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Remus's P.O.V.

Remus woke up and looked around him and saw the sunlight shining down on him from through the leaves in the trees. Then, everything that had happened came back to him and he jumped up. Tonks and Bellatrix were nowhere to be seen. Bellatrix must have taken her...
'No...' He whispered. 'Dora...please don't be gone...please...'
It was no use. She was definitely gone. He apparated to Grimmauld place and ran inside. Sirius was probably in his room. He sat down and tried to work out where Tonks could be...Then it came to him. Of course! She must be at Malfoy Manor! He was sure of it. He scribbled a quick note to Sirius, explaining where he was going and slid it under Sirius's door. He then ran outside and apparated to Malfoy Manor. He crept inside and went down the stairs, which he assumed would lead to the dungeons where Tonks would be captured. He saw Bellatrix walk out of a room, cackling. He fought the urge to duel her. He had to see if Tonks was alright first...He waited until Bellatrix disappeared from view and then entered the room. There was Tonks, chained against the wall. She wasn't moving...
'Dora!' He yelled and ran towards her. He took her in his arms and tried to shake her awake. Ten minutes later, her eyes fluttered open
'Remus!' She said, 'you're ok...'
He hugged her tight.
'I'm glad you're awake...' He whispered. 'Come on, i've come to get you out of here...'
Remus began to untie the chains that were holding her to the wall. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and he gasped in pain.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Remus looked down at his stomach and saw the tip of a dagger protruding from his stomach. Tonks's eyes filled with tears. Remus held her hand in his.
'I'm sorry...' He whispered, 'I tried...'
His hold on Tonks's hand went limp and he crumpled to the ground and lay still. Tonks stared at him in horror for a moment. Then she let out a scream.
'NO! REMUS! NO!' She screamed.
Bellatrix kicked Remus's body aside and cackled.
'He thought he could save you did he? Well he was wrong!'
'Don't touch him!' Shouted Tonks, angrily.
'He got what he deserved.' sneered Bellatrix. 'Now, unless you want to join him, you should stay silent.'
Tonks was about to shout at her when suddenly Sirius ran into the room.
'Stupefy!' He shouted and Bellatrix fell to the floor, stunned.
He turned to face Tonks and stopped dead when he saw Remus.
'No...' he muttered.
He gently pulled the dagger out of Remus's stomach. He looked sadly at Tonks. He quickly untied her.
'Are you able to stand...?' He asked her.
She nodded, weakly. Sirius picked up Remus and then they apparated to grimmauld place. Tonks took Remus from Sirius and carried him up to their room and put him on the bed.
'Why Remus...? Why is it always you...?'
Sirius looked down.
'What happened?' He asked.
Tonks told him everything.
'How did you know where Remus and I were...?' She asked.
'He wrote me a note explaining where he had gone and why...' He said. 'As soon as I saw it I came. I knew something was going to go wrong...'
After a while, Sirius left the room and Tonks was left alone with Remus. She took off his shirt and looked at the dagger shaped hole in his stomach. She sobbed.
'Please don't die, Remus...' She whispered. 'I need you...' 

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