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The following morning, Tonks woke up and looked next to her to see Remus looking just as pale as he did yesterday. She put her hand on his cheek and it was really cold. She brushed her lips against his. She took off his shirt again and looked at his stomach. She put her hand on his wound and when she moved her hand away again it was covered in blood. She wiped tears out of her eyes. At least the wound was starting to heal...His breathing was hoarse. She got some water and poured it in his mouth for him. He had to stay hydrated...She then got a blood replenishing potion and fed it to him. Some of the colour returned to his cheeks and slowly, his breathing became normal again. She sighed in relief. That was at least an improvement...She laid her head on his chest and went back to sleep.

A few months later, she was lying next to him, staring at his limp form. He had recovered a bit but he still hadn't woken up. She leant over him, sobbing. Tears fell from her cheeks onto Remus's face and she wiped them off him. She brushed his hair out of his face. She saw his lips if he was trying to say something. She stared at him in excitement.
'Remus...' She whispered. 'Remus, can you open your eyes?'
His eyes remained closed. Maybe he was too weak to open them.
'Squeeze my hand if you can hear me...'
She felt the tiniest squeeze on her hand and gasped. She hugged him.
'Remus...' She murmured.
She saw his lips form a small smile. She pressed her lips against his and she felt him kiss back, weakly. She pulled his head on her lap and stroked his cheek. She hoped he would be able to open his eyes and speak soon. After a while she realised that he had passed out again. She looked down, sadly. Well...At least that was an improvement. The following morning, she woke up to feel Remus's hand squeezing hers. She smiled at him and held him close.
'Take as long as you need to recover Remus...I'll stay with you.'
He nodded slightly and smiled softly. He still couldn't open his eyes or speak. A few hours later, she saw him lift his hand weakly and he put it on her cheek. She leaned into his touch and smiled. She saw him smile back at her with his eyes still closed. He pulled her down and kissed her softly on the lips. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around him.
'I love you Remus...' She murmured in between kisses.
'I...I lo...I love you too...' He managed to say.
She smiled and held him close. She buried her head in his neck and felt him comb his hands through her hair. She laid him back down and saw, to her excitement, his eyes began to flicker open. She squeezed his hand. His eyes opened fully and he looked into her eyes.
She smiled, 'Well done Remus...' she said. 'You're so strong.'
He smiled and hugged her.
'Stay...with p...please' he choked out.
She nodded, 'of course.'
She picked up the glass of water and held it to his mouth. He opened it and swallowed some of the water.
'T...Thank you...D...Dora...'
'Don't mention it,' she whispered.
He hugged her and closed his eyes again.
'I...need...sleep...' he murmured.
'Sleep for as long as you like Remus,' she said softly.
He put his hand on her cheek and guided her head so it was leaning on his chest. She smiled softly. He combed his fingers through her hair and slowly, he fell asleep. She gazed at his peaceful form for a moment before falling asleep as well. The young couple slept all day and for the whole of the next night, in each other's arms. The following morning, Tonks woke up to the feeling of Remus's lips on hers. She smiled softly.
'Good morning Remus...' She said, kissing back.
'Good morning beautiful...' He said, starting to speak more easily.
She blushed and said, 'do you want some more water?'
'Yes please...' he said, quietly.
She picked up the glass and refilled it quickly at the sink and poured it into his open mouth. He swallowed and then hugged her.
'Thank you...' he whispered. 'How...How did you get away...?'
Tonks smiled and told him everything that had happened after he was stabbed. He asked her what had happened to her before he came to rescue her and she told him how she had been tortured until she passed out. He gritted his teeth, angrily, at this.
'I want to kill that woman...' He muttered. 'Are you ok now?' He asked.
'I'm fine,' she said. 'Besides, this was quite a few months ago now...'
'A few months...I've been out for a few months?' He asked, weakly.
She nodded, sadly. 'You scared me half to death Remus...' She said, shakily.
'Hey...' he whispered, putting his hand on her cheek and tucking her bubblegum pink hair behind her ears. 'I'm fine...You don't need to worry about me ok...'
She smiled softly at him.
'How can I not when you keep getting hurt?' She asked jokingly.
He chuckled, 'well i'm fine now...'
He pressed his lips against hers in a passionate kiss. She kissed back and felt him wrap his arms around her and hold her body tight against his. He kissed her neck and she moaned softly. Remus smiled at her.
'You're so beautiful...' he whispered.
'And you're so handsome,' she grinned.
He chuckled. She buried her head in his neck and felt him hold her, protectively
'I can't believe you were stabbed...' she whispered.
'I'll go through anything if it means you're safe,' he murmured and wrapped his whole body around hers on the bed.
'You don't have to...I don't like you getting hurt all the time...I don't want to lose you.' She whispered and tears fell down her cheeks.
Remus put his hand on her cheek and wiped away her tears.
'Don't cry, Dora...' he whispered. 'You won't lose me...and even if I did die...I'd always be in here.' he said, pointing to her heart.
She nodded, sniffing, 'well just don't let it come to that...' she said.
He chuckled, 'I'll try.' 

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