//ch. 19//sports festival//

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"YOU went to Disney World?!", Ryozo asked

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"YOU went to Disney World?!", Ryozo asked. You nodded your head, smiling. You opened your heart necklace and showed him a picture of your family.

He stared in amazement.

Shigaraki told you to rub it in Ryozo's face however, you decided against it since you didn't think it was really necessary.

"Are you going to watch the U.A Sports Festival today??", Ryozo asked in excitement. There were very little things that Ryozo would get excited about, so you listened intently to what he had to say.

"No. Tell me about it". 

"U.A high is a school for heroes in training! It's a very hard school to get in. And every year, the school holds a sports festival to show off every students' quirk!!", Ryozo exclaimed, with stars in his eyes.

"Cool". You weren't particularly interested as they were are all heroes. But hearing about everyone's quirks made you curious. Especially since you didn't have one yourself yet...

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"Welcome back, (Y/N)", Kurogiri greeted.

You bowed as you entered the base. You've been going to and from the preschool so many times that Kurogiri had allowed to you come and go by yourself. Thus, none of the members had to pick you up from school anymore.

You quickly set your stuff down, wanting to get your lessons over with. Kurogiri saw your eagerness and smiled.

"Patience, little one".

He sat down in front of you and began your lessons. Once he was done lecturing, you quickly hopped out of your chair, running outside to Compress.

"What's with all the sudden energy?", he chuckled.

You were already running up and down the alleyway. Every session started with 10 laps and after your warm-up, you began in your fighting stance.

"Okay, now, start by..."

When the training session was over, you pulled Toga into the bathroom, having her help you wash your hair. She blow dried your hair and let you run off in your fresh blue pjs.

You knocked on Tomura's door. You squeezed Tomu-chan tighter, expecting the hermit man to open his door.

He opened his door, asking what you were doing here. As yalls lotion ritual doesn't start until nighttime.

You didn't have your pencil or notebook so you just stared back at him. Seeming to have remembered you can't talk, he groaned and let you inside his room.

You happily skipped to his nightstand, where you wrote down the purpose of your presence.

"U.A Sports Festival".

"You want to go?", Shigaraki asked. You excitedly nodded your head. You wanted to see all the amazing quirks all the students had. You knew Shigaraki hated heroes but this could benefit him as he could see what they're all capable of.

He sighed. It wasn't a bad idea to get a real life view on what the U.A students were capable of.

"Fine. But on one condition", Shigaraki said to you. You listened intently.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

Kurogiri ended up warping you two into a stadium male bathroom stall, so you two didn't have to pay for tickets.

Casually exiting the bathroom, Shigaraki carried you so you didn't get lost. You wore your blue pjs as you didn't feel like changing out of it and brought Tomu-chan along. Shigaraki wore his black hoodie, with no hand on his face.

Taking a seat, Shigaraki had you sit on his lap. you observed that many people that surrounded you guys and that the students all wore a blue uniform with white stripes on it.

You saw a blonde male walk onto the stage. He was going to speak into the microphone.

"I'd just like to say that...I'll be number one".

Boos and cheers were heard. You were confused. Perhaps it was because you were only four and didn't get social cues, but you thought that that was a pretty admirable goal to have.

Once the sports festival started, your eyes were glued to the explosive blonde. You wondered if he'd actually place first like he said he would.

You thought the boy with the ice quirk would for sure win this round as he was sliding his way to first place. However, out of nowhere, a sudden explosion was heard and a green haired boy.

If memory served you correctly, that was the same boy that Shigaraki was with at the mall that one time. Maybe it was fate that you'd see him here too.

When the second round started, you immediately saw everyone back away from the green haired boy. It made you feel sad that no one wanted to be on his team. You pointed at him, pouting at Shigaraki. Shigaraki only smiled, patting your head. He seemed to find it funny that no one wanted to be on his team.

Once the calvary battle started, you were amazed by the ice boy and how determined his team was on stealing the green haired boy's headband.

You looked over at the other teams. There was another blonde boy that you noticed, who could use other people's quirks. You thought it was so cool, you wanted to meet him. You were certain that with such a nice quirk, he'd be a really nice guy.

The ice boy's team ended up winning, much to your dismay. You were really rooting for the green haired boy.

Before the third match started, your attention was directed at the cheerleaders who were near the corner of the stadium. You pulled on Shigaraki's hoodie, pointing to them.

"You want to be a cheerleader like them?", he asked.

You nodded your head vigorously. You didn't exactly know what they did but the outfits looked cute and you really wanted to hold the pom poms.

"I'll tell Twice to make you one once we get home then", Shigaraki whispered. You smiled, hugging Shigaraki. But once the third match started, you let go.

For the matches, the one between the green haired boy and purple haired boy was boring for you. You were hoping for more action, and that's exactly what you got once the green haired boy went up against the ice boy.

You soon realized that ice boy was actually ice and fire. You thought the fire was cool, but Dabi's fire was way cooler. You also saw the pink skinned, pink haired, pink everything girl. She was also at the mall that one time Toga took you shopping.

Once the matches were over, you laughed at the blonde boy who was restrained in first place. Like promised, he actually did it.

"Ready?", Shigaraki whispered.

You nodded in response.

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