It's a boy!

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A month had passed and Remus and Tonks were in their room when suddenly Tonks cried out in pain. Remus spun round to look at her.
'Dora! Are you ok?' He asked, worried.
'I...I...' she murmured.
He wrapped his arms around her. 'Breath, Dora, breathe...'
She took a deep breath. 'I think...I think my water just broke...'
He jumped up. 'I'll get you to St Mungo's now!' 
He picked her up in his arms and apparated to St Mungo's. He called for a healer and one came running and lead them to a room. Remus laid her down on the hospital bed and held her hand tightly in his. 

An hour later, it was time for the baby to be born.
'Push, Dora...' Said Remus. 'you can do it.'
After a while the healer got excited. 'I can see a head...' she said. 
'Keep going, Dora. You're doing great.'
Finally, the baby got out completely.
'It's a boy!' Said the healer.
Remus smiled happily at Tonks. 'Well done Dora...You did beautifully.' He looked at their newborn son and smiled. 'Do you want to call him Edward? Teddy for short. To honour your father.'
'You...You'd do that for me?'
'Of course Dora...' he whispered. 'Of course I would.'
'In that case...Teddy Remus Lupin it is...'
Remus smiled. 'He has your nose.'
'And he has your beautiful smile.' said Tonks happily. 'He's like a miniature you.'
Suddenly Teddy's hair turned blue and they smiled excitedly at each other.
'He's a metamorphmagus!' Said Tonks, smiling.
'That means...He isn't a werewolf! You can't be born as both a metamorphmagus and a werewolf. I read about it.'
'I told you...' said Tonks, laughing slightly.
He chuckled. 'You were right as always.'
The healer smiled at them. 'Congratulations.' She said. 'You are free to leave whenever you are ready.' She left the room.
Remus smiled gently at Tonks. 'Ready to go?' He asked.
'Ready.' she said, smiling.
He picked her up in his arms and she held Teddy in her arms and they disapparated back to their house. He carried them upstairs to their room and laid them both on the bed and got in next to them. He put his arm around Tonks and Teddy and smiled. Their little family. Tonks laid her head on his chest and Teddy lay asleep. They smiled at each other and kissed each other softly on the lips. They broke apart and gazed happily at the little baby boy asleep in between them. Soon the happy family was asleep, all with a content smile on their face.  


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