A perfect night

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It was two months into the holidays and Remus woke up early in the morning. He got up and wrote a note to Tonks, telling her he was just going out and that he would be back soon. He got dressed and went outside and disapparated to diagon alley. He went into a jewelry shop and went to the wedding ring section. A member of staff came up to him and asked him what he wanted. 
'I'm looking for a ring...' He said. 'To propose to my girlfriend.' 
The staff member smiled at him, 'good luck,' she said. 'I'll help you find the perfect ring.'
After searching for a while, Remus found a beautiful ring.
'This one is perfect.'
'Great. I'm sure she'll love it!' She said and put it in a bag for him. 
He paid, said goodbye to the staff member and left the shop.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks woke up and looked next to her, expecting to see Remus but then she saw he wasn't there. She got out of bed and went downstairs to see if he was there. He wasn't.
'Remus?' She called out and there was no answer. 
She was getting quite worried now. She went back up to her room and got her wand. She was about to go outside to look for him when she saw a note on her bedside table. She grabbed it and read:

Good morning Dora,

I just went out to get something. Sorry if I worried you when you woke up and I wasn't there. I'll be back soon, I promise.
I love you,

She sighed in relief and smiled. He would be back soon. Well...unless he was attacked but...no. That wouldn't happen. She went back downstairs and sat on the sofa and waited for Remus to get back. An hour later, she was getting quite worried. He said he'd be back soon. She went outside with her wand and looked around. She saw Remus lying on the stone steps with a cut lip and blood trickling down his cheek from a nasty cut across his face
'Remus!' She gasped and ran up to him and shook him gently. 
He didn't move. She picked him up and laid him on the sofa and sat down next to him and decided she should just wait until he woke up. After an hour, his eyes flickered open and he gazed up at her. 
'Dora...' He whispered and hugged her tightly.
She hugged back, 'I'm glad you're awake...' she said, sighing in relief.
He smiled at her and kissed her softly. She kissed back and broke apart after a minute.
'What happened, Remus?' She asked him, her voice full of concern.
'I left a shop in Diagon alley...' He said. 'Death eaters arrived and attacked me...I fought them off and apparated back here but then I collapsed...I couldn't get back up and after a while I suppose I passed out...'
She sighed and pushed some hair out of his face.
'Are you ok?' She asked.
'I'm fine...' he said. 
'What shop did you go to?' She asked. 'You could have waited for me and then I could have come with you.' 
'I'm afraid I can't tell you yet, Dora...' he said.
She looked, curiously at him. 'Oh ok.'
'Also, I was planning on maybe going out to a restaurant tonight and then going on a walk in the forest?'
She smiled at him. 'That sounds lovely.' She said.
He smiled. 'I hope you enjoy it.' He said, trying to hide his nerves.
'I'm sure i'll love it.' She said and stroked his cheek.

Remus's P.O.V.

That evening, Remus was waiting for Tonks in the hall. He was wearing his best suit and he checked that his ring was still in his pocket. It was. 
'Hey Remus...' Came a voice behind him.
He turned around to see Tonks, her hair her usual bubblegum pink colour and wearing a beautiful blue dress. 
'You look...amazing!' He gasped.
She blushed. 'And you look really handsome.' she said.
Remus smiled and took her hand. 'Ready to go?' He asked.
'Ready.' She said and they stepped outside.
Remus apparated them to outside a restaurant and they walked in. A waiter came up to them and directed them to a table. They sat down and ordered drinks. The waiter left and Remus found himself gazing dreamily at Tonks. She blushed. He shook himself.
'Sorry...You just look so breathtaking...' He said.
She smiled. 'You also look really good Remus.' 

After they finished their meal, Remus managed to convince Tonks to let him pay and they left the shop, hand in hand. They apparated to a forest and started walking. The moon was shining above them, casting a glow on the area around them, and stars were twinkling in the sky. Remus led Tonks to a spot that had fairy lights on the trees. Tonks gasped.
'It's beautiful...' She whispered.
'I'm glad you like it' he said, smiling.
Tonks gazed around. Remus took a deep breath and used the chance when she wasn't looking at him to get down on one knee and opened the box. Tonks turned around and saw him and gasped.
'Remus...' She whispered.
'Dora...Ever since I first met you i've been hopelessly in love. You are the most forgiving person I've ever been fortunate enough to meet. I know I haven't exactly made life easy for you. I know I have left you quite a few times and left you feeling sad and alone but every time, you took me back. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I love you with all of my heart and will protect you for as long as I live. Will you be my wife?'
Tonks stared at him in shock. Remus misread her expression and looked down, with tears in his eyes.
'I...I understand if you don't want...'
She pulled him up and kissed him passionately. Surprised, he kissed back, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
'Is...Is that a yes?' He asked.
'Yes of course!' Said Tonks, wiping his tears off his cheeks. 'Aww, Did you think i'd say no?'
He smiled happily at her. 'for a moment, yes...' he chuckled. 
He pulled her in for another passionate kiss and lifted her up and spun her around. He put her back on the floor and broke the kiss, looking into her eyes which were now crying tears of joy. He hugged her close and he slipped the ring onto her finger. 
'I love you...' He whispered.
'I love you too.' She said, beaming happily at him.
Remus felt like his heart was jumping for joy. He was excited to be able to call her his wife. He smiled. This was the perfect end to a perfect night.

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