Forgive me

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Remus's P.O.V.

The following morning, Remus woke up. Everything hurt and he moaned in pain. Suddenly, he saw Tonks sleeping peacefully next to him and realised her arms were around him. He wrapped his arms back around her and held her close. Her eyes flickered open and she beamed when she saw him awake.
'I'm so sorry Dora...I should never have left you...I was a coward...' he whispered.
She buried her head in his neck. 'Remus...I forgave you straight away yesterday...I saw you taking those hits as if you deserved them and...I just broke when I saw that happening...'
'I did deserve them...' he murmured. 'In fact I deserved worse. I still do now...'
She put her hand on his cheek and made it so he was facing her. 'Remus, listen. You didn't deserve it! You are the most amazing person i've ever met and we all have bad moments. You came back and that's all that matters.'
He smiled softly and tucked her hair behind her ears. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately. She kissed back and he wrapped his arms, protectively, around her. He didn't notice the door open until he heard an angry voice say:
'What do you think you're doing?!'
He looked up, scared. It was Ted. He looked down.
'I'm sorry...' He said. 'I...I...'
Ted strided up to him, his fists in the air and prepared to punch him. He closed his eyes, ready for the blow that he knew would come when suddenly, he felt Tonks move beside him and felt her get in front of him. He opened his eyes and saw Ted's fist make contact with her face instead. She gasped in pain and fell backwards.
'Dora!' Remus shouted and caught her in his arms.
He saw Ted stumble back in horror at what he had done.
'I...Dora...I didn't mean to hit you...' 
Remus wrapped his arms around her. He looked down at her face and saw blood coming out of her nose. He put his hand on her nose to stop more blood from coming and kissed her forehead softly.
'Dora...' He whispered. 'Are you ok?'
'I'm fine...' she said. 'And I know he was planning to do much worse to you so I'm glad I took that hit.' 
'You shouldn't have taken it...' muttered Remus. 'I should have taken it, not you.'
Ted pulled himself together and stumbled towards Tonks and sat down on the edge of the bed. Remus pulled her towards him, protectively.
'I'm sorry...' said Ted. 'I didn't mean to...I just lost control...And when you got in front of him, I didn't manage to stop my fist in time...' 
'I know dad...' said Tonks, quietly. 'But if you hit Remus you wouldn't have felt sorry. You would have continued like you did yesterday and hurt him badly. I couldn't let you do that...'
'I'm sorry Remus...' said Ted, turning to face him. 'I can tell that you love her. I know you thought you were doing the right thing by leaving Dora...And you came back to her...That's what matters most.'
'Don't apologise,' said Remus. 'I should never have left her. I was a coward and you were right to be angry. I'm sorry for hurting your daughter...and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her. Do you forgive me?'
Ted smiled. 'Of course I do.' He turned to Tonks. 'And do you forgive me?' 
'I do dad...Just promise never to hurt Remus again...'
'I promise...' He said, getting up. 'I'll leave you two alone now. I'm sorry for everything.'
He left the room and Remus and Tonks were alone again. Remus looked concerned at Tonks.
'Are you sure you're ok Dora?' He asked, holding her close.
'I feel absolutely fine.' She said, smiling. 
He put his hands on her cheeks and brought her lips to his again. She returned the kiss and he stroked her back gently. He broke the kiss and hugged her tight.    
'I love you so much Dora...' he whispered in her ear. 'I want you to know that. And I will never leave you again from now on. Unless...unless you ask me to of course.'
She smiled. 'I love you too Remus. And of course I will never ask you to leave me.'
'I will stay by your side through everything...And if our child does turn out to be a werewolf...I won't leave you. I will help you and our child through it all. Like you both deserve.' said Remus softly
Tonks buried her face in his neck. 'Thank you Remus...You don't know how much that means to me...'
He combed his fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head. 'I meant it.' he said, smiling. 
He pulled her face up and kissed her again. This was a different kind of kiss. It was a kiss to show his promise, to show that he would stay with her until the end of time. It was a kiss that showed he was truly in love with her and would do anything for her. She kissed back and he pulled her on top of him. He gently massaged her back and kissed her neck. She sighed contentedly.
'Dora...' whispered Remus, happily.
They kept going for ten minutes and then broke apart, catching their breath. Tonks laid her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. Remus noticed her nose looked broken. 
'Do you want me to fix your nose for you Dora?' He asked, softly.
'Yes please...' said Tonks, smiling.
'This may hurt a bit...' whispered Remus and he pointed his wand at her nose. 'Episkey.'
'Argh.' shouted Tonks in pain.
Remus hugged her. 'Sorry...' he whispered. 
'Don't worry about it. Did it work?' 
Remus lifted her face up to look. 'It worked,' he said, smiling. 'And you look as beautiful as ever.'
She smiled gratefully and laid her head on his chest again.
'Thank you Remus...' she murmured.
'Don't mention it...' He said, stroking her head. 
'Do you want to go back to our house tomorrow?' Tonks asked him.
'I'd love to.' He said, smiling. 

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