//ch. 34//internet//

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YOU were currently in your room, playing with your new phone

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YOU were currently in your room, playing with your new phone.

You had recently discovered YouTube and been snooping around the internet. And let's just say that you're obsessed with this style called anime.

In the span of a few days, you have nonstop been watching different animes. From funny animes like Gintama to romantic and action ones like InuYasha and Attack on Titan.

You also found out the glorious anime, Haikyuu. Not only was it about sports, but there were hot boys...playing sports. You were immediately intrigued and finished all the episodes in no less than four days.

You have also managed to develop a small crush on a certain volleyball duo from the owls team.

"K-Kuro!!", you yelled as you ran to the kitchen from the dining table. You were currently rewatching season two, the first appearance of Bokuto and Akaashi.

Speaking of Kuro, you also like the cat captain, Kuroo. But not as much as Bokuto and Akaashi. They were a power duo. And even your 4 year-old brain told you that they belonged together.

"Yes?", Kurogiri asked as he was wiping the same shot glass since episode 8.

"Look, look!!", you said, showing him the beauty of the duo volleyball players.

"What...exactly am I looking at..?", Kurogiri questioned, not sure what you were showing him.

"Bokuto's thighs!", you happily exclaimed.

The internet had its ways of informing you just how thicc Bokuto's thighs were. Even if you were only 4, you knew that it was true from the bottom of your heart.

"I-I see...", Kurogiri said, debating whether or not it was a good investment to actually get you a phone.

"I want to m-marry t-them!", you said, totally serious.

"What? I thought you said you were going to marry me when you grow up, pipsqueak", Dabi said, leaning against the door.

"Shut it burnt face! As long as I'm here, she's not marrying anyone", Shigaraki said as he walked past Dabi.

"Tch. You're just jealous she wants to marry me instead of you when she grows up", Dabi mocked. He clearly knew which buttons to press to make Tomura pissed as hell.

"Not true! That brat wouldn't have such poor taste and marry the likes of you", Shigaraki retorted.

"(Y/N)/Brat, tell us who you'd rather marry!", Dabi and Tomura said to you at the same time.

You stumbled back a bit from their outburst.

"U-Umm...", you fidgeted with your fingers. Just then, you saw Twice walked in.

"TWICE!!", you yelled as you ran over to him, arms up. He swiftly picked you up and chuckled.

"Well someone's excited to see me. I'm not excited to see you", Twice said.

"S-Seriously?! Twice?!", Dabi asked in disbelief.

Tomura scoffed, crossing his arms.

Twice dropped you off at Toga's room as you commanded. You waved goodbye to Twice as you went over to hug Toga.

"M-Mama! Let's do...grenade...grenade!!", you exclaimed, with sparkles in your eyes.

"Grenade?? You want to throw grenades at people?", Toga asked, not really sure what you meant by that.

"No no, look!", you said as you took out your phone. You showed her a TikTok of Renegade. It had took you hours just to get down the moves and you were very excited to show it to Toga.

You pulled Toga downstairs to the kitchen, so that Kurogiri could watch too. You even commanded Nono (your nomu) to do the Renegade with y'all. Nono was a fast learner, unlike Toga. But that was to be expected as it took you hours to get down the first time you tried it.

Kurogiri recorded you to make fun of you once you're in your moody teenage years. Dabi just made fun of Toga every time she messed up. But once he tried it himself, he had shut up.

"How hard could it be?", Shigaraki teased as he watched Toga and Dabi stumble with each move.

"You try it, you crusty fuck!", Dabi challenged.

"Fine", Tomura said as he got up.

You taught him the dance just like you did with Toga and Dabi. You had to straighten Shigaraki's posture as he was so used to being hunched forward.

"Now...woosh...haaa~ haaa~", you taught, mimicking the sounds to the best of your abilities.

"and bam...bam...bAM!"

"Okay. I'm ready", Shigaraki said confidently. The other two looked at him like he was crazy. They couldn't even do it at the slow pace, but now he wants to go the actual speed?

You started the video, taking a few steps back as the song started. You had perfected it as you had spent hours upon hours on just learning this one dance.

"Jesus fucking Christ! How'd you even...", Dabi had to take a small break.

"I'm just a natural", Shigaraki smirked in triumph.

"Aw mannnn! And I thought I almost got it", Toga whined.

You went over to her to give her a hug. You didn't want her to be discouraged, it was indeed, very hard.

Just then, Spinner and Compress walked in, with Twice trailing behind.

"And what happening here?", Spinner asked, looking at the nomu that was in the middle of some weird pose.

He was weirded out nonetheless.

"We're doing this dance called Renegade!!", Toga said. "(Y/N), go show them!"

You played the music one more time, dancing to it along with your nomu. Once you finished, you puffed, waiting for their reaction.

"Wow...", was all Compress said.

"That was great!! That was absolutely horrendous!", Twice commented.

"Stain would not approve", Spinner said, contemplating on what he just saw.

"Despite how it looks, it's pretty hard", Dabi said.

"How bad can it be?", Twice asked.

Thus, the rest of the league joined in and spent the rest of the day learning Renegade with you. And surprisingly, Mamagiri was the best out of all of them.

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