//ch. 25//new home//

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YOU woke up to the sound of fighting

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YOU woke up to the sound of fighting.

Looking ahead, you saw All for One facing All Might. You wouldn't say you dearly missed AFO, but you were very grateful to him.

"I see you're awake, (Y/N)", All for One said as he diverged his attention away from All Might.

It truly made you wonder how he could even see since he had basically no facial features. And he's wearing that bulky black mask.

"Take care of Tomura for me. You're an important piece to him. When he's frustrated, sing to him. I know you can", he said.

You were majorly confused as you didn't know what was going on or what he meant. You talked for just a moment and now he's expecting you to sing?

All for One immediately stabbed Magne, who was lying on the ground, with his weird tentacle thingy. Her quirk was suddenly activated, magnetism. AFO then stabbed Kurogiri, opening a portal.

"Don't worry Tomura. Make as many mistakes, as I will always be here to help you", All for One said as the entire league was thrown into the portal.

"M-Master!!", Shigaraki yelled as his body was the last to fall into the portal.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You were all warped into another building. Surprisingly, the building was decent looking and had many, many floors.

"This is sensei's headquarters", Shigaraki said.

You looked around. It wasn't the nicest but it wasn't the worst. The condition was like the bar. You wondered why Shigaraki and the rest didn't just live here instead, but you didn't want to pry too much.

Compress used his marbles to compress Dabi, Kurogiri, and Magne into them so that they'd be much easier to carry since they're still unconscious.

"Theres 20 floors in this building. Don't go past the tenth floor", Shigaraki commanded.

It made you wonder what was past the tenth floor. You obviously weren't going to go behind Tomura and find out for yourself, but still, you were curious.

"Do we each get a floor?", Spinner questioned.

"First floor is the main lobby. Second floor is for dining and cooking. Third floor is bathrooms and stuff. On the fourth floor will be Spinner, Dabi, and Twice. On the fifth floor will be Magne, Toga, and the brat. Finally me, Compress, and Kurogiri will take the sixth floor, understand?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, except the unconscious ones.

You weren't sure if you were excited to get your own room or not. After all, you really liked having sleepovers with others even though you all lived under the same roof.

Everyone rode the elevator and went to their prospective rooms. You went to go check on Dabi first as he was on the 4th floor.

Proceeding to go past your own floor, you went to go check on Kurogiri, who just looked like he was peacefully sleeping.

Finally going back down to the floor the girls shared, you went to check on Magne.

In each room there were the proper necessities of a bed, table/desk, chair, and closet. On your way up the elevator, you saw that the 2nd floor was literally a kitchen and a long rectangular dining table. That made you excited as you thought that you could now sit and eat dinner with everyone.

Observing the 3rd floor, there was a literal line of sinks then a line of toilets that were obviously behind doors. Finally, if you went in a little further, there were four showers and one bathtub.

There were some towels that you deemed clean so you took one and washed it under the warm water.

After trying your best to squeeze all the excess water out, you ran towards the elevator, bringing you up to your floor.

Quietly walking into Magne's room, you draped the warm towel on her head. You tried to brush her hair away so it didn't stick to her sweaty face.

You tucked her in as you gave her a pat on her maroon hair. Smiling, you tip-toed your way out of the room.

Since you didn't have extra clothes and you were already in your pjs, you decided to just go to bed.

Once you reached your room, you sighed.

'How did All for One know?'

Maybe he was a mind reader. You wouldn't be surprised considering how many quirks he had. You had heard a little about him from Kurogiri before. But little information was given.

You sighed once again. Perhaps, you can learn to speak again. After all, you knew someone was going to end up pestering you about it since they heard you talk tonight.

"H-Hi...", you awkwardly spoke out.

Your tone of voice was soft and raspy. Even raspier than Tomura's. It sounded like you've been smoking 15 packs of cigarette and you're only four!

You tried clearing your throat so you sounded at least a little better.


A breath of relief came out of you. You might've sounded weird, but at least you got a full sentence out.

It was definitely unnatural to talk again. Even though it's only been two to three years since you've talked, it felt like it's been forever.

After a few more tries, you were getting super tired. Everything that happened tonight happened so fast that you needed to sleep so you could comprehend.

Turning off the lights, you crawled into the twin size bed.

"G-Goodn-night", you whispered to no one in particular, as you drifted off into sleep.

A/N: hey readers!! it's time for you to finally talk!! if you think you're quirkless, don't get discouraged, good things will turn up soon! along with some bad memories....

anyways, if you enjoyed, please make sure to share, comment, and STAR!! thank you and see you in 5 chapters <33

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