The battle of the astronomy tower

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Remus's P.O.V.

It had been a few months since Remus had dumped Tonks. He was patrolling Hogwarts while Dumbledore was out. He said he had taken Harry with him. He knew Tonks was also patrolling the castle and wiped tears from his eyes. He couldn't get back with her. He knew he couldn't. She would lose her job at the ministry and then she wouldn't be able to afford a comfortable life. He was doing this all for her own good. He was distracted from his thoughts by loud shouts upstairs somewhere. He ran upstairs and saw a huge battle taking place at the stairs leading up to the top of the astronomy tower. He looked around and saw Tonks locked in battle with a huge blond death eater. He was sending a large series of spells at her and she was struggling to block them all. He tried to go and help her but then a killing curse narrowly missed his ear and he was forced to duel Dolohov. He saw Tonks look at him out of the corner of his eye and forced himself to avoid eye contact with her. He saw a group of death eaters run up the steps to the top of the astronomy tower and saw Snape run after them. He thought Snape must be going to fight them. He knocked out Dolohov and ran up the steps after them and tried to get through the door but was thrown back, hard, against the wall and slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Tonks's P.O.V.

'Remus!' Tonks screamed and tried to run to him but couldn't get out of the duel with the blond death eater.
Ten minutes later, she saw Malfoy and Snape run back down the steps, followed by the death eaters. She let Malfoy and Snape pass, thinking they must be running away from the death eaters. Then, to her surprise, she saw one of the death eaters that was running down the steps get stunned from behind and saw Harry emerge. She saw he looked livid and he seemed to be crying. Harry stunned the blond death eater Tonks was fighting and ran after Snape and Malfoy. She saw Greyback run towards Remus with a greedy look on his face.
'NO!' She shouted and ran over to them. She tried to curse Greyback and he blocked it. He scratched Remus in the side and he slid further down the wall, still limp. Greyback bit him in the shoulder but then Tonks managed to curse Greyback and he flew back against the wall and passed out. She kneeled down next to Remus, who was now lying on the floor surrounded by blood.
'Remus...' She whispered. 'Wake up...'
After a few minutes, she saw Remus's eyes flicker open and she saw him look down when he saw her. She hugged him, glad that he was awake. She saw him try to get up to get away from her and she felt tears in her eyes. He couldn't get up. He slumped back on the floor, defeated and looked away from Tonks.
'Keep fighting Dora...' He croaked. 'Leave me...'
She shook her head, 'I'm not leaving you.' She said.
A death eater shot the killing curse at her and Remus pushed her away from the spell and the killing curse hit the ceiling above him and rubble fell onto him, crushing him. Tonks screamed his name but he was hidden under the rubble.
'Leave me...' came his voice.
'No I won't!' She shouted.
She heard Remus's breathing becoming hoarse.
'Please...' he choked. ' the...oth...'
He went quiet.
'Remus!' She shouted and began frantically moving the rubble away. she finally managed to get the rubble of remus and she picked up his limp body. She ran to the hospital wing and laid him on a hospital bed. She sat down on a chair next to the bed and put her head in her hands. Her body wracked with sobs. She kissed him on the lips and then she looked around her. To her horror, she saw Bill weasley lying on a hospital bed nearby. He was covered in blood and scratches and he wasn't moving. Madam Pomfrey came in and ran over to her and Remus.
'What happened?' She asked.
'He got thrown into a wall, bitten and scratched by Greyback and then crushed by rubble...' Tonks murmured.
Madam Pomfrey looked concerned at him and started doing some tests. When she had finished, she turned to Tonks.
'He'll be ok,' she said. 'He should wake in about ten minutes.'
Tonks sighed in relief. Madam pomfrey left to go check on Bill. Tonks held Remus's hand and squeezed it. 

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