The funeral

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Remus's P.O.V.

Remus and Tonks were in their room, preparing for Dumbledore's funeral. Tonks's hair had gone back to it's usual bubblegum pink, causing Remus to be very happy. Now, however, Remus felt tears fall down his cheeks. Dumbledore had been the reason he had been able to go to Hogwarts. The reason he got a job as a defence against the dark arts teacher...Even if it had only been for one year...And now he was dead...He would never be able to hear that wise voice again. That voice that had helped him through all these years. He felt a hand on his cheek and looked up. Tonks was looking up at him. He smiled sadly at her and leaned into her touch.
'Everything will be ok...' she whispered. 'We'll get through this...together.'
He nodded. 'Thank you Dora...You're know that?'
She smiled up at him and blushed. 'You think so?'
'I know so.' he said, smiling. 
He pulled her towards him and brushed his lips against hers. She kissed back and he sat down on the bed and pulled her on his lap. He had missed the feeling of her lips on his. After a few minutes they broke apart. He looked into her brown eyes and smiled softly.
'I love you...' he murmured.
'I love you too,' she said. 'We should go...We don't want to be late...'
Remus nodded. 'Yeah...let's go...'
He grasped her hand in his and they disapparated to Hogsmeade and walked to the lake in the Hogwarts grounds where the funeral was meant to be. There were chairs set out in rows and at the front there was a raised platform. Remus walked, hand in hand with Tonks, to two seats in the second row. They sat down and waited for more people to come. Tonks rested her head on his shoulder and he put his head on top of hers and put his arm around her. He felt tears drop onto his lap and looked at Tonks and saw that she was crying. He kissed her softly on the forehead. She smiled, sadly at him.
'I'm sorry...' she said. 'I know you were closer to him...If anyone should cry it's you...'
He put his finger on her lips. 'Hey...I did cry, didn't I...And everyone is allowed to cry about something like this. Let your emotions out.'
She snuggled up to him. 'Thank you Remus...You always know what to say.'
He chuckled. 'So do you when i'm upset.' 
She smiled and kissed him. He kissed back and then broke apart and saw people arriving and sitting on the seats around them.
'It will probably start soon Dora...' He said.
She nodded and they faced the front. Remus kept his arm, comfortingly, around her and she kept her head on his shoulder. After a few minutes, Hagrid carried Dumbledore's body to the platform at the front. A man started speaking about Dumbledore. Remus couldn't listen properly. He was too upset...When the man had finished speaking, a white tomb was formed around dumbledore. He looked around and saw a group of centaurs standing on the edge of the forbidden forest. Suddenly, they sent flaming arrows soaring through the air. Some people screamed but the arrows landed a bit away from the chairs.
'The centaurs' tribute...' murmured Remus.
Tonks nodded and smiled at him. The centaurs turned around and walked back into the forbidden forest and vanished from sight. Remus felt Tonks shaking slightly and he combed his hand through her hair and kissed her forehead. She stopped shaking and leaned onto him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He saw Scrimgeour glaring at them and he glared back at him, daring him to make Tonks more upset. Scrimgeour rolled his eyes and looked away, clearly thinking they were unworthy of his attention. After the funeral, Remus and Tonks got up shakily and looked sadly at each other.
'Well...that's it I suppose...' muttered Remus.
'Yeah...' said Tonks, putting her hand on his cheek and wiping tears off his face.
He held her hand and squeezed it. He gazed at her brown eyes and smiled lovingly at her.
'Come on...' He said, 'We should go back...You look tired. You need rest.'
'I'm not tired...' said Tonks, yawning.
'You sure about that?' Asked Remus, chuckling.
She slapped his arm. 'Shut it, Remus.'
'Sorry.' he smiled. 'Let's go though...I'm serious...let's get some rest after this busy day.'
'Fine...' sighed Tonks.
He held her hand tightly in his and disapparated to Grimmauld place and went upstairs to their room. Remus  picked her up and laid her on the bed.
'I can get in bed on my own,' said Tonks, jokingly.
'Sorry, can't help it.' Chuckled Remus.
He got in bed next to her and wrapped his arms around hers. She laid her head on his chest.
'Ok...Maybe I am a bit tired...' she said.
'Knew it.' said Remus, smirking. 
He traced his fingers over her soft lips and smiled. Tonks raised her face up so they were looking each other in the eyes and brushed her lips against his. He kissed her neck, causing her to moan. 
'I love you so much...' He said.
'I love you too, Remus...Always have, always will.' She replied. 
She closed her eyes and after a few minutes, she fell asleep. Remus lay awake for a while, thinking about the day's events. He looked down at Tonks sleeping peacefully and smiled, softly. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off into darkness, holding Tonks in his arms. 

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