//ch. 12//play date//

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"DO you want to have a play date tomorrow?", Ryozo asked you

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"DO you want to have a play date tomorrow?", Ryozo asked you.

You two have known each other for almost two weeks now. Despite being quite popular himself, he still chooses to talk to you. Although, it could just be because he's forced to sit next to you.

You wrote, "I'll check with my dads". You weren't exactly sure what to call the people you lived with and since most of them were males, you just settled with dads.

Ryozo nodded. "You can come over to my house tomorrow after school. Here's my address", he said as he wrote it down on your notebook.

You were excited. You weren't exactly sure what a play date was since you've never had one, but it'd probably be fun since you heard most kids do it.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"A DATE?!", Toga squealed.

That caught the attention of many members who were in the middle of the bar right now. You furiously shook your head, underlining the word "play" multiple times.

"PLAY date!!", you quickly scribbled.

Tomura scoffed. "You're not going!"

"For once, I agree with crusty over here", Dabi said. "We don't even know the boy. For all we know, his parents could be child kidnappers".

You raised an eyebrow. 'Says the villain himself'.

"I don't see any harm in letting her go. Didn't you say you wanted her to make some friends, Tomura?", Kurogiri said.

"Plus, if they do anything to her, we can always just stab them and take their blood!!", Toga exclaimed.

You looked over at Dabi and Shigaraki, pouting a bit and walking over to them.

Dabi groaned, looking at your puppy face. Shigaraki sighed before saying "Fine. Just be back before dinner time".

You happily nodded and bowed. You ran towards Dabi to give him a hug. Sticking your hands out towards him, he picked you up.

He carried you upstairs as you waved goodbye to the rest of the members.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You and Ryozo were walking to the school entrance before a voice called out to him.

"Young Master Ryozo. This way please", a man in a black suit with sunglasses said.

Ryozo walked after him with you following behind. You two got in a black car and the driver took y'all to the front of a big house.

The man opened the door, letting Ryozo and you get out. You were amazed. The house in front of you looked like a mansion compared to the base.

Once the door to the house opened, you were greeted by many maids and butlers, who were standing in two lines.

"Welcome back, Master Ryozo". Ryozo simply nodded and took your hand, walking off.

You were confused. You didn't know Ryozo had maids and butlers.

As if sensing your confusion, he said, "My father's a pro hero. He's not that popular but he says he's up there". He took you to his room which had its own bathroom.

You took your backpack off and set it next to his bed. He came out of his bathroom in a new change of clothes while you were still in your preschool uniform.

"Do you want to change too? You can borrow some of my clothes", Ryozo offered.

You thought for a moment before slowly nodding your head. The preschool dress was cute but it wasn't necessarily the most comfortable. Ryozo gave you some shorts and a shirt and let you change in his bathroom.

You came out wearing some baggy green shorts and a slightly big (for you) black t-shirt. You looked around his room, not noticing his slight blush. Despite being a smart five year-old, he thought you looked cute.

You saw a picture of him and his father. Walking over to the picture frame, you took it from the nightstand to have a closer look at it.

Just as you were staring at the picture, a knock came from the door, making you look towards it.

"Come in!", Ryozo said as he was sitting on his bed.

A man entered the room. He had on a butler outfit and bowed. He had dark eyes with chin-length hair that formed arrows.

"Greeting Ms. (Y/N). My name is Kurono Hari. You may call me Hari or Mr. Kurono if you like. I'm one of the main butlers of this mansion", he explained.

You nodded at him, giving him a small wave.

He looked at Ryozo and continued talking. "Young Master Ryozo, your father is waiting downstairs", Kurono said.

"Father's back?!" Ryozo quickly pulled you along, going down the many flights of stairs. He seemed very excited to see his father. Since his father's a pro hero, that probably meant that Ryozo couldn't see him often, which made sense.

Once you two reached the living room, you saw a man sit on the sofa.

He wore a black surgical mask and a formal suit. He had brown hair like Ryozo, except his was way darker. His eyes were yellow like Toga's. He had gloves on just like the butlers and maids. Something about his eyes made you feel uneasy.

"Father! You're home!!", Ryozo said as he stood in front of him. This was the first time you've really seen Ryozo smile. Usually, he'd be bored out of his mind or just neutral in class. The man patted Ryozo's head, giving him a, what seemed like, a smile.

"And who's this little one?", Ryozo's father asked.

"Oh! She's (Y/N)! The one I told you about. She's only four yet she's in our kindergarten class", Ryozo explained. "It seems like she's also quirkless", he whispered.

Although he said it quietly, you heard it quite well. Why would Ryozo think you're quirkless? Kurogiri told you that you'd have an amazing quirk one day, and Kurogiri never lies.

The man seemed to perk up at the word "quirkless". He got off the couch and walked over to you.

He extended his hand out to you.

"Genko Kai", he introduced. You hesitantly shook his hand. His gaze was starting to make you feel more and more uncomfortable.

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