//ch. 27//quirkless//

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"WHEN is she going to develop her quirk?!", Shigaraki growled

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"WHEN is she going to develop her quirk?!", Shigaraki growled. He was starting to get annoyed as you've been with them for a while but you haven't shown any signs of having one.

"Patience Tomura—", Kurogiri said before he was cut off by the man himself.

"HOW LONG?!", he asked. He had been trying to be patient with you. You two had a bond, he wouldn't deny that, but he really needed you to have a quirk, a strong one.

"Keep it down crusty! She could walk down here any moment", Dabi said as he had his arms crossed, leaning against the wall.

"I think that little (Y/N) is improving with her combat skills", Compress said.

You were currently eavesdropping. Your back was flat against the wall, next to the entrance of the kitchen. You had gotten thirsty as you were practicing speaking and you suddenly stopped as you heard them mention you.

"She needs a quirk. If not, she'll be basically useless", Shigaraki said, moving his hands to scratch his neck, but stopped halfway.

He had ceased his scratching as you've been putting lotion on him daily.

It wasn't like he wanted to be this mean. But he was the leader of an evil organization. And if something were to happen to the rest of them, he needed to know that you could fend for yourself.

You started tearing up. You covered your mouth with your hands, trying not to make a sound. You were used to silently sobbing on the streets, so you wondered why it was so hard to contain the noises this time.

You ran towards the elevator, going up to your floor. Quickly running into your room and hiding under the covers, you faced your pillow.

You started trembling and shaking.

'It's not true. I'm not useless. I'm not quirkless', you kept repeating to yourself.

But no matter the amount of times you told yourself that, you were always driven back to what Tomura had said.

'She needs a quirk. If not, she'll be basically useless. Useless. Useless. Useless'.

You really tried your best to fulfill what All for One had tasked you. You wondered if your best was not good enough. Maybe if All for One picked another kid, they would've been more suited for this.

You suddenly stopped. You got out of bed and wiped your tears with your sleeves.

Sitting at your desk, you ripped out a piece of paper from your notebook and took out a pen. You started writing a message to them saying how thankful you were of everything. As you were writing, you felt tears drip onto the paper, smearing some words. However, you were too lazy to start over so you just let it dry.

Once you were done writing, you took your backpack from your closet and started packing three pairs of clothing. You also packed some money you got from Kurogiri as an allowance.

You waited until midnight before taking Tomu-chan along with you.

You were determined to leave despite how much it hurt you to do so.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You were now on the midnight bus. It definitely wasn't safe as many shady people traveled at night.

You didn't necessarily know where you were going, but you had a destination in mind. With Ryozo being your only friend, you had hoped that he'd be fine with you crashing at his place for a bit.

You finally arrived at a stop that looked somewhat familiar to you. Not going out a lot had it's downsides, as you weren't familiar with a lot of places.

Once you recognized the preschool, you started walking towards where Ryozo lived. It was dark and scary as no one was here but you became used to it as this was how your story had begun.

After about what felt like hours of walking, you reached the gates of the mansion. You rung the doorbell, not expecting an answer.

"Hello? Who is this?", a voice asked through the doorbell.

"(Y-(Y/N)...R-Ryo's f-friend...", you uttered out.

Suddenly, the gates opened, allowing you to walk to the front door. It was currently around 4 in the morning and you were hella tired.

"And what brings you here at this hour, Ms. (Y/N)?", the butler named Kurono asked.

"U-Umm....", you twiddled with your fingers. You didn't exactly think this through as you couldn't just say your family was a group of the most notorious villains. And that you escaped because you felt useless to them.

"It's alright. It's quite late...or early...come on in and you may use one of the guest rooms", Kurono said as he guided you inside.

You thanked him as you fell asleep. For some reason, you should've felt safe now that you were in your best friend's house. But there was something that bothered you.

The fact that Ryozo's father is a pro hero made you feel uneasy. Maybe it was the fact that he was a hero. You had hoped that he didn't know you were with the league when the Bakugo kidnapping happened.

You sighed as you closed your eyes. Perhaps, everything will be okay now.

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