A magical night

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After everyone had given their congratulations to Remus and Tonks, the guests all went to a tent outside where the after party would be held. Remus and Tonks walked around the church for a while, hand in hand. They stopped and stood at the edge of a lake. Remus turned to face Tonks and smiled at her.
'You look beautiful Dora...' he murmured and pulled her into a kiss.
She kissed back and wrapped her arms around him.
'And you look incredibly handsome Remus...' She said back, smiling and breaking the kiss.
'Come on. Let's go to the after party then.'
He took her hand and they walked to the tent. Everyone came to them with gifts and congratulations and they stuck together, while walking around and chatting with all the guests. The time flew by and suddenly it was late and Remus and Tonks became quite tired. The party finished and the guests all left. Remus smiled at Tonks and took her hand and they apparated to Grimmauld place. They went upstairs to their room. Remus pulled Tonks to his chest and pressed his lips onto hers. She kissed back and he picked her up and lifted her up against the wall. She wrapped her arms around him as he began to kiss her neck and she moaned.
'Remus...?' She whispered.
'Yes Dora?'
'I'm ready...I want to do it...tonight...' She blushed.
'Are you sure?' He asked her. 'I don't want you to feel rushed into things.'
'I've never been so sure of anything in my life...' she replied with a smile.
He smiled at her and carried her towards the bed. Tonks put her hand on his chest and started unbuttoning his shirt. Remus put his hands on the straps of her dress and pulled them down over her shoulders. He pulled her dress off her and put it on the floor next to them. Tonks finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it off him. She traced her fingers over his scars and kissed his bare chest. He kicked off his trousers and threw them aside. He lay on the bed and pulled Tonks on top of him. 
'Dora...' he sighed, contentedly.
He kissed her neck and moved down all the way down her upper body. She smiled and kissed his ear and his jawline. She combed her hand through his hair and he came back up and kissed her on the lips. He undid her bra and pulled the duvet over them. They kept on like this until they were both completely naked and lying in each other's arms. The paused to catch their breath and then continued. An hour later, they stopped and smiled at each other. Tonks laid her head on his chest and stroked her hand over his scars. Remus held her close and curved his body around hers. Their bodies fit perfectly together. He held her protectively and kissed her forehead. 
'I love you Dora...' he whispered in her ear.
'And I love you too Remus...' She replied.
She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Remus smiled down at her and sighed happily. They were husband and wife and he had just had the most magical night. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes and fell asleep with her in his arms. You could see, when you looked at the two lying in each other's arms, that they were both very much in love. You could see, when you looked at the way Remus had his arms wrapped protectively around Tonks, that he would always protect her with his life. 

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