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Tonks's P.O.V.

Several more months had passed and Harry and his friends had started school again. Tonks and Sirius were staying at the burrow for a month. Tonks was sitting in her room, her head in her hands. Remus was surely dead now...How could he survive this long without being caught? Her body shook as she sobbed. Why couldn't they just have a happy relationship without these kinds of problems...

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus had organised a secret meeting with a group of Werewolves who seemed interested in what he had to say about fighting against Voldemort. He was waiting for everyone to arrive but no one did. Maybe they were late? He peeked outside to see if anyone was coming but there wasn't anyone in sight. Frowning, he turned around to go back inside the room when suddenly strong hands grabbed him around the neck and he gasped in pain and looked around. It was one of the werewolves who was meant to be in the meeting.
'You!' He said, choking.

'Yes, me!' Said the Werewolf, sneering at him, 'you're coming with me to see Greyback!'

Remus struggled against his grip. But he couldn't get free. He was pushed all the way to where Greyback slept and pushed into the room.
'I should have known you were still a traiter!' Came Greyback's angry voice.
Remus glared at him, his eyes full of hate. Greyback surged forwards and grabbed him and threw him against the wall. Remus fell to the ground and moaned in pain but got up quickly and pulled out his wand. Greyback sneered at him.
'Do you really think a wand is going to help you in a werewolf hideout,' he said.
He called a group of werewolves to the room and they all came in and started biting and scratching Remus. Remus screamed in pain while Greyback simply laughed. Remus threw them all off and ran out of the hideout. Greyback chased after him. Remus ran until he reached the burrow. He collapsed to the floor in loads of pain. Greyback caught up with him and scratched him in the neck.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks heard a scream outside and her heart stopped. She recognised it. It was Remus! She ran outside and saw him being attacked by Greyback.
'NO!' She shouted and ran up to them and tried to pull Greyback off Remus.
'Dora...?' He croaked.
Tonks kept trying to pull Greyback away and Greyback picked her up and threw her against a tree. Tonks fell to the ground, hard and was dazed for a moment.
'Leave her alone...' croaked Remus.
Greyback turned back to Remus and threw him against the same tree. Remus slumped against the side of the tree next to Tonks.
'Remus...' whispered Tonks, 'no...'
Remus opened his eyes and looked sadly at Tonks and put his hand on her cheek.
'I...I love...I love you...' He said.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes. Remus brushed his lips against hers. She kissed back but then Greyback sneered at them and pulled Remus up by the collar and put his hand around his neck, strangling him. Remus choked and tried to pull Greyback's hands off his neck but was too weak to do anything. His face started turning blue.
'REMUS!' Shouted Tonks and tried to get up but couldn't.
Finally, Greyback stopped strangling Remus but kept a firm grip on him. Remus gasped for air. Greyback slowly started walking towards the lake, dragging Remus behind him. He held Remus above the lake, about to drop him in.
'Dora...' murmured Remus.
Greyback let go and Remus plunged into the water and hit the sandy bottom of the lake.  he lay still.
'NO! Remus...' Tonks managed to pull herself up and she started duelling Greyback. She was filled with anger and this fuelled every spell she shot. Her vision was blurred by tears. Finally, Greyback, realising that he was losing, disapparated. Tonks ran to the edge of the lake and looked into the water. She couldn't see him. She performed the bubble head charm and dived in. she swam around for a while and then she saw him. She swam towards him and picked him up and pulled him out of the water. She stretched him out on the floor. He was limp, pale and his lips were blue from the cold. She kissed him, tears falling down her cheeks. He had loads of bites and scratches and he was covered in blood. She picked him up, with shaking arms, and carried him up to Percy's room. She had been staying there because Percy didn't live there anymore. She laid him on the bed and sat down next to him. She stroked his hair out of his face.
'Please Remus...Don't leave me...Don't die...I love you...' 

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