//ch.6//hand squeeze//

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TODAY was a brand new day for adventures and learning

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TODAY was a brand new day for adventures and learning. Kurogiri wrapped up the lesson with some addition, how numbers added together created bigger numbers. You were an eager learner since you have never been exposed to much of anything before, so gaining knowledge about the basics made you excited.

Once the clock hit 12 p.m., you hopped off the couch and ran to get Kurogiri and yourself some water from behind the bar. You always got him water since you were sure he was thirsty from talking so much from 8-12 every morning.

As you hurried back to Kurogiri, Dabi walked in with a big grin. That usually meant his mission ended in success. Sometimes, depending on what his mission was, he'd bring you back a little present. He honestly reminded you of a big brother.

"Hey pipsqueak. Look what I got you", he held out a small box while sitting on the couch. You walked over to him and nodded, sitting next to him. He handed you the small maroon box, waiting for you to open it. You opened up the box to see a gold necklace. It had a heart that you could open up and there were two picture frames in it. On one side, there was a picture of a little girl who had blonde hair. On the other side, it was a picture of the girl with a woman who had the same blonde hair and a guy who had brown hair with a mustache.

You showed Dabi the picture, indicating that you weren't sure what you were supposed to do with some random people's pictures in this necklace that he gave you. Or that he 'stole for you'. He put on his stoic face again and began explaining how his mission was to steal something from that wealthy family for Shigaraki but they just happened to be in the way.

By now, you were already used to everyone's cruel stories so you didn't particularly mind. He looked at the picture with all three of them and pointed at it.

"That's what you call a family, pipsqueak. A happy family".

You heard his tone of voice. It seemed kind of sad, like he was reminiscing about something. His blue eyes flickered a bit of emotion and it was gone as quickly as fast as it came. You took the necklace from him and held his with your small one.

You squeezed it twice, which was y'all's secret code for 'are you okay?'. You and Dabi created this for fun a few days ago when you both went out to the grocery store for some food.


Obviously, there were many eyes on him. Whether it be because some thought he was hot (A/N: i think he is hot *cough cough*) or if some were concerned why he had a child with him when he looked like a literal criminal, he left his unusual symmetrical burns show.

There were many stares that made you feel uncomfortable so you could only wonder how he felt. You weren't exactly in a position where you can write on paper and ask him since you were both walking around the vegetable section. Thus, you decided to grab his attention by gently slapping his forearm since his hands were in his pockets.

He stopped walking to look down at you, with a "huh?". You stuck your hand up at him, hoping he'd get the memo. He looked around him and handed you a carrot, to which you threw it back at him while slightly pouting. He looked a bit surprised and chuckled a little before placing the random carrot back and looking at you outstretched hand towards him.

"Okay okay, I'll hold your hand since you're so persistent about it".

He took your tiny hand in his and kept on walking. There were even more stares now after you threw that carrot at him. You were both walking in silence until he squeezed your hand twice. You felt the motion and looked up at him, but he just kept on looking ahead. He squeezed your hand twice again, to which you retaliated by squeezing his thrice.


Back to the present, he felt your little hand gripping his, snapping him out of his trance. He squeezed back thrice, notifying you that he was fine. You slipped your hand out of his and looked at the family picture again.

Figuring out how to take the pictures out, you successfully managed to slip them out of the necklace. Now you have two empty heart-shaped frames. You quickly gave Dabi a small smile as thanks for the gift before hobbling off to find Kurogiri.

When you found him upstairs exiting his room, you quickly ran over to get his attention. You handed him the empty necklace while hastily scribbling your thoughts down on the paper from your pocket. You were lucky Kurogiri taught you how to write questions so thus, you put your new found skills to good use.

"Can I have picture?"

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