Christmas at the Burrow

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It was now the Christmas holidays and Remus and Tonks were sitting, with their arms around each other on the sofa and talking with Harry.
'Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy as a death eater?'
'I know it sounds mad but-' Replied Harry
'Has it occurred to you Harry that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?'
'That's not what it sounded like'
Tonks looked uncertainly at Remus, 'perhaps Harry's right Remus...I mean to make an unbreakable vow...'
Remus raised his voice, annoyed, 'It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement, Nymphadora, Dumbledore trusts Snape therefore I do!'
Tonks stared at him, hurt. She didn't like him shouting at her and she noticed he had called her by her first name...
'Dumbledore can make mistakes, he said so himself,' said Harry.
'You're blinded by hatred!' Shouted Remus.
'No i'm not!' Said Harry, annoyed.
'Yes you are!' Remus leant back and took a deep breath. 'People are disappearing Harry...Daily...If we start fighting amongst ourselves we're doomed.'
Tonks got up and left the room, fighting tears after Remus had shouted at her. She knew every couple had fights but that knowledge didn't make it any better. She went upstairs to Percy's room and sat on the bed.

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus felt bad for shouting at Tonks. She didn't deserve it. He got up off the sofa and went upstairs and knocked on the door to Percy's room.
'Come in...' said Tonks.
He opened the door and walked in, looking down at his feet. She didn't say anything. He thought he heard her stifle a sob. He looked up, angry at himself.
'I'm so sorry Dora...' He murmured and sat down next to her on the bed. 'I didn't mean to shout at you...I'm sorry for calling you Nymphadora...'
She still didn't say anything. Remus felt terrible. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.
'I love you...' He whispered and kissed her softly on her forehead.
She pulled out of the hug and pushed him away from her quite roughly. Remus fell off the bed and smashed his head on the bedside cabinet and lay on his back, his eyes closed, feebly stirring and moaning in pain. 
'We should go...' she said, still not looking at him. 'We're meant to go back to Grimmauld place now...' 
He winced in pain and had to force his eyes to open, but he nodded, 'I'm really sorry...' he said, looking up into her eyes, still lying on the floor. 'If there's any way I can make up for it...'
She got up and went downstairs. He sighed, sadly and pulled himself up off the floor and limped downstairs, massaging his head which was throbbing. He caught up with her at the door. She was saying goodbye to Molly and Arthur.
'Thanks for dinner Molly,' She was saying. 'It was lovely.'
'It was our pleasure dear, are you sure you don't want to stay?' Said Molly.
'No, we should go...' said Tonks.
Remus sensed something was wrong and stared at the tall grass in front of them. Suddenly, Bellatrix lestrange landed on the ground and caused a ring of fire around the burrow. Remus stood there for a moment, stunned. He then felt someone push past him and saw Harry run after her and jump through the flames. He ran after him, ignoring Tonks shouting his name.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks saw Remus run towards Harry and heard him yell in pain as he was burned by the flames and thrown backwards onto the ground.
'Remus!' She shouted and ran towards him.
His eyes were closed and she shook him by the shoulders, worried. He didn't respond.
'Remus...wake up...' she whispered.
To her relief, his eyes fluttered open a few minutes later and he pulled himself up and started fighting the flames with his wand. She looked worried at him out of the corner of her eye. She helped him fight the flames and then Ginny Weasley jumped through the flames. Remus ran after her and Tonks followed close behind. After a while she saw Remus stop and look around. The silence was broken by yells up ahead and they saw curses being cast. She and Remus ran towards the spells and arrived in a small clearing in the tall grass. They were joined by Arthur and they stood in a circle, duelling Bellatrix and Greyback. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Remus struggling. She knew he had hurt his head when she pushed him off the bed and he had hit his head...He was also probably still hurt from the fire...She saw him panting and then, he got hit with a spell and she saw a wound on his chest open up. He gasped in pain.
'Remus!' She shouted.
'Keep fighting,' he said, gritting his teeth in pain and covering the wound with his hand. 'i'll be fine.'
Tonks doubted very much that he was going to be fine but kept fighting because she knew it was all she could do. She saw Bellatrix and Greyback fly up into the air and then they set the Burrow on fire.
'Molly,' muttered Arthur and ran towards the Burrow, followed by Harry and Ginny. Tonks looked concerned at Remus, who was now quite pale.
'Here...lean on me...' She said and put her arm around him and helped him walk back to the Burrow.
When they got there she gasped. The burrow was aflame and all the Weasleys and Harry were staring up at the building. She felt Remus sag next to her. She looked around and saw him fall to his knees in pain.
'Remus...' She whispered, fearfully.
'I'm sorry Dora...' He whispered, 'I'm sorry for hurting you...'
He collapsed onto the floor and lay still. She felt her heart stop in her chest. She kneeled down next to him and put a hand on his chest which was bleeding badly. She saw Harry run up to them.
'Professor Lupin...' He murmured. 'Is he...'
'He'll be ok...' she answered, also trying to persuade herself. 'I'd better get him to Grimmauld place...' She said and picked him up.
She waved goodbye to the others and disapparated to Grimmauld place. Sirius had already gone back a few days ago so he opened the door for her. Without giving him time to ask what had happened, she ran up to the room she shared with Remus and put him on the bed. She didn't like the fact that they had fought right before this happened. He had tried to apologise but she wouldn't even look at him...She had pushed him...It was her fault he got hit by that spell...She felt horrible. She wiped tears from her eyes and got into bed next to him. She kissed him softly and then snuggled up to him under the duvet.
'I'm sorry, Remus' she said. 'You tried to apologise...and I harmed you...please be ok...'
She looked sadly at his still face and then slowly, she fell asleep. 

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