The first mission

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Remus woke up at 8:30 the following morning and got out of bed, yawning. Today he would be going on that mission with the new member, Nymphadora Tonks. There was something about the young auror that intrigued him and he was looking forward to working with her. He pulled on some clothes and went downstairs for breakfast. There was no one else downstairs yet. He quickly buttered some toast, gulped it down and realised he had left his wand upstairs in his room. He climbed up the stairs when suddenly he saw Tonks trip down the stairs.
'Woah!' He exclaimed and he threw out his arms, catching her and stopping her from hitting the ground. 'Are you ok?' He asked.
'I'm fine, thanks.' She smiled at him, 'sorry i'm so clumsy...' She said laughing. 'Stealth was the part of auror training that I failed.' She said
'That's ok' said Remus, chuckling. 'You can't be good at everything.'
She smiled. 'Have you had breakfast already?' said Tonks.
'Yeah. Just now. I was just going up to get my wand,' said Remus.
'Ok. Well I guess you should go get it then.'
Remus nodded and hurried upstairs, grabbed his wand and ran downstairs again to see Tonks eating some toast.
'Ready to leave?' He asked and she nodded. 'Good. Let's go then.'
They disapparated to Malfoy manor and went to hide in some bushes. Remus looked at Tonks out of the corner of his eye. Her cheeks were slightly flushed in excitement. He smiled. She was clearly enjoying this more exciting mission. They were silent for a moment before Remus spoke.
'I was wondering, why is it that you don't like your name?' He asked curiously.
'I just think it's just so long and old fashioned,' she laughed.
Remus smiled. 'I personally think it's a pretty name, but i'm perfectly happy to call you Tonks.'
Tonks blushed slightly. 'Thank you.' She said.
Remus thought for a moment. 'I need to tell you something,' he said, 'you're part of the order. You deserve to know.'
'What is it?' She asked curiously
'I'm...I'm a werewolf...' He said
She stared at him in shock. 'A...A werewolf?'
Remus nodded glumly. 'I understand if you don't want to be near me. I understand if you're scared...'
He was cut off as Tonks hugged him. 'Don't be silly. I don't want to stay away from you. It's not your fault you're a werewolf.'
Remus was surprised, but he hugged back. 'Are...Are you sure?'
She nodded, smiling. 'Of course i'm sure,'
'Thank you,' he said, smiling.
'Any time,' said Tonks, 'now come on, let's move closer to the mansion.'
Remus smiled and followed her closer to the house. Suddenly, remus felt a rush of wind as the killing curse narrowly missed his ear.
'Woah! Watch out Remus!' Came Tonks's voice.
He spun around and saw a death eater that he assumed had sent the curse. He pointed his wand at the death eater and started shooting spells at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw more death eaters coming to join the first one. He and Tonks were now standing back to back, outnumbered by the many death eaters. He heard Tonks scream behind him and felt her fall to the ground behind him. He looked behind him and saw, with horror, that she was being tortured by means of the cruciatus curse!
'Leave her!' He shouted and shot a curse at the death eater that had hit her with the curse and the death eater flew back and hit a tree and was dazed for a moment.
'Are you alright?' He asked urgently.
She whimpered slightly. 'I'm fine...'
Worried, Remus continued fighting the death eaters, but he was outnumbered and was losing. Tonks pulled herself up and helped fight the death eaters, but she was weak from the cruciatus curse and couldn't do much to help. Remus saw Dolohov, a powerful death eater, shoot purple flames at Tonks. Instinct drove all thoughts from his head, and he dove towards her, knowing she wouldn't be able to dodge it in time because she was so weak from the curse. The flames hit him in the chest, instead of Tonks, and he collapsed to the ground.

Tonks's P.O.V

'Remus!' Shouted Tonks in shock and with anger, she fought off the rest of the death eaters and when they were all gone, she kneeled down beside Remus.
'Please don't be dead ...' She murmured. She felt for a pulse and felt a weak one. She grabbed his arm and apparated to 12 Grimmauld Place.

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