//ch. 15//lullaby//

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"WHERE did you go last night?!", Ryozo asked as you both sat in yalls assigned seats

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"WHERE did you go last night?!", Ryozo asked as you both sat in yalls assigned seats. You took out your notebook and pencil.

"One of my dads came to pick me up. You?"

"My driver came on time. I was worried something happened to you!!", Ryozo said, concerned.

You shook your head and gave him a small smile, then sneezing. You only had a few scabs here and there. They were treated by Toga so now you have Hello Kitty bandaids on your knees and palms.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"Ready to go?", Toga asked as she waited for you right outside the preschool. Toga was in her transformation just like when she first took you here. You nodded as you held her hand, walking towards the usual alleyway.

You sneezed again. You've been sneezing a lot throughout the day. As you kept walking, you felt yourself wobble a little.

Suddenly, your vision became black.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

Your eyes fluttered open. You were currently on the couch of the bar.

"You're awake!!", Toga exclaimed as she pinched your cheeks.

You slowly sat up, using your elbows to prop you up. The warm cloth on your forehead fell as you sat on the couch, laying on your side.

Kurogiri came over with some porridge, water, and medicine. "How're you feeling?", he asked.

Dabi handed you your notebook and pencil, putting it on your lap. Tomura sat on the bar stool. His face wasn't facing you but he was listening.

"Head hurts. I sneeze a lot". Just as you wrote that, you sneezed again.

"Have some porridge. Once you're done, Toga will have you take the medicine", Kurogiri said.

You nodded as Toga started feeding you, blowing on the steaming porridge. Dabi sat on the end of the couch, reading you his own version of Cinderella.

"Then the All for One came and told the crusty princess that she had until midnight. The crusty princess—"

"Shut up!", Tomura growled.

"No one said you had to be here and listen", Dabi retorted.

"Tch!" Shigaraki scoffed as he left the main room, going up to his bedroom. You slightly pouted as you saw him leave. Compress just lightly chuckled at your cute face.

"Don't worry, he's not mad at you", Compress reassured.

He took off his hat and took Tomu-chan out of it, making you smile again. You made grabby hands toward it as he handed it to you.

Once you finished the porridge and medicine, Toga took you upstairs to help you shower. Your body felt weak so Toga even had to lift your arms for you.

Once she dried you and dressed you in a new set of pajamas, she took you to her room, where Tomu-chan was waiting.

Toga also had a notepad and pencil by her nightstand. Almost everyone who lived here did, as they thought it'd be more efficient for you.

Toga laid you on her bed, pulling the covers over you. She kneeled on the floor, sitting right next to the edge of the bed. She patted your stomach as you closed your eyes.

However, you could not sleep. She even turned the lights off and left the lamp on. You sighed, opening your eyes, you went to grab to notebook and pencil.

"Can you sing me a song?"

Toga looked a bit surprised. No one has ever asked her to sing. She made a weird face before nodding, agreeing to your request.

"I'll sing you a lullaby", she said as she cleared her throat.

Sleep, my little (Y/N)
Let your dreams take wing
One day when you're big and strong
You will be a king

I've been exiled, persecuted
Left alone with no defense
When I think of what that brute did
I get a little tense
But I dream a dream so pretty
That I don't feel so depressed
'Cause it soothes my inner killer
And it helps me get some rest

The sound of All Might's dying gasp
His successor squealing in my grasp
His comrades' mournful cry
That's my lullaby

She smiled as she saw you fall asleep. She kissed your forehead and continued patting your stomach. She hummed some more, just in case you woke up from the sudden silence.

And despite the villainous song, you fell asleep peacefully.

There were times like these in which it made you feel like Toga was your real mother. She always helped dress you, shower you, and groom you to your best. She gave you hugs and pinched your cheeks. She cared about your well-being and would kill for you.

"Goodnight, my sweet little (Y/N)", Toga said as she got out a futon, pillow, and blanket, and laid it on the ground, beside the bed.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You woke up, it was still dark. You moved your arms around, noticing that Tomu-chan was right next to you.

'If I'm sleeping here, where's Toga-san?', you wondered.

You looked around the dark room, trying to feel for her on the bed. However, you found nothing. You slipped out of bed, stepping onto something soft.

You looked down and made out the shape of a human. You saw hair spread out on the pillow. 'Must be Toga-san'. 

You lifted up the blanket and crawled under it, snuggling closer to Toga.

You kissed her forehead and patted her head.

'Goodnight Toga...mama...'

A/N: heyo my lovely readers!! I hope this hit your feels, even just a little. comment if you want more toga!!

anyways, please comment, star, and share so I know that you all like it. thank you and see you next chapter!! <33

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