Hurt you

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It was two weeks since Tonks had been released from St Mungo's. Remus, Tonks and sirius were sitting in the living room when Dumbledore apparated in. They looked up in surprise.
'Hello Albus,' said Remus, 'what are you doing here?'
'I have some great news,' said Dumbledore, 'Sirius, you're free.'
For a moment everyone stared at him in shock. Then Sirius spoke.
'You're joking...' He said, disbelief on his face.
'No i'm not,' said Dumbledore, smiling, 'I managed to convince the minister of your innocence.'
Sirius jumped up from his chair, beaming.
'I'm free!' He cheered.
Remus chuckled and Tonks smiled happily. Sirius was finally free. He was no longer stuck in this stupid house. Dumbledore smiled at them all and got up.
'I have to go. I have some more business to attend to.' He said and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone. Sirius ran outside straight away to Remus and Tonks's amusement.
'Someone is happy,' said Remus, grinning.
Tonks laughed.
'They are indeed.' she said.
That evening, Remus and Tonks were on a walk in the forest when suddenly Remus saw the full moon rising. He jumped.
'Dora get out of here!' He shouted, 'the full moon! I completely forgot! Please go now!'
Remus began to transform and fell to his knees, screaming in pain. Tonks looked at him in horror.
'I can't leave you like this!' She said.
'Just go!' He yelled, 'I'll be fine! Just go...please...'
'Fine...' she sighed, 'but just remember, I love you.'
'I love you too Dora,' he whispered and pecked her on the lips, 'now go!'
She turned around and ran off into the forest. Remus finished transforming and howled. He turned around and Saw Tonks in the distance. He ran up to her. Tonks tripped over a tree root and screamed. Remus raised his hands to attack her when suddenly, a big black dog bound over and knocked him to the ground. It was Sirius in his animagus form. He motioned for Tonks to leave and she scrambled up and with one final worried look at them, she fled and didn't stop running until she reached Grimmauld place. She pulled open the door and ran up to her room and sat, panting, on her bed. She was scared Remus was going to get hurt tonight. He still had injuries from the last one and he was weak. She lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. She knew there was no point in worrying and decided she should go to sleep. After 30 minutes she finally drifted off into darkness.
She woke up the next morning and slowly the events of last night came back to her. She heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs. She saw Sirius carrying a motionless Remus up the stairs.
'Remus!' She gasped and ran to help Sirius carry him.
They got to her room and laid him on the bed. He was pale and covered in blood. She stroked his hair out of his face. Sirius decided to let Tonks be alone with Remus. She kissed him softly on the lips.
'Why...Why you...?' She whispered.
A few hours later, she was sitting on the edge of her bed when she felt Remus move next to her. She snapped her head round and saw him looking into her eyes and she smiled and hugged him.
'Hey remus...How are you feeling?'
'I'm fine...' he whispered.
She could tell something was up.
'What's wrong Remus?'
He sighed and looked down.
'I'm sorry...I should have remembered...I put you in danger...You deserve better...' He muttered.
'Not this again Remus...You didn't hurt me, did you? And it isn't your fault that you forgot. Everyone forgets things every now and then!'
He shook his head,
'I'm sorry Dora...But you deserve better...'
He pulled himself out of bed, wincing at the pain. Tonks pulled him back.
'Remus...' she whispered, 'please don't go...'
He pressed his lips against hers.
'I love you Dora...And that's why i'm doing this...I don't want to hurt you...' he said, walking towards the door and pulling it open. Tonks felt tears fall down her cheeks.
'I'm sorry...' he murmured and left the room, closing the door behind him.
Tonks ran out of the room and ran outside just in time to see him disapparate. She fell to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Why did he have to leave her...? When would he understand that it wasn't his fault? She went inside and went up to her room and sat down on her bed, her head in her hands. Her hair had turned mousy brown again, just like last time.

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