//ch. 14//donuts//

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AROUND the time preschool ended, you took out the clothes Ryozo lended you and returned it to him

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AROUND the time preschool ended, you took out the clothes Ryozo lended you and returned it to him.

"Oh? What's this?? Two quirkless nerds exchanging clothes??", a voice mocked.

Despite Ryozo being popular, it was because he was a pretty good looking kid. However, due to the both of you being "quirkless", you two were also picked on a lot. Since this was a kindergarten class, most 5 and 6 year-olds already developed their quirks.

You two were the exception.

"Tch". Ryozo scoffed as he held your wrist, pulling you along with him.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!! I'm talking to you both!!", the kid said as him and his friends ran up to you. The kid had a water quirk and was spitting water from his hands.

"Come back here! Dammit!!"

"Let's spit up", Ryozo said as he was huffing. You nodded as you watched him run the opposite way of you.

You looked back to see if they were catching up, tripping over a rock. You fell on the ground, cringing at your clumsiness. Compress would've been ashamed.

"God...for a mere four year-old, you run pretty fast", the boy huffed out, with his friends catching up behind him.

He slowly walked over to you. You tried getting up but your knees and palms were scraped. Usually when you were training, Compress would catch you in time so you didn't hurt yourself. But now, no one was here to save you.

"What? Can't run anymore? You and that rich snob always think y'all are so much better than everyone just because y'all are smart!! And I'm sick of it!", the boy said as he slowly walked closer to you.

You scooted back, using your palms and hurting them more. However, it didn't matter because you were still in the splash zone.

The boy squirted water out of his hands, making you dripping wet. You didn't know whether you felt more enraged or more upset. You were lucky it wasn't very strong as his quirk is still developing, but it still made your wet clothes stick to you.

"What? You can't even get angry or cry? How boring can you—"

"And what do we have here?", a familiar voice asked.

You looked up to see the one and only Compress. You kind of hoped anyone else but him came to pick you up today. You bet you looked pretty pathetic despite what he taught you in training.

The kids cowered in fear as they saw an adult. Not staying any longer, they quickly scurried away.

Compress came over to you. Bending down, he looked at you. He didn't have his mask on so you could see his light brown eyes. You couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or not so you just closed your eyes and waited for the worst.

He surprisingly patted your head and asked, "Do you want me to carry you or would you rather come in this marble?"

You tried staying in one of Compress's marbles. It was stuffy and uncomfortable. It made you claustrophobic. You lifted your arms up, wanting to be carried.

Compress took off his coat and wrapped it around you, as you were still wet. He wrapped you up like a taco and picked you up princess style. He then slung your small bad over his other arm.

He walked not towards an alleyway but to a donut shop. They served coffee, hot chocolate, and other drinks and sweets.

"Welcome! What would you like today?", the store employee asked.

"Good day to you. I'd like a glazed donut and a strawberry for the little one please. Then a hot chocolate and a water", Compress ordered.

He carried you with one arm as he took out money like a magician.

"Thank you, your order will be ready soon", the lady said as she packed the donuts.

Once the drinks were done, Compress placed you on a seat, unwrapping you but still letting you wear his coat. It was super long so he had to help you roll up the sleeves so you could eat the donut.

"Good job distracting them from the boy", Compress said.

You looked up at him. Still holding the donut with both hands, you froze. You thought he was going to be mad at you for not being stronger.

He looked at you and smiled. Taking a napkin, he wiped your messy mouth.

As if reading your mind, he then said, "I'm not mad. I know you'll grow stronger as we train more and as you get older".

You seemed to fidget under the action, not sure if he actually meant it or not.

"Want to hear a joke?", Compress asked.

You eagerly nodded, wanting to take your mind off of whatever just happened. Taking a sip of the hot chocolate, you waited as Compress cleared his throat.

"Why are there gates around cemeteries?"

You shrugged your shoulders. You weren't even exactly sure what a cemetery was.

"Because people are dying to get in", he said as he smiled.

You smiled back. Not exactly being able to laugh, you put down your donut, clapping, encouraging him to tell more.

"What do you call fake spaghetti?"

You shrugged once again. You liked Italian foods so you were eager to listen.

"An impasta!"

You smiled even wider, if that was possible. The rest of time was spent with Compress telling you jokes.  You clapped like one of those wired monkeys that held the cymbals and clamped them together whenever someone twisted the little thing.

When you both finished the donuts, Compress picked you up again, carrying you princess style. Calling Kurogiri, a wrap gate opened, allowing Compress to carry you back to the base in one step.

"What happened to my sweet little (Y/N)?!?!", Toga asked as she hurried over to you.

She took you out of Compress's arms and unwrapped you from his coat.

"Some boys were chasing her and one used their water quirk on her", Compress explained.

"Is that so?~ Guess I'm going out for some blood tonight", Toga said with a joking tone but her eyes were dead serious.

"Toga. Don't do anything irrational. It's just children's play", Shigaraki said.

"But Tomura—"

"Shut it!"

Toga huffed as she took you upstairs to go give you a warm bath.

"I want the kid's name, appearance, and address", Tomura said once you and Toga left.

Kurogiri sighed. "No, Tomura".

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