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The following morning, Remus and Tonks woke up. Teddy was still sleeping peacefully between them. 
'Good morning beautiful...' Remus whispered in Tonks's ear.
'Good morning handsome.' said Tonks, smiling happily.
He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her while she returned the kiss. They broke apart and Remus smiled at her.
'Do you mind if I go to shell cottage to tell everyone the news?' he asked
'Of course not Remus. But why don't we both go?'
'You need to rest after yesterday Dora...' He replied.
'Ok...' said Tonks. 'Come back safe ok? I don't want to lose you.'
'I will.' said Remus. 
He squeezed her hand and got out of bed.
'I'll see you soon Dora.' He said and kissed her goodbye and went outside and apparated to shell cottage.

An hour later, he realised Tonks must be getting worried so he said goodbye to everyone and apparated outside their house. He received a massive shock. Their house was aflame, and he could hear Tonks screaming inside the house. 
'DORA!' he shouted and ran inside the house. He looked around. He couldn't see her or Teddy anywhere.
'Dora where are you?' He shouted, scared.
'Remus? I'm here!' Came a voice from the kitchen. He ran towards it. He jumped through the flames into the kitchen and picked her up in his arms.
'Remus...Teddy's upstairs. We have to save him...' Said Tonks.
He nodded. 'I'll get you outside to safety and then i'll get Teddy.' 
He ran outside, carrying her in his arms and laid her down on the ground.
'Are you ok Dora?' He asked, worried.
'I'm fine...' she said, coughing slightly.
He kissed her quickly on the lips and ran back inside the burning house. He ran upstairs and fought through the flames until he got to Teddy's room. He picked up Teddy, who was now crying loudly, and carried him protectively in his arms, covering his nose and mouth so he wouldn't inhale too much smoke. He reached the doorway and Tonks ran up to them. He handed Teddy to Tonks. He was just stepping through the doorway when suddenly rubble from the doorway fell to the ground, blocking the exit. 
'REMUS!' He heard Tonks scream.
Panicking, he turned around, looking for another exit but he was surrounded by fire that was impossible to get past. He coughed loudly from inhaling so much smoke. He heard Tonks screaming his name.
'Dora...' he croaked. 
He collapsed to the floor, barely conscious and felt flames licking at his body. He moaned in pain and started to pass out...The last thing he heard was Tonks crying his name...Everything went black and his hand fell limply to his side.

Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks screamed Remus's name. She heard no reply. She frantically started clearing the rubble in the doorway. She couldn't use a blasting charm because she could knock the rubble into Remus. After a few minutes, she managed to clear a big enough hole and ran in. She saw him, lying motionless on the ground, flames licking his body.
'Remus...' she whispered.
She ran up to him and picked him up and carried him through the hole, out of the house. She laid him on the ground. She put Teddy next to him. She had managed to put Teddy to sleep. She looked scared at Remus. His clothes were burnt and his face was covered in ashes. He had inhaled a lot of smoke...She checked if he was breathing. He had a very weak pulse and his breathing was hoarse. She brushed his hair out of his face. She shook him gently, trying to wake him up. He didn't move. She kissed him softly on the lips. She then remembered the spell to put out their house and pointed her wand at the house.
'Aguamenti,' she said, shakily. 
When the last flame had been put out she picked up Remus and Teddy and carried them back inside their reck of a house. She went upstairs to their room where the bed was still intact. She laid them on the bed and lay down next to them. She wrapped her arms around Remus and held him close. He had saved them both...He had run into that building without hesitation and risked his life to get them both to safety...And now he could die...She put her hands on his cheeks and wiped some of the ashes off his face. An hour later, she saw Teddy stirring. She took him in her arms. She saw Teddy look scared at Remus. 
'Daddy's just sleeping honey. He'll be ok.' She whispered to Teddy. 
Teddy looked at her. He didn't really understand what she was saying but he smiled happily. Tonks smiled softly. She laid her head on Remus's chest and held Teddy in between them. She looked at Remus's pale face and tears fell down her cheeks. 

A few minutes later, Tonks decided to go to sleep. She held her arms around Remus and Teddy and closed her eyes. After a few minutes she drifted off.

Remus's P.O.V.

The following morning, Remus woke up. Tonks's arms were around him. He tried to remember what had happened. There had been a fire...He had rescued Tonks...Passed Teddy through the flames...Rubble...fell...The feeling of falling into darkness...He must have passed out...He shuffled closer to Tonks and put his hand on her cheek. He saw her eyes open and she smiled at him.
'Remus...' she whispered. He brushed his lips against hers. She kissed back and he wrapped his arms around her. His body ached but he ignored it. He broke the kiss and buried his face in her shoulder.
'You scared me Remus...' Whispered Tonks.
'I'm sorry Dora...' He croaked in a really hoarse voice. 'I had to make sure you and Teddy were safe...That was my number one priority...'
She hugged him. 'Thank you for saving us...'
'Don't mention it...I came home to see the house on fire and I heard you scream and I...I was so scared...'
'I guess we were both scared for each other then...' She said, laughing softly.
He chuckled. 'Yeah I suppose we were...'
Suddenly, he coughed violently and his eyes closed. He heard her sharp intake of breath.
'I...I'm...F...Fine...' He croaked and squeezed her hand. He felt her put her hand on his cheeks and leaned into her touch. He felt tears land on his face and realised she must be crying. 'Hey...' He whispered. 'Everything will be ok...I promise.'
He lifted his hand and felt her cheek and wiped away her tears. He kept his hand on her cheek. He pulled her towards him and kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She kissed him back and he gently stroked her back. They broke the kiss and he forced his eyes open again. He smiled gently at her and pushed some hair out of her face. He got lost in those eyes that he could gaze at forever. Tonks gently stroked his scars on his face and he chuckled. He didn't know what she liked about his scars but he didn't say anything. She laid her head on his chest and he leaned his chin on the top of her head. 
'I wish I could hold you forever Dora...' He said softly.
'And I wish I could lay in your arms for my whole life Remus...' she replied, smiling. 
Even though it was the morning, the young couple spent the whole day in bed, apart from for lunch and dinner. They hugged Teddy and snuggled up to each other. They wished they could spend every day like this, but they were in a war, and the war had other ideas.

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