The full moon

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At 9:30 that evening Tonks reluctantly left Remus's room so he could transform. She didn't want to leave him alone to be in pain but he wouldn't let her stay. Remus locked the door so he wouldn't leave the room. Tonks stood outside his room and looked sadly at the door. She desperately wanted to stay in there and help him but she knew he would never let her and she wasn't going to stay there against his wishes. She heard a yell of pain coming from Remus's room and knew he had started transforming.
'Remus...' she whispered. Sirius was standing behind her and he patted her on the shoulder.
'He'll be alright tonks.'
She nodded but didn't move from his door. She listened to his yells of pain and wished with all her heart that she could be in there with him but she knew she couldn't. With a sigh, she went up to her room.

Remus's P.O.V.

Pain. Pain was all he felt. He shouted in agony and wished it would stop. He knew the others could hear him screaming and that upset him. He didn't want the others to worry. He bit and scratched himself until he crashed onto the floor of his room. He was bleeding badly. He was losing consciousness, his screams were getting quieter, he stopped screaming altogether and felt himself fall into darkness and then, everything was black.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks heard him stop screaming and hoped that that meant he was no longer in pain. She feared something was wrong but knew that worrying would not help either of them. She got into bed and stared up at the ceiling. She tried to go to sleep but it was difficult. Knowing she was safe in bed while Remus was a werewolf. She knew, however, that he would not be happy knowing she had been kept awake and so, with difficulty, she finally managed to drift into sleep.
The following morning she woke up and remembered everything that had happened the night before. She jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. She knew he would be back in his human form so she unlocked Remus's door and went into his room. A horrible sight met her eyes. Remus was lying on the floor, scratched, bitten and surrounded by blood
'Remus...' she whispered and knelt down beside him.
She picked him up and laid him on his bed and pulled the duvet over him.
'Come on Remus...You can do this...wake up...'

Remus's P.O.V.

Remus opened his eyes slowly to see Tonks looking concerned down at him. He smiled weakly
'Morning Tonks...' He whispered in a hoarse voice.
He saw her eyes widen and felt her wrap her arms around him and he hugged back. There was something comfortable about being in her arms. He couldn't quite work out what he was feeling.
'Are you feeling ok?' Tonks asked him.
'I'm fine,' he replied, trying to hide the immense pain he was in.
She looked at him for a moment, clearly trying to decide if he was telling the truth.
'Are you sure...' She asked softly.
'I'm sure...' he smiled at her.
'If you say so...' she said and squeezed his shoulder, 'you should get some rest Remus.'
He nodded, staring into her dark brown eyes.
'Stay with me...?' He asked, blushing slightly
'Of course.' she smiled.
He closed his eyes and the last thing he thought of before he drifted off into darkness were her twinkling, brown eyes looking down at him.

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