The Dangerous mission

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Remus's P.O.V.

Remus apparated to hogsmeade and went to the castle. He walked to Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore had sent him a patronus requesting his presence in his office. He was still thinking of Tonks. He wiped tears from his eyes.
'Acid pops...' he said and he stepped up onto the stone stairs and went up to the office and knocked on the door.
'Come in,' came Albus Dumbledore's voice.
He opened the door and walked inside.
'Hello Albus. What did you want to talk to me about?'
'I have a mission for you,' said Dumbledore, 'It is a very dangerous mission and you don't have to accept it. I thought I'd ask though.'
'What is the mission?' Asked Remus, curious.
Dumbledore took a deep breath before speaking.
'I would like you to go undercover with the werewolves. Try to recruit them to join the side against Voldemort.'
Remus felt himself tense up.
'Go undercover...with w...werewolves? Be near G...Greyback?' He murmured.
'I understand if you don't want to do it Remus,' said Dumbledore.
Remus thought of Tonks. This would be a good way to avoid seeing her. Seeing her would make his life hell.
'I'll do it,' he said, 'how long should I be undercover with them for?'
'Probably several months. Just as long as you can without being discovered.'
Remus nodded.
'Are you alright, Remus?' Asked Dumbledore, looking closely at him.
'I'm fine...' Said Remus, 'I suppose I should be going then.' He said.
Dumbledore nodded.
'Good luck, Remus' he said, smiling sadly at him.
'Thank you Albus,' said Remus and turned around and left the office. When he had gotten out of the Hogwarts grounds, he apparated to where he knew the werewolf hideout was. Fenrir Greyback walked out of the shadows.
'You!' Snarled Greyback.
Remus raised his hands in the air.
'I am on your side,' he said, 'I have realised that humans are...worthless...and I want to join the werewolves.'
Greyback seemed to consider him for a moment, his eyes narrowed.
'Fine,' he said, 'but one wrong move and you're dead!'
Remus swallowed and nodded.
'Yes sir...' he said.
'Follow me.' said Greyback and walked into the hideout.
Remus followed him and they came to a small, smelly room.
'This is where you will be staying,' said Greyback, 'get used to your new home. I have to go deal with other things.'
Greyback left the room and Remus sat down onto the bed in the corner of the room. He sighed. He had only been apart from Tonks for a day and he already missed her with all of his heart. He wondered how she was doing. He lay down on his bed and after a few minutes, he fell asleep.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks entered Dumbledore's office. Maybe he knew where Remus was. Dumbledore looked up as she came in.
'Hello Tonks,' he said, 'What is it you are here for?'
'I was wondering if you know where Remus is...?'
'You mean he didn't tell you?' Asked Dumbledore in surprise.
'No...' murmured Tonks.
'Well...He has gone on a mission...'
Tonks felt herself tense up.
'What mission?'
'He's gone undercover with try and recruit them,' said Dumbledore quietly.
Tonks felt her whole world come crashing down around her. Remus...Undercover with werewolves...No...It wasn't couldn't be...Dumbledore looked sympathetically at her.
'I'm sorry. I said he didn't have to do it but he said he wanted to...'
'It's ok Albus...' she said, fighting tears, 'I guess I should be going then...'
She turned around and left Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore looked sadly at her as she left, feeling sorry for the couple. 

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