Protect you with my life

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Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks woke up to sunlight shining down on her. She scrambled to her feet, remembering the events of the night before. She looked around her.
'Remus!' She shouted, hoping he would hear her but knowing deep down that he wouldn't.
She Stumbled through the forest, desperate to find him. She saw a trickle of blood on the floor and saw there was more blood leading somewhere. She was sure it would lead her to Remus. She followed it and then she saw the path of blood stop and looked around. And there she saw him...He was lying completely still on the floor, surrounded by blood. She fell to her knees beside him.
'No...Remus NO!'
He was badly beaten and had many cuts all over his body along with deep bites. His face was chalk white and his eyes screwed tight. He had clearly been in great pain before he passed out. She picked him up with trembling arms and apparated to Grimmauld place and knocked on the door. The door was flung over by Sirius.
'Tonks! Thank goodness...we were so worried'
Then Sirius's eyes fell onto Remus and widened in shock.
'What...What happened?' He asked, shaking slightly.
'Greyback...Long story...I'll tell you later.' Said Tonks and ran upstairs to their room and laid him on the bed and lay down next to him. She brushed his hair out of his face and kissed him softly.
'Please survive Remus...' whispered Tonks, 'I can't lose you'
She saw Molly come in with some bandages. Sirius must have told her what happened. She saw Molly look sympathetically at her and smiled sadly.
'Thank you for bringing bandages Molly...'
'Don't mention it.' Said Molly, smiling, 'I think it's better if you apply the bandages.'
Tonks nodded and smiled gratefully at Molly, who got up and left the room in order to give them some privacy. Tonks pulled off Remus's shirt and was shocked at how many cuts and bites he had on his chest and stomach. She held back tears and started putting the bandages on his wounds. He had lost so much blood. She got a blood replenishing potion from her desk drawer and ran quickly over to Remus and gently opened his mouth and poured it in. Some colour returned to his cheeks but he was still very pale. She sighed and got back into bed next to him. She wrapped her arms around his limp, weak body and couldn't hold it in. She sobbed and sobbed until there were no more tears left to cry and she fell asleep, her head resting on his chest. 

The following morning, Tonks woke up and immediately looked at Remus.
'Remus...' She whispered.
He didn't respond. He was still unconscious then... She sighed and checked his bandages. They were still on and they hadn't fallen off in the night, which was good...She decided she wouldn't leave his side. Not even for food. She wanted to be there when he woke up. No...If he woke up...She didn't know if he would wake up at all. She held back tears. She got out a book and decided she would read to pass the time.
Two hours later, she read the last page of her book and looked at Remus. He was still unconscious. She sighed sadly and stroked his cheek.
'Come on remus...' She murmured. 'Please don't do this to me...I love you...'
She pulled his head onto her lap and kissed his forehead softly. Why did it always have to be him? Why couldn't it be Voldemort and his followers who suffered like this. Why was it always the good people...? She felt a surge of hate for Greyback. He was the reason for all of Remus's suffering! Suddenly, she felt something move against her hand. She snapped her face round to look and saw Remus smiling up at her. For a moment, she simply stared at him. Then her eyes filled with tears of joy and she hugged him tight.
'Hey beautiful...' Whispered Remus and hugged back.
The colour was slowly returning to his face and his breathing was becoming less hoarse.
'Hey Remus...' She whispered, smiling. 'Please never scare me like that again...'
Remus chuckled. 'I will always protect you with my life...'

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