Don't want to stop

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Remus and Tonks had just returned from telling Tonks's parents about the wedding. They had been very excited about it. Remus had been scared that they would be against the idea of Tonks marrying him but luckily he was wrong. The wedding was to be held that saturday. The night before the wedding he and Tonks were going to have to sleep away from each other. It was tradition that the night before a wedding, the woman would spend the day with her female friends and the man would spend it with his male friends. They weren't looking forward to sleeping away from each other but they cheered themselves up with the thought of being husband and wife the next day. Remus and Tonks were sitting in the living room. Tonks was lying on Remus's lap and he was fiddling with her hair. He was nervous. Very nervous. Tonks must have noticed because she smiled up at him and squeezed his hand. He smiled back and kissed her softly on her lips. she kissed back and he felt his nerves go away almost instantly. He broke the kiss and gazed happily at her.
'I'm so excited to be able to call you my wife, Dora...' he whispered in her ear.
'And i'm excited to be able to call you my husband, Remus.' 
They lay in each other's arms on the sofa and Remus kissed her again. He couldn't help it. Whenever they were together it was like he lost all self control. She kissed back and he pulled her on top of him. He kissed her neck and she moaned softly. He kissed her ear and went back to her lips. He stroked her back while they kissed. Even when Sirius came in and coughed loudly they didn't stop. Sirius rolled his eyes and left the room again. Remus held her close to him, protectively. Neither of them wanted to break apart so they didn't. They kept kissing and when Tonks wanted to say something, Remus went to her neck so that she could speak. 
'Can we just do this forever?' She asked, smiling. 
Remus chuckled and kept kissing her neck. He nodded. He knew they'd have to stop at some point but they may as well keep going for now. His body curved around hers. Remus kissed her on the lips again and they kept going like this for an hour until they finally stopped. They were panting for air slightly and they grinned at each other. Remus chuckled.
'Well that was nice...' He murmured in her ear.
'Yeah it was...' she whispered back and laughed and pulled him up off the sofa. 'Do you want to go up to bed. It's getting late...' 
Remus nodded and walked up to their room, holding her hand. They got into bed and Tonks laid her head on his chest. He held her close, not wanting to let go. He gazed into her eyes and smiled.
'Goodnight Dora...' He whispered.
'Goodnight Remus...' She said back.
She closed her eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. He smiled and kissed her on the forehead before falling asleep.  

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