked desperately at Remus who was now getting pale due to the loss of blood.
'Just...keep going,' croaked Remus in a hoarse voice. 'I'll be fine...If I fall just leave me and keep going.'
Tonks, sighed and kept flying, worried that Remus would pass out. She was sure of one thing. She wouldn't leave Remus to die. She was constantly checking below her to see if he was still ok. They were flying over a lake when suddenly, she saw his eyes close and his body go limp and he fell off his broom and crashed into the lake. She heard Harry's shout of fear. Without hesitating, ignoring Moody's frustrated shout, she went into a dive and as she reached the surface of the lake, she left her broom to hover and dived into the lake. She saw Remus's body sinking deeper into the lake and, panicking slightly, she swam towards him and grabbed him. She swam back up and broke above the surface of the water. She grabbed her broom and sat on it, pulling Remus behind her and making sure he was safely on the broom. She flew up and after a while, she caught up with the others. She saw Harry look worried at Remus and she smiled at him, hoping to persuade him that Remus was ok. She was also trying to persuade herself. She saw Harry look straight ahead and keep flying. She looked worried behind her at Remus's still body. When they reached 12 Grimmauld place she hopped off her broom and picked Remus up. He was limp and really cold. The lake had been freezing and she was worried he would get ill.
'I told you not to break rank!' Growled Moody
'You couldn't expect me to let him drown!' She shouted, glaring at him.
'It's part of being in the order! He knew what risks he was taking by joining!'
She ignored him and carried Remus inside and up the stairs into his room and laid him on his bed. His face had gone very pale and his breathing was hoarse. She heard a knock at the door.
'Come in,' she said shakily.
Harry came in and looked scared at Remus.
'Is...Is he going to be ok...?' He asked.
Tonks forced a smile
'He'll be fine. Don't worry.' She wasn't sure if she was trying to persuade Harry or both of them.
'What happened to him...?' asked Harry, 'Why did he pass out?'
'One of his wounds from his transformation yesterday opened up and he lost too much blood to stay conscious...' She said.
'He transformed yesterday...?'
'Yeah,' said Tonks, 'I tried to convince Moody not to make him come but he wouldn't listen.'
Harry sighed and looked down.
'I suppose I should go then,' said Harry and, smiling sadly at her, he left the room.
Tonks looked down at Remus. She saw more blood coming out of his side and worried, she checked out the wound. It was deep and it had to be dealt with quickly. She ran downstairs and got some bandages from Molly and also a blood replenishing potion and then she went back upstairs and covered Remus's side with the bandages and poured the potion into his mouth. After a few minutes, the colour began to return to Remus's face and Tonks sighed in relief. She waited for two hours and then Remus's eyes flickered open. 

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