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Tonks woke up in a garden. She looked around herself. She recognised it. This was in the park where she and Remus had shared their first kiss. Wait...This didn't make sense? Was she dead? How did she get here? She looked around and saw Remus lying on the ground. She gasped and ran up to him and kneeled down next to him. She saw his eyes flutter open.
'Dora...?' He asked and sat up. 'Wait...I'm dead...but you're here...Does that didn't die did you?'
She nodded. 'I'm so happy to see you again Remus...' she said. 'I thought i'd never see you again...'
He wrapped his arms around her. 'But...Teddy...Who's going to look after him?'
Tonks started crying. 'We've left him as an orphan...'
'Harry...And Andromeda...They'll...They'll look after him...' Said Remus, softly. 'He will still grow up among people who love him...'
Tonks nodded and looked up into his chocolate brown eyes. He smiled gently down at her. 
'I told you you wouldn't lose me...' said Remus. 'We're always together, Dora. Even in death.'
Tonks nodded. 'Nothing can tear us apart,' she said and leaned up and kissed him.
He kissed back and smiled. They were reunited, and nothing would ever come between them...ever again.

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