//ch. 29//help//

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YOU had learned quite a bit about the place you were trapped in and the people you were trapped with

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YOU had learned quite a bit about the place you were trapped in and the people you were trapped with.

Ryozo's father was the leader of whatever this organization was. You found out that you were at his secret hideout, very much like the League of Villains.

Kurono was part of this cult too. In fact, you had learned that his code name was Chrono, not much difference from his last name.

Chisaki Kai, was the famous Overhaul.

Although you didn't exactly know who he was, you were now certain that he was definitely not a pro hero.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

This was not the action of a hero, much less a pro hero. You were majorly confused. How did you end up like this? How did you end up here? What was going on?

So many thoughts filled your mind, you thought your brain was going to fry.

Chisaki, as you learned earlier, was his real last name. He came over to you as you were strapped in a chair.

"Don't move. The more you move the more it hurts", he said.

He held a syringe with a long needle. He sat next to you, as he tied a fabric on your arm, making sure your blood circulation was flowing thoroughly.

"Ready?", he asked.

It was obviously a stupid question as you were not ready to have a needle stabbed in your arm, and you never will be.

As he pushed the syringe into your arm, you teared up. This was worst than the feeling of when Shigaraki yelled at you, and that says something.

He was taking three mini tubes of blood, but to you, that was too much.

You passed out from the pain and over excessive blood loss. You whimpered as he finally took the needle out of your arm. He at least had the decency to disinfect your wound and put a bandaid on it.

Unbuckling the straps, he let you go back to your room with a guard of course, while he examined your blood.

Tears started treating down your face. No matter how many times you tried to hide or shake your head in disagreement, he'd find you and take you to the same torture room.

It had been the third time this week that he'd taken your blood. At first, it was because he was curious as you were quirkless. He had wanted to experiment whether your quirkless blood would benefit him in his goal.

The second time was because he had not believed the results. The blood the flowed within you showed that you did indeed have a quirk. But you just showed no signs of it. He even tested you, trying to see if you had a quirk but couldn't figure out what it was, if you did indeed have one that is.

The third time, which was just now, was an another experiment. For what, you weren't sure. You weren't ever sure with Chisaki. If he wanted your blood, he got it. If he wanted you to die, he would've been very capable of doing so. Yet for some reason, he had left you alive.

In the meantime, you had also met a girl named Eri. She was six, only two years older than you. Unlike you, she had a quirk, called rewind.

Her condition was way worse than yours. You felt bad for complaining even though she's gone through much worse.

You had briefly met her when Overhaul had allowed you two to play together. It has been almost a whole week since you've been here, and Eri was probably the closest you had to a friend right now.

Despite the lack of conversation, you both understood that y'all were on the same boat.

You both wanted to get out of here desperately.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"Have you found her yet??", Toga asked as she saw Dabi enter the lobby.

"No...she wasn't there", Dabi replied, dejectedly.

Toga sighed. She was on the verge of going more psychotic than she already was. If it wasn't for Tomura's orders, she would've gone on a killing spree.

"The boy said she hadn't come", Compress said as he also entered the lobby with Kurogiri.

"But we think he's lying", Kurogiri finished for Compress.

"But I couldn't find her in the mansion", Dabi said.

They were all starting to get frustrated. They thought they had a clue with the boy, only to find out that you weren't at his house.

They all sat on the couch, brainstorming.

You've been missing for almost a full week now, and they had no lead on it whatsoever. They didn't want to give up on finding you, they really didn't.

They had hoped that you weren't kidnapped by heroes. Or even worse, villains like them.

Even though it wasn't said out loud, there was an unspoken silence that every member missed you.

Toga missed all the times she'd pinch your cheeks and tuck you into bed, singing you various villainous versions of Disney songs.

Dabi missed teasing you. He missed holding your hand and taking you everywhere. Even if you didn't talk, he would always find something to converse about.

Kurogiri missed cooking with you. Out of all the members here, you were the most helpful and caring. Especially like that one time when he was sick. You did an extraordinary job on making sure he was well fed and had taken the proper medicine.

Compress missed training you. Although sometimes it was rough, he knew you'd always try your best and pull through. He admired your endurance level.

Spinner missed your warm hugs, honestly. He would never admit it out loud, but when he held you that one time, it made him feel normal for the first time in a long time. You made him feel like you didn't care that his skin was scaly and green.

Magne missed your kindness. At first she wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to have a child running around the league. But as time passed, you proved to her that you didn't judge what gender, or what the person looked like. You'd always be there to help.

Twice missed your kisses to his forehead. Sometimes, when his head felt like splitting in half, your kiss would make it feel all the better. It calmed him and his inner turmoil. And he was never more grateful for that.

Shigaraki probably took it the hardest. He felt guilty. Guilty for saying those things and even worse, letting you hear it. If anything, he had missed you the most. He missed your warm smiles and tiny hands, running lotion all over his dry skin. He missed sitting next to you on the couch and eating in silence, despite how awkward he felt at times. He missed holding your pinkie. He missed cuddling up next to your small body. He missed...you.

And he'd be damned if he didn't get you back.

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