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HE stared at you intensely with absolute disgust

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HE stared at you intensely with absolute disgust. His red orbs fueled with confusion and anger. 'Why in the world were you his responsibility now? Couldn't All for One have just taken you instead?', he thought bitterly as you were standing right in the middle of the bar.

You stared back at him with a bit of drool, your (e/c) eyes shining as you realize that you're looking at someone....with a hand on their face. Your 4-year-old mind, not fully comprehending why exactly this random stranger, decided to walk over to him and pull on the hem of his black pants.

"Tch. What do you want, you little shit", he glared at you, trying to shake your hand off. You looked up at him, then pointing at the T.V. in the room. As if on cue, All for One began to speak.

"Tomura. She is an important piece to the plan. Instruct and guide her, groom her to be one of your pawns", All for One said as you stared at the man so-called 'Tomura'. After the screen turned back to black, Tomura called Kurogiri to gather all the other members so others won't accidentally burn you with blue flames or stab you to death.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"AWWWWWW!! WELL AREN'T YOU THE CUTEST!!", a girl dressed in a high school uniform gushed. She had blonde hair that was tied into two buns, with strands falling out from the side and bangs. Her golden orbs stared back at you with a heavy blush that never seemed to leave her face. For some reason, as normal as she looked compared to everyone else in the room, you felt least safe with her.

"Toga Himiko! But you can call me nee-chan if you want~", she cooed while winking at you. Right before she could ask for your name, another male interrupted her.

"Wow handjob, gotta give it to ya. Didn't think you had it in you to make a baby", a guy with slim, and somewhat-lanky build chuckled. He had black hair that spiked up and half his skin seemed burned, but pulled together to his normal pale skin with many staples. He had ear piercings and sharp turquoise eyes that seemed distant.

"She's not mine, you burnt piece of shit. It was Master's orders to make her into one of our pawns. So none of you kill her or I'll end you myself", he said with annoyance.

"Anyways, I'm Dabi kid. Don't come near me unless you want to get burned", the guy with the burns said quickly.

"I'm Twice. You're cute! No, you're not", a guy dressed in a black and white suit said. His contradicting statement truly messed with your 4-year-old mind. However you decided to roll with is since you didn't have much of a say anyways.

"Nice to meet you dear, I'm Compress", a guy who wore a brown trench coat with a white mask and black hat introduced. You shifted your gaze from Twice to Compress, noting to yourself that he was probably the least hostile.

"I'm Spinner, nice to meet ya kid", a green lizard with purple hair spoke. He honestly reminded you a little of ninja turtles with his get up.

"And I'm Kurogiri. You can come to me if you need anything. Now that we're done introducing all of us, what's your name little one?", a man...or rather a mist spoke with a polite tone like Compress. He was a black, mixed with purple, mist that wore a suit with metal cuffs around the neck area. He had sharp golden eyes and you proceeded to make another mental note that he was someone you could go to.

Realizing all eyes were on you, you patted the sides of your rugged loose white dress, trying to see if the paper was still in your left pocket. Slipping your hand in and pulling a piece of paper out, you quickly unfolded it to show your name written on it with black ink. With a shaky penmanship, it read '(Y/N)'.

You then flipped the paper over to answer what most people wondered when they first met you.

'I'm mute.'

A/N: hey readers!! welcome to this story! I want to say thank you for giving this a chance and I really hope you all enjoy it.

disclaimer that this story will NOT follow the plot and sorry if the characters are a bit ooc

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