Another mission

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It had been a few days since the knockturn alley fight. Remus was still recovering a bit from it. They were sitting in another meeting.
'Remus and Nymphadora, you will be patrolling Diagon Alley this time,' said Moody.
'Can't you give Remus more time to recover?' Asked Tonks.
'No,' said Moody, 'He's got to do it.'
'It's fine Dora...I can do it.' Said Remus, squeezing her hand.
'Fine' Said Tonks, sighing.
They finished the meeting and Remus and Tonks apparated to Diagon Alley. Tonks turned to look at Remus.
'Please be careful Remus...I don't want a repeat of what happened in knockturn alley...'
'I will...' said Remus, smiling softly.
He pulled her close and kissed her. She kissed back and then they broke apart, staring into each other's eyes.
'Come on...' Said Remus, 'We should start our patrol...'
After about an hour of patrolling, they saw Bellatrix and Dolohov having a whispered conversation in a side street. They walked forwards and Bellatrix and Dolohov spotted them. A duel started, with Remus and Tonks standing back to back. Remus was fighting Dolohov and Tonks was fighting Bellatrix. Tonks was struggling against Bellatrix who was sending a lot of curses at her. Remus noticed and quickly sent a curse behind him at Bellatrix, knocking her out just as a killing curse whizzed past his ear.
'Remus! I told you to be careful!' Yelled Tonks.
'Sorry...' He said grinning.
Tonks joined him in fighting Dolohov. They were winning and finally, Dolohov, who seemed to realise this, ran over to Bellatrix and disapparated with her. Remus suddenly fell to his knees and screamed in loads of pain. Tonks sat down next to him.
'Remus?! Are you ok...?' She asked, concerned.
'I'm fine...' Gasped Remus, 'Just...still recovering a bit...from knockturn alley...'
Tonks, worried, picked him up and apparated to Grimmauld place and carried him upstairs.
'I knew you shouldn't have come Remus...'
Remus hugged her and moved her hair out of her face.
'I'm fine Dora...' He whispered.
Tonks sighed and got into bed next to him.
'Please stop scaring me like this all the time Remus...' Said Tonks, sadly.
'Sorry Dora...' Replied Remus.
He pulled her close to him and pressed his lips against hers, wrapping his arms around her. She kissed back and when they broke apart a few minutes later, she rested her head against his chest.
'I love you Remus...' She murmured.
'I love you too Dora...Forever and always.'

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