//ch. 28//uneasy//

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"SO that's why you're here?!", Ryozo asked, surprised from seeing you

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"SO that's why you're here?!", Ryozo asked, surprised from seeing you.

He had thought that you were sick again or you were also kidnapped like that Bakugo kid. It was lonely sitting by himself in preschool, especially with all the snobby kids in the class.

You nodded your head. You had told him that your family left for a while so you needed a place to stay. Of course you wrote it on paper as you weren't comfortable enough to talk to him yet.

"Well stay as long as you like!! My father likes you and told me to keep you as a friend", Ryozo excitedly said. "And he almost never says that! He like...hates everyone!"

You awkwardly smiled. Wasn't it kind of ironic for a hero to hate everyone?

"Anyways, let's go have breakfast! Father will join us today sometime during the day", Ryozo said as he pulled you along.

Once you two were done with breakfast, you found an excuse to stay home instead of going to preschool with Ryozo. You had assumed that IF the league were to come looking for you, they'd also check the preschool. So to take precautions, you lied to stay home instead.

While Ryozo was at school, you walked around the mansion. It was indeed nicer and much cleaner than the current league's base. However, it lacked the true feeling of home.

"Oh? And if it isn't Ryozo's quirkless friend", a voice said, making you stop in your tracks.

You swiftly turned around to see who it was. Ryozo's father, Genko Kai.

His usual attire was gone. He was wearing a black button up with a white tie, matched with black pants and white shoes. He had a green jacket with purple fuzz that had its sleeves rolled up to his forearms. He also had white gloves but what stood out the most was the beak like mask he was wearing.

His gold eyes were as intimidating as the last time you saw them.

"Little old (Y/N). Guess you ran away from the League of Villains huh?", he said as he calmly walked closer to you.

You didn't move. You were frozen in spot. 'How did he know? Is he going to turn you in? What's with that outfit anyways? It honestly doesn't look very hero like, but who were you to judge'.

"Since I know who you are and who you're affiliated with, I'm going to need you to come with me", he said as he bent down to your eye level.

Although his tone was inviting, there was an underlying phoniness to it. His eyes also betrayed him. His gaze was strong. It was the type of look where it made you feel you were beneath them. It could almost rival Shigaraki's.

"And you don't need to worry about Ryozo. He'll understand that his friend needs to come along for the better of the future", he said, as if answering the question in your head.

"Come now", he said, as he extended his hand out towards you.

You hesitantly took it. You weren't exactly in the position to reject him since you were under his establishment.

Plus, what can a useless, quirkless person like you do anyways...right?

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You were taken to an alleyway, leading to a hideout. You were majorly confused. You didn't know heroes had underground bases.

As you walked behind Ryozo's father, he led you to a base with many pipes. People who walked past all had a similar version of the mask Kai was wearing.

"This is your room. Do not come out unless I say so", he said as he just left you alone.

'At least he let me bring Tomu-chan', you bitterly thought as you sat on the creaky bed.

You curled yourself up into a ball. You started regretting everything. It was okay, staying with Ryozo at first. But now, you weren't so sure as his father had guided you to some random place. You should've stayed with the league rather than running away.

You bet they didn't even miss you right now.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"This is all your fault you crusty freak!!", Dabi yelled as he crumbled up the note.

"Shut up!! I didn't know she was listening", Shigaraki said, clearly frustrated.

"Now now, let's not argue. We need to find her as soon as possible", Kurogiri said.

"Do you have any clue where she might be?", Toga asked, worried. She had a very unsettling feeling about all this. She wished she was there to comfort you. Or the other way around.

"Tch. Troublesome child", Spinner muttered underneath his breath. But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a tiny bit concerned.

"I already checked the preschool. There was no sigh of her", Compress said, troubled by the lack of clues.

"If you were a four year old, where would you go?", Magne asked.

"To a friend! To my dead family!", Twice called out.

Disregarding the second statement, Kurogiri spoke. "Perhaps she's residing with that boy friend of her?"


"No, boy space friend. Now's not the time Tomura", Kurogiri said as he dismissed his silly concern.

"That Ryozo kid...", Dabi said to no one in particular.

"You picked (Y/N) up that one time. Do you still remember the way to his house?", Kurogiri questioned.

"Yeah, I think so. It's been a while since I've been there. Plus, it's a while away", Dabi responded.

"Okay Dabi, you go to the house and try to look for her. Compress and I will see if we can talk to the kid", Kurogiri said.

Everyone nodded as they separated, leaving Shigaraki alone in the lobby.

He sighed as he touched his neck. Although the scars were still there, the condition of the skin was getting better, all thanks to you.

But now you were gone, no thanks to him.

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