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The following morning, Remus woke up and smiled at Tonks, who was still in his arms. She woke up and gazed up into his eyes. He tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed her softly. She kissed back. He wrapped his arms around her and they broke the kiss a few minutes later.
'Last night was amazing Remus...' She whispered.
'I have to agree with you on that one,' he said, chuckling.
Tonks buried her head in his neck and smiled softly. Remus combed his hands through her hair. 
'I'm so happy that I can officially call you my wife Dora...' he whispered in her ear.
'And I'm happy that I can call you my husband Remus...' she murmured back and kissed him again.
Remus kissed her neck again. and kissed her down her upper body. He put his hands on her back and stroked it gently and lovingly and held her close.
'I wish we could do this all day...' he said. 'But I suppose we need to have breakfast don't we.' he chuckled. 
Tonks laughed. 'Yeah I suppose we do...' she said.
Remus got out of bed and picked her up and held her in his arms. Tonks wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his neck. 
'Come on...' said Remus. 'Let's get dressed.'
He put her down and kissed her one more time before going to the wardrobe and pulling on some clothes. Tonks did the same and then they went downstairs, hand in hand. Remus went and made breakfast and then carried two plates of bacon and sausages into the dining room and put them on the table. 
'Dora...?' He asked.
'Yes Remus?' 
'I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get a house together? You we're married.' 
'I would love that!' She said, smiling. 

Later that day, Remus and Tonks were sitting in the living room when tonks went pale and jumped up.
'What's that matter Dora?' Asked Remus, concerned.
'I think i'm going to be sick...' said Tonks, clutching her stomach.
Remus jumped up and put his hand on her back and helped her to the bathroom. Tonks leaned over the toilet and he held her hair back. Tonks threw up and when she was finished, she was very pale. Remus hugged her tightly.
'You ok?' He asked, worried.
'I'm fine...' she whispered.
Remus picked her up and carried her to their bedroom and laid her on the bed and pulled the duvet over her. He got in next to her and put his hand on her cheek. He kissed her forehead and held her close. Tonks smiled softly and leaned on to him.
'Thank you for being there for me, Remus...' She said.
'Of course Dora...' He whispered. 'I'll be there for you until I die.'
He kissed her and when she kissed back he pulled her towards him and wrapped his arms tightly around her.
'Get some rest, Dora...' he said, breaking the kiss.
She nodded and laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes. He combed his hands through her hair and then she fell asleep and he decided he may as well sleep as well so he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off into darkness.

A few days later, Tonks had been throwing up every morning and Remus was very worried about her. What if she was very ill...? 

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks suddenly realised that she had only been throwing up in the mornings. Could she be...? No...Surely not. She supposed she should check. She found a pregnancy test in the bathroom and took it. When she had finished, she looked at the test, shaking slightly. And there it was. A small plus. 
'Remus...' She called out.
Remus came running to the bathroom.
'What is it Dora?' He asked, putting his hand on her back and stroking it gently. 
'I'm...I'm pregnant...' She whispered. 'That's why i've been sick every morning...'

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus stood still in shock. She couldn't be pregnant...Surely not...?
'P...Pregnant...? Are you sure...?'
She nodded, smiling slightly. 'I'm sure...' she said, showing him the test.
'But...what if the baby is like me?!' He shouted.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes. 'You're not happy...?' She asked.
He looked at her tear filled eyes and wrapped his arms around her. 'I'm sorry Dora...I shouldn't have shouted,' He murmured. 'I just don't want to cause another child to be a werewolf...'
He wiped her tears out of her eyes. 'If there is anyone I want to have a child with, it's you...I'm just worried...'
She nodded, 'I understand, Remus,' she said and hugged him tightly. 'But don't worry...the child won't be a werewolf. I'm sure.'
He buried his head in her neck. 'We're going to be parents...' he whispered.
She smiled, happily. 'We are.'

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