The wedding

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It was now the evening before the wedding and Remus and Tonks were saying goodbye to each other.
'We'll see each other soon Dora...' murmured Remus. 'Tomorrow we'll be husband and wife.' 
Tonks smiled. 'I can't wait.' 
He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She kissed back. He held her close, his arms wrapped around her.
'I'm going to miss you tonight...' He whispered, breaking the kiss.
'I'm going to miss you too...' She said, smiling slightly.
Sirius coughed by the door. 'You ready to go Moony? You two have been being all soppy for ages.'
Remus chuckled and squeezed Tonks's hand. 'Goodbye Dora...' he whispered in her ear and then left.
Sirius apparated with him to a bar and they sat down. Remus decided not to drink. He didn't want to be hungover tomorrow during his wedding. He wanted it to be perfect. He felt his nerves come back again. 
'It will be fine Moony,' said Sirius, comforting him. 'Tomorrow will go great.'
Remus nodded, 'I'm sure it will...' he said.
After they finished at the bar they apparated to Remus's apartment. they went up to the bedroom where a spare mattress had been set up on the floor for Sirius. Remus was tired and he yawned. 
'Tired?' Asked Sirius, laughing.
'Exhausted.' Muttered Remus and got into his bed. 
He wished Tonks was there next to him. He missed her already. least he would be able to sleep next to her tomorrow. And then they would be husband and wife. He smiled and that thought helped him fall asleep, dreaming about the following day when he would be able to call Tonks his wife.

Tonks's P.O.V. 

Tonks apparated to the burrow with Molly. They had just finished eating at a nice restaurant. They went up to Molly's room, where there was a spare bed that Tonks crawled into. Molly crawled into the other one. 
'Nervous?' Molly asked Tonks.
'Very...' Said Tonks, laughing quietly.
'Tomorrow will be lovely. And just think, you'll be husband and wife.' 
Tonks nodded and smiled. She wondered what Remus did tonight. Knowing Sirius, he probably made Remus go to a bar. She chuckled. She felt better about not having Remus next to her because she thought about how tomorrow, they would be able to sleep next to each other, as Husband and Wife. Smiling, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, dreaming of the next day when she would be able to call Remus her husband.

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus woke the next day at 9:00am to Sirius shaking him awake. He realised what day it was and jumped out of bed. Sirius grinned.
'Time to get ready for that wedding, don't you think?' Sirius asked, chuckling.
'yeah!' Said Remus, smiling happily. 
He went into the bathroom and got dressed. He combed his hands through his hair with some gel until it looked good. He went back into his room and saw Sirius waiting at the door.
'Come on, Moony. Let's go have breakfast.' He said.
Remus nodded and followed Sirius downstairs. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't wait to see Tonks at the wedding. When it was time to leave they apparated to the church where their wedding was to take place. Remus smiled. The place had been decorated really well. There were vases with flowers everywhere and there were stars hanging from the ceiling. It looked truly magical. The guests had just been seated and Remus walked in and walked to the front of the people seated. Now he just had to wait for Tonks to arrive. A few minutes later, it happened. Tonks walked in with her father next to her and their eyes met. The smiled happily at each other. Tonks was beautiful. She was wearing a beautiful long white wedding dress and a silver tiara. He gazed at her, in awe of her beauty. 
'Dora...' He whispered.  
Ted released Tonks when they reached Remus and the couple gazed into each other's eyes. The officiant of the wedding began to speak.
'We are gathered here today to mark the union between two amazing people. Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks.' 
'Remus lupin, please say something to your bride.'
Remus took a deep breath and took Tonks's hands in his.
'Dora...You are the most amazing person i've ever met. You bring out the best in me. The way your eyes sparkle when you're happy, the way you smile at everything. You cheer me up on my bad days and you make my best days even better. I never want to lose you. I promise to protect you for as long as I live. I'll give anything for you and I love you with all my heart.'
Tonks blushed and squeezed his hands in hers.
'And now Nymphadora Tonks, please say something to your groom.'
'Remus...You are the most selfless person in the whole world. You are strong and you are brave. You are exceptionally kind and always know what to say to me. You have not had an easy life and yet you light up any room you enter. You always make me feel safe, make me feel protected. I don't want to lose you either and I will do everything I can to stop that from happening. I love you with all my heart and always will.'
Remus smiled softly at her. 
The officiant spoke again. 'Remus John Lupin, do you take Nymphadora Tonks to be your wife?'
'I do.' Said Remus, his voice full of emotion.
'And do you, Nymphadora Tonks, take Remus John Lupin to be your husband' 
'I do.' Said Tonks, beaming at Remus. 
'You are now husband and wife. You may kiss.'
Remus put his hands around her waist and pulled her towards him and kissed her with all of his love. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around him and then they broke apart, smiling at each other. 

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