Can't stay away

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Remus's P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since Remus had left Tonks alone on the park bench. He had been staying in his old apartment and had been growing increasingly lonely. He missed being with Tonks. He missed everything about her. From her warm smile to her twinkling, dark brown eyes. He wanted to see her again but knew he couldn't. He didn't deserve her. She deserved someone younger than him, safer than him and who could provide for her. He suddenly saw a blue light in the corner of the room and turned around to see Sirius's Patronus. The patronus's message was that he had to come back to Grimmauld place. He sighed and got out of his chair. He should probably get going. He got his wand and put it in his pocket and then he disapparated to 12 Grimmauld Place and knocked on the door. The door was opened and he saw Sirius standing on the doorway.
'Hey Sirius...' He said, looking down.
Suddenly, to his surprise Sirius hugged him
'Woah. Why did you do that Sirius?' he asked, confused.
'I know what happened Remus,' he said, sighing.
'Oh...' Remus scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, 'how is she?' He said.
Sirius looked down.
'She isn't doing great, Remus...Can't you give the relationship a chance? You are obviously in love with each other.'
'I can't...' said Remus, 'I'll hurt her...I know I will. And she'll lose everything if people find out she's dating a werewolf. She could lose her job. How will her parents react?!' He sighed.
'Remus...' said Sirius, 'she's accepted the risk. She doesn't care about any of that stuff.'
Remus thought for a moment. 'Fine...But only because it hurts me too much to be away from her...' He muttered, rolling his eyes at Sirius's smirk and walking up to Tonks's room.
He knocked on the door.
'Come in...' said a voice from inside her room.
Remus pushed open the door and walked in. It hurt him so much to see Tonks like this. Her hair was mousy brown now and her eyes no longer had that spark in them. What had he done...This was his fault...He should never have left her.
'Tonks...I'm so sorry...' He said, his voice breaking.
'Don't apologise...' She whispered, 'you thought you were acting for the best...'
Remus ran up to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her.
'I love you...So much' he murmured.
'I love you too Remus...' She said, smiling softly and leaning against his chest.
Remus cupped her face in his hands and tilted her face up so that their lips were millimeters apart. He saw Tonks blush and he smiled. He pressed his lips onto hers and she kissed back and he sat on her bed next to her, still kissing her. He pulled her onto his lap and combed his fingers through her hair while he kissed her. After what felt like days of bliss, they broke apart, staring into each other's eyes.
'I'm sorry about everything I put you through Dora...' Said Remus quietly.
'Dora?' She said, surprised.
Remus went red, 'Oh, sorry...I can keep calling you Tonks if you prefer that...' He mumbled, embarrassed.
'Actually Remus,' said Tonks, smiling, 'I like that nickname.'
'In that case,' said Remus, 'i'll call you that from now on...'
She smiled, 'thank you for coming back to me remus.'
'Of course I came back to you...' He whispered, 'I just can't stay away from you.'

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