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WITHIN the next few days of practicing, you've gotten pretty comfortable with writing random words like 'chair, table, water, apples, flowers' and the one word Dabi taught you, 'vodka'

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WITHIN the next few days of practicing, you've gotten pretty comfortable with writing random words like 'chair, table, water, apples, flowers' and the one word Dabi taught you, 'vodka'. Kurogiri made a big deal about how that word was not needed especially at your age even though you weren't entirely sure why.

In these past few days, you've also gotten used to seeing everyone come in and out of the bar. Sometimes you'd be in the company of Compress, Spinner, or Twice. Sometimes you'd be with Kurogiri. Sometimes you'd be with Dabi and/or Toga. However, you were never with Tomura for some reason. So for today, you were going to try and spend more time with him.

On some days, if they weren't out causing havoc or planning for their next attack, Kurogiri would usually let you pick who you wanted to spend your afternoon with since the mornings were reserved for him and your education lessons.

You quickly ran upstairs with Tomu-chan (A/N: that's officially the bunny's name) after your lesson and knocked on the door. These past few days, you've also learned which room belonged to who. Tomura's was at the very end, furthest away from Dabi and Toga.

You knocked on the door, expecting an irritated 'what', but instead, you were met with the glare from the red orbs you were oh-so-familiar with. Glaring down at you, it was clear he wasn't in a very good mood, as his frown deepened once he saw you.

"I'm busy. What do you want brat". You looked up at him and gave him a piece of paper that you wrote beforehand. He unwrinkled the paper and looked at you weirdly.

"You want to play? With me?", he questioned. Usually people would not approach him first, and if they did, it was either a death wish or part of the job, not to play. He took another moment to look at you, then back at the paper, before opening his door wider for you to enter.

You walked in with Tomu-chan, sitting on the floor, waiting for him to join you. The room was dark as always, with the T.V. projecting the only source of light. This reminded you of something Kurogiri has taught you two days ago. Hermits like to hide in their shells, reminding you of Shigaraki, who somehow has a similar behavior.

You look up at the screen and saw a round pink character jumping and twirling around. 'Ki-Kirby??', you thought as you tilted your head to the side, wondering what game this was. Tomura saw you staring and asked if you knew how to play SuperSmashBros. You shook your head and just watched him play the first round.

After the first few rounds ended, he looked at you, asking if you wanted to join. You debated a bit, wondering if your small fingers could even do such complex combinations.

'I mean...it's just pressing buttons. It shouldn't be that har-'

You were wrong. It was hella hard for your little 4-year-old brain to be able to keep up with Tomura's gamer ass. You picked pink Kirby while he picked blue Kirby to be "fair". Round after round you kept losing. It was no shocker since this was the first time you've ever played a video game. However, you were determined to win.

After hours of continuous rematches, there came a knock on the door, diverging Tomura's attention to the door, giving you a split second, letting you win by a close call. You were so excited you jumped up with a big smile and flung yourself at Tomura. Hugging his neck from behind while he was still sitting.

You felt his body stiffen for a moment before he told you to get off and never do that again. You bowed, frowning a bit, in hopes of him accepting your apology. Picking up Tomu-chan, you looked back up at him, waiting for what's to happen next.

He looked down at you before sighing and patting your head carefully. "It's fine", he mumbled before following Kurogiri out for dinner. You quickly followed behind him, walking beside him and staring at his hand.

Feeling a bit brave, you slowly went to grab his hand, only for him to shake it off so your hand didn't disintegrate immediately. Your hand felt a slight burn, seeming to understand why everything he held with his hands, it was always four fingers and not all five.

He stared down at you before warning you, "don't do that again".

Feeling just as determined as earlier with the video games, you lifted your small pinkie and hooked it onto his. He stopped walking to look down at you again before continuing to walk down the stairs with Kurogiri in front.

You kept holding his pinkie until you three arrived downstairs to the common area, where food was served. Tonight was spaghetti and meatballs night and you were excited. Ever since pizza was introduced to you, you couldn't help but love anything that was like an Italian dish.

Deciding you wanted to sit next to Tomura for dinner, you tugged on his pants and pointed to the couch, where you placed Tomu-chan. He walked over and sat down with his plate of spaghetti and meatballs, you trailing right behind.

The league watched you both as you two ate in silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence with the occasional laughing and cussing in the background from the other members.

You looked at Shigaraki, mentally noting that you'll definitely be spending more time with him. He turned to you, wondering why you were looking at his malnourished face so intently. And you just simply gave him a smile.

A/N: hey readers!! I hope you're enjoying the story so far!! don't worry, it'll get more interesting soon (hopefully).

if you like this, please comment, share, and like it so I know. thank you and see you next chapter!! <3

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