Knockturn alley

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The next day, a meeting was held in the dining room with the order, to talk about the mass breakout. Remus and Tonks were sitting next to each other as usual, and they were holding hands under the table. Mad eye was now making partners to go patrol different places. He turned to Remus and Tonks.
'You two,' he barked, 'you will be patrolling knockturn alley. I think you should be partners in all missions because you work better together.'
Remus and Tonks smiled at each other and Remus squeezed Tonks's hand. He was looking forward to another mission with her.

Tonks's P.O.V.

When the meeting was over, they stood up, still holding hands, and walked outside and apparated to knockturn alley. Tonks pulled Remus into the shadows so they could watch for any disturbance without being seen and snuck up on. Remus squeezed her hand.
'We've got this.' he whispered.
She smiled at him.
'Yeah, we'll catch those death eaters in no time!' She said back.
She saw Remus look around and stare straight ahead.
'I think I see someone,' he muttered and slowly crept forwards.
Tonks followed behind him.
'be careful,' she whispered.
She didn't want him to get hurt again. Remus nodded and crept further forwards and then stopped.
'Bellatrix lestrange...' he whispered.
Tonks gripped her wand tighter in her hand. Then Bellatrix Lestrange stepped forwards.
'Look who we have here,' She cackled, 'A werewolf and ickle Nymphadora. How fun!'
Tonks glared at her. Remus pointed his wand at Bellatrix.
'It's funny that you think you can defeat me,' sneered Bellatrix.
Tonks raised her wand as well. Bellatrix laughed evilly.
'I think i'll start with you then.' Said Bellatrix, pointing her wand at Tonks.
'You won't touch her!' Said Remus and started duelling Bellatrix.
Tonks also started shooting spells at her. After a while, Bellatrix's cruciatus curse got through Remus's defence and he was hit and he fell to the floor, twitching and screaming in pain.
'REMUS!' Shouted Tonks.
She tried to hit Bellatrix with spells but she dodged them easily, while still torturing Remus. Remus's screams were growing quieter and she saw his eyes begin to close.
'NO' She shouted.
Bellatrix sneered and 5 minutes later, she stopped the curse. Remus was lying on his back on the floor, barely moving and panting slightly.
'How did you like that little taster werewolf?' She asked, cackling.
Remus tried to reach for his wand but couldn't reach and he was too weak to even crawl towards it. Tonks looked at him with tears in her eyes.
'Remus...' She whispered.
Bellatrix cackled and pointed her wand at Remus again.
'I'm going to kill you now, werewolf.' She said. 'Avada-'
Remus lay on the floor, unable to move away from the curse and looked sadly at Tonks and closed his eyes, clearly waiting for the curse to hit him.
'Kedavra!' yelled Bellatrix.
A flash of green light went towards Remus. Before it could hit him, Tonks pulled him out of the way and the curse hit the floor instead. Tonks shot more spells at Bellatrix, and they started duelling. Five minutes later, they were still duelling and Remus was still lying, unable to move, on the ground.
'Dora...' Whispered Remus
'Diffindo!' Shouted Tonks, not hearing him.
She managed to get it past Bellatrix's defence and Bellatrix screamed as she got a deep cut in her arm. Tonks grinned. Bellatrix glared at her, her eyes full of loathing.
'You'll pay for that one!' Snarled Bellatrix, 'Levicorpus!'
Tonks saw Remus use the rest of his energy to jump in front of her and he got hit with the curse and flew high into the air. Bellatrix sent him flying into a wall and he fell to the floor with a thud and lay motionless on the ground. Tonks screamed in anger and shot even more spells at Bellatrix. She was winning and finally, Bellatrix stopped duelling her.
'This isn't over!' She said and disapparated.
Tonks ran over to Remus and kneeled down beside him, checking for a pulse. She found one. His breath was hoarse. She shook him, desperately hoping that he would wake up. He had been tortured for 5 whole minutes and then slammed into a wall. He didn't move. He lay still. She sat down and pulled his head on her lap, stroking his hair out of his face. She kissed him softly on the lips.
'Come on Remus...Please wake up...' She whispered.
She sat there for 2 hours, with Remus's head resting on her lap. It was nearing the end of their patrol. She saw him move.
'Remus...?' She whispered.
'Dora...?' He murmured and moaned in pain.
She hugged him tight.
'How are you feeling?' She asked quietly.
'It hurts, Dora...' He croaked, 'I hate that curse...'
She hated seeing him in pain like that. She stroked his cheek, tears welling in her eyes.
'I'm sorry, Remus...' She whispered.
Remus wiped the tears off her cheeks.
'Don't cry Dora...' He whispered. 'I'll...I'll be fine...'
Tonks nodded shakily.
'Come on...Our patrol is over. We can go back now...just lean on me...'
Remus leaned on her and she apparated them both to 12 Grimmauld Place and opened the door and helped him up to their room. She laid him on the bed and got in next to him.
'Just try to rest Remus.' She said.
He nodded and closed his eyes. After a while he fell asleep. Tonks lay, watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful when he slept. She sighed. Why was it him. Why wasn't it her who got hurt for once?

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