I've told you a million times

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Hey guys. before you read this, I want to tell you that I used some things directly from the book in this scene so technically those parts were written by J.K Rowling. Just wanted to make it clear :D

Remus's P.O.V.

Ten minutes later, like Madam Pomfrey said, Remus woke up and stared around him. He saw Tonks and looked down.
'I told you to leave me...' he said.
'I wasn't going to leave you to die!' She shouted.
He looked at Bill and froze.
'Probably Greyback...' muttered Tonks.
'It's not full moon...He won't be a werewolf at least...'
He got off the bed and walked a bit away from Tonks and sat down on a chair, looking down at his feet. He saw Tonks put her head in her hands. He looked away, feeling horrible. But he couldn't...he couldn't be with her...He sighed.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Suddenly, Ron, Hermione and Professor McGonagall entered the hospital wing and crowd around Bill's hospital bed. A little while later Ginny and Harry came in, holding hands and with tears in their eyes. Madam Pomfrey explained to them that Bill had been attacked by Greyback and that he would have those scars forever. Remus told them that Bill wouldn't be a true werewolf because it wasn't full moon when he was bitten. He would however, have some wolfish tendencies.
'Dumbledore might know something that'd work though,' Ron said, 'where is he? Bill fought those maniacs on Dumbledore's orders, Dumbledore owes him, he can't leave him in this state.'
Ginny looked sadly at Ron, 'Ron...Dumbledore's dead...' She murmured.
Tonks felt her heart stop.
'No!' Said Remus, staring wildly from Ginny to Harry but when Harry didn't contradict her, he put his head in his hands.
Tonks hated seeing him like this...This sad...This defeated...
'How did he die?' Asked Tonks.
Harry told them all that had happened. Malfoy had disarmed Dumbledore and then Snape had killed him when Malfoy couldn't...
They all stared at Harry.
'Snape...' repeated Professor McGonagall faintly. 'we all wondered...but he trusted...always...Snape...I can't believe it.'
'Snape was a highly accomplished Occlumens,' said Remus, sounding uncharacteristically harsh. 'We always knew that.'
'But Dumbledore swore he was on our side!' whispered Tonks. 'I always thought Dumbledore must know something about Snape that we didn't.'
They all were quiet for a while, shocked. Then Molly and Arthur ran in, followed by fleur, Bill's fiance.
'Bill...' whispered Molly. 'Oh Bill!'
'You said Greyback attacked him?' Arthur asked Professor McGonagall. 'But he hasn't transformed. So what does this mean? What will happen to Bill?'
'We don't yet know,' said Professor McGonagall, looking at Remus.
Remus explained to Arthur that he would have some wolfish tendencies but wouldn't be a werewolf.
'And Dumbledore...' said Arthur. 'Is he really...?'
Professor McGonagall nodded. Fleur was looking down at Bill with a frozen expression on her face. Then Fleur got annoyed at Molly for thinking she wouldn't want to marry Bill anymore because of how he looked. She said she didn't care how he looked and started dabbing ointment on Bill's wounds.
'You see!' Said Tonks to Remus, in a strained voice. 'She still wants to be with him, even though he's been bitten! She doesn't care!'
'It's different...' said Remus, barely moving his lips and looking tense. 'Bill will not be a full werewolf. The cases are completely - '
'But I don't care either, I don't care!' Said Tonks and desperately, she grabbed the front of his robes and shook them. 'I've told you a million times...'
'And i've told you a million times,' he said, refusing to meet her eyes and staring at the floor, 'that I am too old for you, too poor...too dangerous...'
'I've said all along that you're taking a ridiculous line on this, Remus,' said Molly.
'I'm not being ridiculous,' he replied, steadily. 'Tonks deserves someone young and whole.'
'But she wants you,' said Arthur, with a small smile. 'And after all, Remus, young and whole men do not necessarily remain so.' He said, looking sadly at Bill.
'This...is not the moment to discuss it...' Said Remus, avoiding everyone's eye contact. 'Dumbledore is dead...'
'Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world,' said Professor McGonagall curtly.
Everyone was silent for a moment. Tonks sighed and left the room. She couldn't face Remus anymore. She walked out of the castle and walked to the lake and sat down by a tree, with tears in her eyes.

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus looked around. He had to speak with her...had to explain everything...He looked at everyone one more time before leaving the hospital wing. He knew where she must be. He had a feeling that she was at the lake. She tended to go to places like that when she was upset. He walked to the lake and saw her sitting at a tree, with her head in her hands. He sat down next to her.
'Dora...?' He whispered.
She didn't say anything.
'Let me explain...' he said.
He told her everything that had happened with Scrimgeour. And she stared up at him.
'Scrimgeour...made you...'
'He said he would fire you if I didn't...' He looked down.
'Oh Remus...' she replied. 'I don't care if he fires me as long as i'm with you...Does that mean you don't think you're too old, dangerous and poor for me then...?'
He looked into her eyes, 'I still think that...'
She looked down.
'Wait...' he said, lifting her face so she was looking at him. 'Of course I still think that...but I know that you don't care...I know that I still want to be with you...even if that makes me the most selfish person in the world...'
'You are the least selfish person i've ever met, Remus...' she said, laughing quietly.
'I'm sorry...For everything...I don't want you to lose your job though...'
'Please Remus...I don't care about my job...as long as i'm with you...you're all I need in my life.'
He looked into her tear stained face and wiped some tears off her cheeks.
She nodded, 'really...' she said.
He leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck. After what felt like an eternity, they broke apart
'I love you Dora...' he whispered in her ear.
'I love you too Remus...' she replied.
She laid her head on Remus's chest and he smiled down at her. He combed his hands through her hair and wrapped his arms around her. Then, they heard an angry voice behind them.
'So!' Said Scrimgeour. 'You decided you didn't care if she lost her job, did you?'
Tonks sprang up and glared at him.
'How dare you make Remus break up with me! Just because he's a werewolf!'
'You can consider yourself fired Nymphadora!' He snarled back at her.
'I don't care!' She shouted, 'I don't want to work for you anyway! You foul git!'
'Watch your mouth, you can't speak like that to me!' He shouted, pointing his wand at her.
Quick as a flash, Remus got up and stood protectively in front of her. He felt in his pockets for his wand and realised it wasn't there. He must have left it in the hospital wing
'Don't touch her!' He growled.
'stupefy!' Shouted Scrimgeour.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Remus could do nothing to defend himself because he didn't have his wand so he was hit by the spell and because it was done so powerfully he was thrown against the tree and nearly knocked out. He was barely stirring and his eyes were closed. Tonks stared at him in shock. Then she glared at Scrimgeour.
'how dare you?' She shouted at him. 'You're supposed to be the minister of magic! That's not how a minister should act.'
He glared back at her, 'he deserved it! He would have attacked me!'
'He didn't even have his wand!' yelled Tonks.
'Whatever!' Snarled Scrimgeour, and he turned around and stalked off.
Tonks ran over to Remus and put her hand on his shoulder.
'Are you ok, Remus?'
He opened his eyes and smiled weakly at her.
'I'm fine...' He said and pulled himself up, leaning against the tree.
'Lean on me, Remus...' she said and pulled Remus's arm around her to keep him standing. He winced in pain and massaged his head. She looked worried at him.
'Are you sure you're alright...?'
He nodded, 'I'm fine...My head just hurts a bit that's all...'
'We're going to the hospital wing.' Said Tonks.
'I'm fine!' He protested.
'I still want you to be checked out. You're still probably a bit hurt from earlier as well...'
'Fine...' Remus sighed.
He limped to the hospital wing with the help of Tonks and when they entered the room, the others were still there. Molly jumped up.
'What happened?' She asked when she saw Tonks supporting Remus.
'Long story...' said Tonks. 'I'll explain later. For now he needs to be checked out.'
Madam pomfrey helped her put him on a bed and she ran some tests.
'He seems to have a mild concussion, but other than that he's ok.'
'How long will it take for him to heal from his concussion?' Asked Tonks.
'Maybe about a week. Just make sure he takes it easy and drinks loads of water and he will be fine.'
Tonks nodded, 'thanks Madam Pomfrey.'
'Don't mention it.' She said, smiling slightly and went back to Bill.
'I told you i'm fine...' whispered Remus.
'Well you have got a concussion...' said Tonks.
'Only a mild one,' he said, smiling slightly.
'Still good that we got it checked out though.'
Remus chuckled, 'I suppose you're right...'
'Of course i'm right' she grinned.
He squeezed her hand and smiled up at her. She smiled back. Finally, after all they had been through, they had managed to find their way back together...to happiness. 

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