//ch. 21//raspberries//

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"SO what did you find out?", Dabi asked you

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"SO what did you find out?", Dabi asked you.

You went to go get your notebook and pen. Coming back to the table, you started writing.

"There was this guy. His hair was half white, half red. He had a ice and fire quirk", you wrote.

"Oh? Is that so?", Dabi questioned, interested.

You nodded your head, smiling.

"You seem like you like his quirk a lot", Dabi commented.

You pouted, then started writing. "His ice was cool, but your fire looks way prettier!!"

Dabi softly chuckled. "Hm?~ I don't know if I can trust you", he said as he faked a heartache.

You were literally four years-old, so you thought it was real. Out of panic, you hugged him, almost falling off the stool. Your eyes got teary and you hoped that hugging would make his pain go away, just like what Toga does when you get hurt.

Dabi started laughing. You looked at him confused while still hugging him.

"I was just kidding. I'm sorry I scared you", he said as he wiped your singular tear.

You pouted at him, crossing your arms. Dabi only smirked. He then sighed.

"And to think, I was going to take you out today", he said as he turned his head away from you.

You immediately stopped pouting and uncrossed your arms. You slapped your small hands on Dabi's cheeks, making his head turn towards you. You stared at him intensely and smiled.

He gave in and gave you a small smile. "Fine, let's go then", he said as he carried you out of the base.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You were sitting across from him in your grey sweatpants and white baggy t-shirt. For once, he actually changed and wore the same thing as you. You two were sipping on the boba tea that Dabi bought. He got Thai tea with boba while he ordered you milk tea with boba.

You were happy that Dabi took you out. It's been a while since you two last hung out.

"Do you like it?", Dabi asked. You happily nodded, carefully chewing on the boba so that you didn't choke.

Dabi got up quickly to go to the restroom before you two went back to the base to build yalls fort. As he left, a girl who looked around Dabi's age came up to you.

"Hey there. Is he your dad?", she asked. You shook your head, not really feeling comfortable talking to some stranger that was an adult.

She smiled. "What's his name?", she asked. You couldn't tell her even if you wanted to since you didn't bring your notebook and pencil this time, so you just looked at her.

"If you tell me, I'll buy you some cake", she pestered. You once again, didn't speak and you suppose she took it the wrong way since she was starting to look like Tomura when he didn't get his way with something.

"Hey brat, tell me his name or else—"

"Or else what?", Dabi asked, standing in front of you two.

"When did you—"

"Let's go pipsqueak. We gotta go home for dinner", Dabi said, ignoring the girl and picking you up.

The girl was left astonished. You looked at the girl and stuck your tongue out. She fumed in anger as she saw you taunt her. To make it even worse you smiled at her, making her raise an eyebrow at what you were going to do.

You kissed Dabi on the cheek in front of her making her soul fly out of her body.

"Why so affectionate, pipsqueak? Are you...perhaps jealous??", Dabi teased as he was still carrying you.

You huffed, shaking your head. He only smiled as he was entertained.

Once you two returned to the base and ate dinner, like clockwork, you showered after the rest of the members who lived there.

You were in your new sunflower pajamas. Recently, you've been really into the color yellow, so Kurogiri bought you some sunflower pjs.

You quickly picked up Tomu-chan and sprinted up the stairs, making your way to Dabi's room.

Dabi's room was just like everyone else's. But what made it special was that Dabi's bed had short stilts on each corner of the bed. Whether it came with the bed, or it was built in, you didn't know.

However, that made it way easier for you and Dabi to drape bedsheets and blankets over the bed, making the perfect fort.

Today, you were going to try something new. Toga has ordered some stuff on Amazon, saying that it'll make your face better. You didn't know why you'd have to use it since your face was already perfect!

Toga walked in with the Amazon box while Shigaraki brought in the snacks. You four sat I'm a circle, waiting for Toga to open the box.

She took out the containers. There were three in total. Each were different colors. One was blue with sparkles. One was purple with sparkles, it reminded you of the galaxy. The last one was just plain light green.

She opened the blue one, smearing it on her face. You looked at her funny, as you've never seen something like it before.

"It's called a face mask!! You leave it on your face for about 15-20 minutes and your face will feel refreshed once you wash it off!", Toga explained.

You nodded as you took the green one. You opened it, walking towards Shigaraki who seemed hesitant to put it on.

You smeared some on his face, making him scowl at the coldness. Once it was fully applied on his face, you went over to Dabi.

He helped you apply the green one to your face as you sat in front of him, waiting patiently.

"All done", he said. You took a mirror and looked in it, you laughed at your now green face. You reminded yourself of that one movie, the grinch.

"And what are you laughing at, huh?", Dabi asked, pulling you towards him.

He laid you on his lap and started ticking your sides, making you laugh. He's grown used to your silent laughing, only hearing air puff out from you once in a while.

Shigaraki just stared while Toga started laughing along with you two.

Dabi lifted your shirt up slightly, blowing raspberries on your stomach, making you laugh more.

You pushed his face away, trying to breathe as you were laughing too much. Your legs were kicking recklessly as you flailed your arms around.

You were so happy. So, so happy.

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