//ch. 26//ikea//

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THE first half of the morning was spent arguing who'd shower first and what to do next

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THE first half of the morning was spent arguing who'd shower first and what to do next. Lucky for you, you shower at night so you didn't have to fight for it.

Considering what happened recently, you've been excused from preschool for at least a week.

"Good morning (Y/N)", Kurogiri greeted you.

You opened your mouth, trying to speak. But what if you sounded weird. Or if your breath stank. But you already brushed your teeth yesterday night so...it should be fine right?

Seeming to have sensed your distress, Kurogiri then said, "Take your time. You don't have to talk a lot now. But perhaps you could start with one word answers first".

You looked up at Kurogiri, bowing to him as thanks.

"Would you like to help me set up for breakfast?", Kurogiri asked as he held a stack of plates. The usual utensils were surprisingly already there, so all y'all had to do was just use them.

"Good morning to you all", Kurogiri said as the other members started trickling in.

"M-Morning...", you squeaked out.

Some of them stopped in their tracks.

"D-Did pipsqueak just speak?!", Dabi questioned as he was now wide awake from the miracle.

"Yeah, she spoke yesterday night too but you were knocked out too early in the game to hear", Shigaraki scoffed.

"You try taking a kick from that old geezer!", Dabi retorted.

Shigaraki only rolled his eyes as he sat down at the table.

"We're having eggs and ham", Kurogiri said as he went around serving everyone food.

You sat next to Magne and Toga, however you were a bit short as the table reached eye level.

"Haha, look how short you are, pipsqueak", Dabi teased. You only pouted in response. 

You suddenly felt someone pick you up and place you on their lap. You tilted your head backwards to look behind. It was Big Sis Magne.

"I'm assuming you put the warm towel on my forehead last night since it wasn't Toga", she said with a smile.

You only gave her a smile as you nodded.

"Thank you", she whispered.

"W-Welc-come", you uttered out.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"What color do you think we should get Spinner?", Compress asked.

"Green...", you quietly said. You had managed to not stutter everything out so this was improvement.

Currently, you and Compress were set out with the task of buying everyone their needs, such as toothbrushes, more towels, clothes, and furniture for their room.

To make sure everyone's stuff didn't mix, you gave everyone a color. For example, Magne's towel was red, Compress was orange, Twice was yellow, Spinner was obviously green, Shigaraki was blue, Dabi was purple, Toga was pink, Kurogiri was black, and you were white.

As you were walking, you ran to the kid's section with Compress's permission. You saw that there were many toys and cool looking chairs. Specifically, there was this egg chair that could close if you sat inside and curled up into a little ball.

As you were spinning in the chair, you caught a glimpse of spiky blonde hair and red, then black, and pink and finally yellow.

'No way', you thought as you stopped spinning.

You closed the egg chair so you weren't seen. Opening it up just a crack, you had confirmed that it was Bakugo, Kirishima, Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari.

As they were walking by, Bakugo felt like someone was staring at them. He looked towards where he felt the stare, not seeing anyone. Maybe he was getting overly paranoid after the kidnap.

Once you were sure they walked past, you opened the egg chair and walked out. You walked out of the kid's section, looking for Compress.

Just as you were about to walk into the food court, you saw Kaminari getting in line for some spaghetti and meatballs. Kirishima was saying how unmanly something was as Bakugo just had his arms crossed. Ashido and Sero were just laughing along.

Panicking, you quickly ran the opposite way. Luckily there was quite a few people so their attention wasn't exactly diverted at you.

You decided to go the opposite direction of the arrows on the floor. Eventually you'd end up meeting Compress right? If he follows the arrows and you go against them, you two will end up meeting at the exit and entrance.

Walking back from where you came from, you took a shortcut from the work spaces to the dining area. You then kept on walking, finally reaching the living rooms. It took a good while as your short legs could only carry you so fast without stopping for a break.

Reaching the entrance, there was a shortcut to the cafeteria. You saw Bakugo and them finish eating and walking towards the exit. You ran back towards the living room area, trying to blend in with your surroundings.

As you saw them leave from the corner of your eye, you sighed in relief.

Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your heart immediately started racing.

'Did they come back? Did Bakugo figure out it was you who was watching them? Is he going to explode your face and turn you in??'

Many thoughts raced in your mind as you hesitated in turning your head to see who it was. You felt tears well up at the thought of being separated from your new found family.

"Are you okay?", a voice you were familiar with asked.

You slowly turned your head. You knew it wasn't Bakugo since his voice was very harsh and more child-like.

It was Compress.

You nodded your head in great relief. You felt a big boulder lift off your chest. Going up to hug him, he picked you up and smiled.

"You noticed that they were here too, huh?"

You meekly responded with a, "yeah", and laid your head on his shoulder.

One of the best things about shopping with Compress was that he could stuff everything you needed to buy in his marbles. Thus, he could always carry you without having to worry about carrying the bought things.

"Alright, since we're done here, let's go home now".

You smiled as you wrapped your little arms around Compress's neck.

'Home sweet home'

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