Bill and Fleur's wedding

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Remus and Tonks woke on the morning of Bill and Fleur's wedding a week after the battle and smiled at each other. Remus wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly. She smiled and kissed back.
'Good morning beautiful...' whispered Remus.
'Good morning handsome.' said Tonks, grinning.
Remus chuckled and got out of bed, pulling her up with him. They got dressed and went downstairs.
They were back at their house. They had had to leave when Scrimgeour arrived. they ate a quick breakfast and then they went to the burrow where they found everyone raising the tent. They helped them and then went inside the burrow. Mrs Weasley was in there preparing food. She smiled at them when they came in.
'Hello you two.' She said.
'Hello Molly. Is there anything we can do to help?' Asked Remus.
'No. You two just go and relax in the living room.'
'Are you sure?' Asked Tonks. 'We don't mind helping.'
'I'm sure,' said Molly. 'Remus still needs to rest a bit from the incident last week anyway and I don't want to separate you two.'
Remus and Tonks smiled at Molly and left to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Tonks leaned her head on Remus's chest and he kissed her softly on the forehead. 
'Are you looking forward to the wedding tonight?' Tonks asked.
'Of course I am,' said Remus, smiling. 'How could I not?'
She laughed. 'Fair enough.'

Skipping to the party after the wedding...

Remus and Tonks were dancing to the slow music that was now playing. Tonks had her head on remus's chest and he had his arms wrapped around her. Tonks lifted her head from his chest and gazed into his eyes. He smiled and stared back into hers. He put his hand on her chin and pulled her face up into a kiss. She kissed back. He put his hands on her shoulders and gently massaged them. They broke the kiss and went over to a table. They sat down next to each other and Tonks rested her head on his shoulder. He stroked her hair and looked around. More happy couples were dancing together all through the room. He saw Bill and Fleur in the middle of the room, dancing together with some people watching them happily. He smiled at Tonks. She smiled back at him and he wrapped his arms, protectively, around her. Suddenly a patronus burst through the roof of the tent into the centre of the room. Remus stared at it. It began to speak:

The ministry has fallen. The minister of magic is dead. They are coming...They are coming...They are coming...

Remus's P.O.V.

Everyone was silent for a moment. Then they all started to panic. People started disapparating. Remus and Tonks jumped up, their wands out. Death eaters stormed into the tent and a massive battle began. Remus and Tonks were fighting back to back. Remus saw Harry run towards Ginny and ran towards him. He held him back.
'Go!' He shouted at Harry. 'GO!' 
He watched Harry run to Hermione and Ron and the three of them disapparated. He went back to tonks. Soon, he was fighting 5 death eaters and he was pushed back against the wall.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks saw Remus backed into the wall, fighting the 5 death eaters. She tried to help him but got hit by a curse from Bellatrix and fell to the ground.
'DORA!' Shouted Remus. 
She pulled herself up and started duelling Bellatrix. She heard a scream and saw Remus lying on the ground, barely moving, with blood coming out of a wound on his leg.
'REMUS!' She screamed. 
Molly came up to her and shouted, 'you go to Remus! I'll continue this fight.' 
Tonks nodded and ran to the death eaters that were now shooting curses At Remus. He was lying on the floor and barely managing to block them with his wand. She ran to Remus and stood protectively in front of him. She started duelling the death eaters and managed to knock three of them out. She saw Remus try to get up but pushed him back down, firmly.
'No, Remus. You stay down there.'
He nodded, defeated and lay on the floor, watching the fight, worried. A death eater shot the cruciatus curse, under Tonks's arm, at Remus and he screamed and writhed in agony. 
'No!' Shouted Tonks and sent a curse at the death eater, who flew back and landed on the floor, unconscious.
'Dora...' whispered Remus, trying to stop himself from passing out.
Tonks finished off the rest of the death eaters that she was fighting and kneeled down next to him. Remus raised his wand shakily and shot a spell at a death eater who was about to hit Tonks and then he dropped his wand and closed his eyes.
'Remus, please...' said Tonks, desperately. 
He squeezed her hand with his eyes still closed and then his hold on her hand went limp and he passed out. Tonks started crying and shook him gently. 
'Remus...REMUS...please wake up...' 

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