The battle of Hogwarts

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Tonks's P.O.V.

A month later, Remus and Tonks were at Andromeda's house and Tonks was laying in Remus's arms as he combed his fingers through her hair and she had Teddy in her lap. She felt Remus's body tense up and looked at him.
'What is it Remus?' She asked.
Remus raised a hand and pointed at a patronus. It was a lynx. Kingsley's patronus.
'Come to Hogwarts. It's starting.' It said, and disappeared.
Tonks looked sadly at Remus. She got up and he jumped up as well. 
'I have to go,' he said, softly. 'You stay here and look after Teddy.'
'I'm coming with you!' She said, glaring at him. 'Mum can look after Teddy. He will sleep soon.'
Remus shook his head and smiled at her gently. 
'Stay here. Be safe...'
'I don't want you to die Remus...' she whispered to him. 'I can't lose you...'
'It'll be ok Dora...Stay here and be safe...please...'
She sighed and nodded, sadly. He put his hand on her chin and lifted her face up to him. She gazed into his chocolate brown eyes. Those eyes she might never see again. He pressed his lips against hers. She kissed back and she felt his arms wrap around her.
'Come back to me...' she whispered, breaking the kiss.
'I will...' he whispered, but they both knew that he might not survive this time.
Remus hugged her one more time before opening stepping away and opening the door and stepping outside. He looked back at her and they looked sadly at each other and then he spun around and disapparated. Tonks wiped tears from her eyes and turned around. She saw her mum standing on the stairs.
'Where did he go?' Andromeda asked.
'Hogwarts...He told me to stay here with Teddy...'
She couldn't hold it in any more. her body shook as she cried and she felt her mum's arms around her. 
'What if he doesn't come back mum?' She asked, shakily. 
'He will...' Her mum replied, 'he's strong.'
Tonks broke the hug. 'Thanks mum...' she whispered and went into the living room and sat on the sofa and pulled Teddy back on her lap. 
'Daddy's gone out...' she said, when she saw Teddy's confused face. 'He'll...He'll be back soon...'
Teddy smiled and yawned. Tonks smiled softly and picked him up and carried him to bed. She laid him down and when he had fallen asleep, she went downstairs and sat, deep in thought, wondering about Remus, whether he was ok.

Remus's P.O.V.

 Remus apparated to Hogsmeade. He saw children being evacuated out of the hogshead and saw Arthur and Molly. He ran up to them.
'Remus! Where's Tonks?' said Molly.
'She's at Andromeda's with Teddy...She'll be ok...'
Arthur motioned at them to follow him and they entered the hogshead and ran through the passageway. They reached the room of requirement and saw the others getting ready. It was really starting. He thought of Tonks and Teddy. He hoped he would be able to get back to them. He shook himself. He couldn't think of them now. It would only stop him from concentrating. Finally, the order came for them to leave the room of requirement and begin fighting. Remus ran out. He had been told to lead a group of fighters to the grounds. He ran there with his wand out. The protection that people had put around the school broke. The death eaters surged into the grounds and the fight began. He was soon locked in fierce combat with Dolohov. He saw Dolohov sneering. He gritted his teeth and kept fighting, fuelling all his attacks with the anger he felt at Voldemort and his death eaters.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks paced the living room. Remus must be fighting now. Was he ok? Was he...Was he alive? She knew she couldn't stay here. She had to help Remus. Teddy was asleep and would be all night. Her mum could look after him. She knew she would never let her go so she waited until she was upstairs and then grabbed her wand, pulled on her cloak and ran outside. She disapparated to hogsmeade and ran through the secret passageway and into the room of requirement. She saw Ginny sitting on a bench and saw her look up.
'I thought you were staying at home with Teddy?' She asked.
'He is asleep. My mum will look after him. Have you seen Remus?' She asked.
'Last I saw him, he was duelling dolohov in the grounds,' said Aberforth. 'I haven't seen him since.' 
Tonks ran out the room and to the grounds. A huge battle was taking place. Spells were flying about everywhere. She looked around desperately, trying to see Remus. Finally, she saw him, fighting Dolohov and Bellatrix, who were shooting spell after spell at him. He was covered in cuts and blood. She ran towards him.
'Remus!' She shouted. 
He turned to look at her and she saw his eyes widen. In the moment he had looked away, one of Bellatrix's spells hit him and he flew back and hit the wall and slumped to the ground and lay still. 
'No!' She shouted and ran towards them. 
She began to duel Dolohov, while Bellatrix was duelling someone else. She stood protectively in front of Remus. Dolohov sneered at her.
'Is your werewolf husband ok?' He asked, smirking.
'Shut it!' She shouted. 
She felt Remus move behind her and sighed in relief. He got up.
'What are you doing here?' He shouted. 'You were meant to stay at home with Teddy!'
'I couldn't stand not knowing!' She shouted back. 'Teddy's asleep. He'll sleep till dawn and snore like his father. It's you who needs me tonight.'
Remus sighed. 'Please be careful...' He whispered. 'I don't want to lose you.'
'I will...' She said.
After a few minutes of heavy fighting with Dolohov, she saw a green light burst out of his wand and shoot towards her. She couldn't block it. It was over...Over...She saw Remus's eyes widen in fear. She closed her eyes, waiting for the hit. It didn't come. She opened her eyes and saw Remus crash to the ground. Her heart stopped in her chest. She fell to her knees next to him and pulled him around to face her.
'Remus...REMUS!' She shouted, tears falling down her cheeks.
His eyes opened and he opened his mouth. 'Dora...' he whispered, 'Dora...I...I lo...Iove you...'
'I love you too Remus...' She whispered and took his hand in hers. 'Stay with me Remus...Don't die...please...'
'I'm sorry Dora...' He said. He raised his hand and pulled her face down to his. He kissed her softly. She kissed back and wrapped her arms around him. His eyes closed. His head fell back down to the floor and his hands fell limply to his side. 
'NO!' She shouted, tears now fogging her vision. 
She stood up and saw Flitwick kill Dolohov. Justice! She saw Bellatrix turn to face her and heard her cackle when she saw Remus.
'Is the pathetic werewolf dead ickle nymphadora?' She sneered.
She raised her wand and started fighting Bellatrix. Her head wasn't truly in the battle though. She was too busy thinking about Remus's dead body lying a few inches next to her. She saw the green light burst from Bellatrix's wand and didn't do anything to block it. She felt it hit her body and she crumpled to the ground. She moved her hand out and held Remus's hand. She looked sadly at him and closed her eyes. Slowly, the sounds of the battle around her got quieter until she heard nothing anymore and she breathed her last breath...

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