//ch. 10//mamagiri//

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YOU were tired

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YOU were tired. After preschool yesterday, there were more lessons. Compress and Kurogiri continued to educate you so that you'd be ahead.

During class, you zoned out for most of the games. While most kids were learning about shapes and the basics of math, you just sat there listening. You didn't necessarily think it was boring. In fact, you thought it was good that it was repeated information, so you could have a stronger foundation of the basics.

You counted and there were about 18 kids in this class. Just by how they acted, you knew who to stay away from and who was okay to be around.

You also learned that the boy next to you was called Genko Ryozo. He found out that you were mute when the teacher made you guys introduce yourselves to your seat buddies, while the rest just thought you were quiet.

Since you weren't exactly given a last name, he was forced to call you by your first. Thus, he also allowed you to call him by his first name since it was only fair.

"(Y/N), what do you want to be when you grow up?", Ryozo asked, bored.

You scribbled onto your notebook. "I don't know. You?"

"I guess...a hero. It'd be the most obvious path for me", Ryozo said.

Despite being only 5, Ryozo was already ahead of the class. He said he was from a rich family so that's probably why he's so educated.

You only nodded as you went back to zoning out.

'A hero...huh?'

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

Once lessons were over, dinner was served. It was once again pizza night and this time, you didn't hesitate to take another slice.

Downing the food and water, you quickly went to go shower as usual. Once you were done, you were in fresh baby pink pajamas. It matched your toy bunny.

You were watching t.v until Kurogiri finished washing the dishes. Like normal, he'd finish the dishes then tuck you in for bed. It was important for you to get 10 hours of sleep each night.

Before you fell into deep sleep, you heard pitter-pattering on the windows. It was starting to rain. An April shower.

In the middle of the night, you woke up sweating. Sitting up on the sofa, you hugged Tomu-chan tighter. The rain was hitting the windows harder and you could hear the wind roaring outside. Flashes of lightning was seen, followed by the loud booming sound of thunder.

You wanted to scream but didn't. You tried hiding under the blankets but every time you tried to fall back asleep, the thunder seemed to grow louder.

You scurried upstairs, wanting to find someone to help comfort you. Your first instinct was to go to Shigaraki or Toga but both probably wouldn't do well with a little kid waking them up in the middle of the night.

Thus, you waddled to the door of Kurogiri. Knocking twice, you heard mumbling and a bit of shuffling before the door opened. His instinct was to look who was in front of him, so you had to pull on his pj pants to get his attention on you.

"Dear lord, it's nearly two in the morning. What are you doing up?", Kurogiri questioned.

You pointed towards the wall, and as of on cue, thunder was heard. You clutched Tomu-chan tighter as you slightly shook. Kurogiri realized and let you in his room.

Kurogiri's room looked similar to Shigaraki's. The only difference being it was much neater and had less things. Other than that, there wasn't anything interesting other than the copious amount of books on his bookshelf.

"Would you like to sleep on the bed? I could sleep on the floor, if you like", Kurogiri offered.

You didn't want him to sleep on the floor since it was his room, so you shook your head. You pointed to the bed, trying to indicate that it's fine for you and him to share a bed.

Seeming to understand and being way too exhausted, he got in bed. He lifted up the covers, waiting for you to crawl in.

You wobbled over to his bed. Setting your bunny onto the bed first, you climbed on. Kurogiri placed the blanket over you before turning his back and trying to fall asleep again.

You faced towards the ceiling as you closed your eyes. Bracing the silence, many thoughts ran through your mind.

'If Kurogiri is a mist...how does he hold things? Maybe there's a body under it??'

You mind wandered through all the times you've seen Kurogiri hold something. You recalled that he spent most of his time cleaning shot glasses. But out of every time you've seen him clean it, you've never seen a human hand or anything.

As you were deep in thought, another strike of thunder was heard, making you squirm. You opened your eyes to look over at Kurogiri, who was sleeping peacefully.

You were hesitating but once you heard the sound of thunder again, you decided to carefully step over Kurogiri and crawl under his arms.

To your surprise, he radiated a nice warmth. You couldn't exactly hear a heartbeat but that didn't matter, as you now felt safe in his arms.

Kurogiri didn't seem to move so you thought it was fine. The rest of the night, early morning, was spent sleeping in the comfort of Mamagiri.

A/N: hey readers!! if you liked this chapter, please star it and comment!!

I hope you enjoyed it and see you next chapter <3

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