I came to apologise...

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Remus's P.O.V. (A few weeks later)

Remus had just proven to Harry, Ron and Hermione that it really was him and he was asking them if he could join them on the hunt.
'So what do you say...?' He asked. 'Will three become four?'
'But what about Tonks?' Asked Hermione.
Remus stiffened, 'She can stay with her parents...She will be fine...'
'Does she know you're asking to come with us?' Asked Harry.
'No...' Said Remus.
'Is everything ok between you two?' Asked Hermione.
'We're fine!' Said Remus.
'I don't know...' said Harry. 'I don't think my dad would agree to let you leave your wife and unborn child...'
'Don't you see?' shouted Remus. 'I've made Dora an outcast! She lost her job because of me and now i've gone and passed my lycanthropy onto my unborn child!'
'Wow! I never would have thought it. The man who taught me to fight dementors, a coward!'
'Harry!' Said Hermione.
Remus looked at Harry as if he had been slapped in the face. He pushed him and stormed out of the house into the rain. He went and sat on the park bench, angry at Harry. How dare he call him a coward! But...he did have a point...How would leaving Tonks help? Now she would have to raise a child on her own...He then realised with a shock that he was a coward. He just ran away from his problems instead of standing by Tonks's side and helping her through this. Now, if the child was a werewolf, Tonks would have to deal with it on her own...He had made a terrible mistake...He had to apologise...He apparated to Tonks's parents house. He was sure she'd be there. He knocked on the door. It was pulled open by Ted. Remus saw his angry look and looked down at his feet. 
'You!' Shouted Ted. 'Didn't I tell you that if you ever hurt her you wouldn't be allowed back in this house again?'
'I'm sorry...I...'
He didn't get to finish the sentence because Ted pulled him inside and punched him in the jaw. Remus grunted in pain. Ted threw him against the wall and he landed on the ground and was dazed for a moment. Ted started punching and kicking him in anger. Remus let the hits come. He knew he deserved them. He didn't defend himself. 

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks come downstairs and stopped dead when she saw what was happening. Remus stood up, shakily and leaned against the wall.
'Dora...' He whispered. 'I came to apologise...' 
Ted didn't let him speak and punched him hard in the stomach. Remus doubled over in pain.
Ted pushed him roughly. He fell back and hit his head on a cupboard and landed on the floor with a thud.
'I'm...sorry...Dora...' he whispered, gasping in pain.
A pile of plates fell off the cupboard and crashed onto his head. He lay still. Ted kicked him and left to the living room. Tonks looked at his unconscious body for a moment and then fell to her knees next to him.
'Remus...' She whispered, scared. 'Wake up!' 
He had a cut lip and a black eye and the back of his head where he had smashed into the cupboard was bleeding. He didn't move. She checked him for a pulse and he had a weak one. She picked him up with shaking arms and carried him upstairs. She put him on her bed and pulled the duvet over him. She sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked his hair out of his face. He hadn't even defended himself...He seemed to think he deserved it and he had just let himself be beaten up. Ted came into her room and saw her stroking him.
'What are you doing that for?!' He asked, 'He doesn't deserve your pity!' 
Tonks stood up, angry. 'He didn't deserve that! He came to apologise and you wouldn't even let him. Didn't you notice he didn't even defend himself?!'
Ted glared at Remus's body. 'He deserved it! He hurt you!'
'So what? That doesn't mean you have to beat him up! You could have killed him!' 
Ted looked down. 'I'm sorry Dora...' He whispered. 'I was just really angry...'
She glared at him. 'Just leave...' she sobbed. 'You've done enough damage already...'
Ted looked sadly at her and left the room. Tonks looked down at Remus and leant over him and cried. She got in bed next to him and wrapped her arms around him. After a while, she fell asleep. 

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